Mexico lashes out at US....


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mexico lashes out at US after migrant massacre
The Associated Press

"Of course we have the moral authority, because Mexican officials are not shooting Central American youths at the border, but U.S. agents are shooting Mexican migrants," Calderon said in an interview with the Spanish-language Univision network.

"If we are talking about responsibility, at the root of this, in the case of immigration, is the lack of immigration legislation in the United States that would recognize this phenomenon," Calderon said.

Funes, however, said during his joint appearance with Calderon that the home nations of migrants bear some of the responsibility for immigration problems.

"In part, the greatest responsibility lies with our governments, the Salvadoran government, for not having generated the employment conditions, the welfare conditions, that doesn't leave our migrants any choice but to look for other opportunities in the United States and Canada

Read more: Mexico lashes out at US after migrant massacre -
Yes the problem is lack of legislation here. Not lack of an economy, and government that can sustain it's people with out them having to flee to their neighbor to the north.

"In part, the greatest responsibility lies with our governments, the Salvadoran government, for not having generated the employment conditions, the welfare conditions, that doesn't leave our migrants any choice but to look for other opportunities in the United States and Canada

Note how the cocksucker says our governments. AS if it is the responsibility of the US government to look out for the employment and welfare conditions of Mexico.

They want us to look out for them, then Dissolve your government and beg to join the US. lol

What Hippocratical assholes.
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We've turned into a bunch of PUSSIES, folks.


When other countries that couldn't exist without us presume to tell us what and how WE SHOULD be doing for them!


When we bow ourselves down to grovel in sorrow that we've actually built something that we can and SHOULD be proud of.
We've turned into a bunch of PUSSIES, folks.


When other countries that couldn't exist without us presume to tell us what and how WE SHOULD be doing for them!


When we bow ourselves down to grovel in sorrow that we've actually built something that we can and SHOULD be proud of.

I decided we were done, the day it became the norm to claim we can not protect our borders.

Game over. The greatest nation on earth. The arsenal of Democracy. The people who put a man on the moon, can not stop drug smugglers, and illegals from crossing a 2000 Mile border much of which is mountains and inhospitable Desert. Laughable. Might as well sell this place to Canada and go fishing.
Although it sounds like some sort of conspiracy theory, I believe the "theory" part of that statement has been overtaken by events:

It was decided that this CONTINENT would become the United States of North America,

and this new country would encompass Mexico, the U.S.A. and Canada.

I haven't done the in-depth research, as yet, but it began with BI-Lingual education,

has been seen in the NAFTA gyrations,

and will soon be evident in our currency.

It's a sad day, indeed, to find that your DEMOCRATIC government has sold you, your children and your country out to the highest bidder. <sigh>
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On one side they have no room to talk, on the other side, their crime rate would go down if we were not their number one customer when it comes to drugs. We bitch about them coming here, but then we buy all their drugs.
Mexico LASHES out at the United States.

tough shit. Clean up your OWN hellhole country and we American CITIZENS will worry about ours.

gawd, what a friggen joke.
You wonder why Mexico is so upset???? Simple. The United States is Mexico's greatest welfare program.
You wonder why Mexico is so upset???? Simple. The United States is Mexico's greatest welfare program.

And they supply us with our vices.

Mexico doesn't have the drug addiction problem we do, but they have drug wars. I wonder why? We are creating the drug wars in their country. We use Mexico like it is our personal play ground, and then we treat them like crap.
You wonder why Mexico is so upset???? Simple. The United States is Mexico's greatest welfare program.

And they supply us with our vices.

Mexico doesn't have the drug addiction problem we do, but they have drug wars. I wonder why? We are creating the drug wars in their country. We use Mexico like it is our personal play ground, and then we treat them like crap.

bullshit Luissa the Mexican government publishes phamplets showing the illegals how to get here and to forge ID's to get services. We are the one's being used here.
Mexico could be a super power if the country wasn't so corrupt. The government of Mexico has only itself to blame.

n February 2009, De Goyler & McNaughton certified that the Chicontepec Field had reserves comparable with half of those in Saudi Arabia, which puts Mexico at the third place of the countries with most oil reserves after Arabia and Canada, yet, it will take Mexico upwards of nine years to fully exploit these reserves at the current pace of the Mexican oil industry. [

Oil reserves in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL, so NOW ALL THE PROBLEMS in Mexico is the fault of the United States.

did you all know that?
As long as we have a welfare state that gives away everything but the drug store, we're not going to get a handle on illegal immigration,imho but Mexico needs to do it's part too and create a society where it's citizens don't want to migrate to begin with.
I wonder how many people in the Mexico government are funded by Americans?

I have no idea. But what I do know is that millions of Mexican people living in the U.S. are funded by the American government.

To be honest Luissa, I don't know why the U.S. has not helped Mexico out of it's third world misery. I'm sure that's what NAFTA was about, but I'm ignorant on the subject.

We vacation in Mexico quite often, and I love it. The beaches are beautiful and the people love Americans and their money. It has so much potential and it bothers me that for many it is a hell hole. Maybe we should buy it. Obama should make Calderon an offer and we can develop the oil industry and get the hell out of the Middle East. Maybe we could make him the Pot Czar. :lol:

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