Mexico finds new digging under the boarder. Surprise!

Jam the ventilation systems electronic systems and shoot a flare in the tunnel 4 hours later.

The mother of all bean farts has far more explosive power than that POS made in the USA.

Na, just stick a hose in the tunnel and turn on the water.

Trust me, I've gotten rid of a great number of moles this way.

Where are you going to get the water? It's in the desert, not south Florida!
So I've read all the posts in this thread. There wasn't that many.

Most, not all of the posts from the conservatives involve violence. Some chemical warfare, some want to just kill people using conventional means.

This doesn't surprise me.

It does horrify and disgust me.

Whether they are committing the misdemeanor crime of coming across this border or the more serious crime of trafficking drugs, conservatives who are the ones who say they're so patriotic and love our constitution want to violate that constitution in regard to this. The conservatives who say they're the law and order party want to throw law and order out the window.

What a sane and mature person wants to do is close up the tunnel with cement, try to find those who created it and put a stop to it.

By the way, it just shows the point so may have been saying. That wall trump says he wants to build won't stop any tunnels. That wall that trump said Mexico was going to pay for won't be paid by Mexico if any of it gets built.

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