Mexico expels North Korean ambassador in response to sixth nuke test


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Mexico expels North Korean ambassador in response to sixth nuke test | NK News - North Korea News

Mexico’s Secretariat of Foreign Affairs on Thursday announced that it has decided to expel North Korean ambassador Kim Hyong Gil, giving him 72 hours to leave the country, in protest against the DPRK’s sixth nuke test on Sunday.


Well this should go over like a lead balloon....................
Mexico expels the NK ambassador??? really?


I would have never expected it from Mexico.
A token response. Probably happened after a preliminary call to North Korea to let them know. This won't stop North Korean aggression for one second. The only loser in all of this is the ambassador who is probably wondering how or when he will get the opportunity to set foot outside of North Korea in the future.
They dun need no steekin bassiters!

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