Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Source: CNBC

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Holly Ellyatt | Hadley Gamble
2 Hours Ago
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might want to build a wall across the country's southern border to keep Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for it, the former Mexican president told CNBC, calling the billionaire a "not very well-informed man."

The Presidential hopeful shocked viewers in October by insisting that, if elected, he would build a wall the Mexican border and what's more, Mexico would pay for it. But Felipe Calderon, the former president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012, told CNBC on Saturday that there was no way that Mexico would pay for such a device.

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless," Calderon said.

"The first loser of such a policy would be the United States," he added. "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade (or) for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy."

Read more: Mexico 'won't pay a cent for Trump's stupid wall'

It is highly doubtful that Mexico will pay anything.
You're quoting a former Mexican president? I don't care who pays for it, just build it...then put armed guards all over it.
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Source: CNBC

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Holly Ellyatt | Hadley Gamble
2 Hours Ago
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might want to build a wall across the country's southern border to keep Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for it, the former Mexican president told CNBC, calling the billionaire a "not very well-informed man."

The Presidential hopeful shocked viewers in October by insisting that, if elected, he would build a wall the Mexican border and what's more, Mexico would pay for it. But Felipe Calderon, the former president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012, told CNBC on Saturday that there was no way that Mexico would pay for such a device.

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless," Calderon said.

"The first loser of such a policy would be the United States," he added. "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade (or) for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy."

Read more: Mexico 'won't pay a cent for Trump's stupid wall'

It is highly doubtful that Mexico will pay anything.
They won't have any choice.

Mexico has been stealing from us for decades.
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Source: CNBC

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Holly Ellyatt | Hadley Gamble
2 Hours Ago
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might want to build a wall across the country's southern border to keep Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for it, the former Mexican president told CNBC, calling the billionaire a "not very well-informed man."

The Presidential hopeful shocked viewers in October by insisting that, if elected, he would build a wall the Mexican border and what's more, Mexico would pay for it. But Felipe Calderon, the former president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012, told CNBC on Saturday that there was no way that Mexico would pay for such a device.

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless," Calderon said.

"The first loser of such a policy would be the United States," he added. "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade (or) for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy."

Read more: Mexico 'won't pay a cent for Trump's stupid wall'

It is highly doubtful that Mexico will pay anything.

There are other ways to be paid than by a direct cash
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Source: CNBC

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Holly Ellyatt | Hadley Gamble
2 Hours Ago
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might want to build a wall across the country's southern border to keep Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for it, the former Mexican president told CNBC, calling the billionaire a "not very well-informed man."

The Presidential hopeful shocked viewers in October by insisting that, if elected, he would build a wall the Mexican border and what's more, Mexico would pay for it. But Felipe Calderon, the former president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012, told CNBC on Saturday that there was no way that Mexico would pay for such a device.

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless," Calderon said.

"The first loser of such a policy would be the United States," he added. "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade (or) for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy."

Read more: Mexico 'won't pay a cent for Trump's stupid wall'

It is highly doubtful that Mexico will pay anything.

This is a surprise to whom? Mexico likes having the border wide open. Why would they want to build a wall? Keep the cartels in?
You're an idiot...Mexico COULD / SHOULD lose their 'foreign aid' they receive from the US every year, the money to be used to build 'the wall'. Technically that is still OUR money, but it would be money Mexico loses.

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's military invading the U.S. to provide cover / protection to Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

NBC news: Mexican incursions inflame border situation

(*** I personally would have scrambled jets / A-10s from the nearest airbase and would have blown their military and the drug cartel drug vehicles / shipment to hail. International incident? Absolutely!)

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's police crossing the border to protect Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

Breitbart: Mexican Cops Crossed into U.S. Searching for Drug Smugglers

The Mexican Govt, while brutally protecting its own southern border, has not only been ALLOWING their people to cross into the US, they have HELPED them cross our borders, they have also aided them in doing so:

LINK: Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration | Fox News

So, building a wall or not, for aiding illegals cross our borders, for their police and military escorting drug cartel drug shipments across into our country, foreign aid should be cut anyway.
Let's face facts, people who take Trump seriously are losers and Trump wins by taking advantage of them. The guy has learned to walk away with millions while his investors who put their trust in him take the hit. That's his Modus operandi.
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Source: CNBC

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Holly Ellyatt | Hadley Gamble
2 Hours Ago
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might want to build a wall across the country's southern border to keep Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for it, the former Mexican president told CNBC, calling the billionaire a "not very well-informed man."

The Presidential hopeful shocked viewers in October by insisting that, if elected, he would build a wall the Mexican border and what's more, Mexico would pay for it. But Felipe Calderon, the former president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012, told CNBC on Saturday that there was no way that Mexico would pay for such a device.

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless," Calderon said.

"The first loser of such a policy would be the United States," he added. "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade (or) for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy."

Read more: Mexico 'won't pay a cent for Trump's stupid wall'

It is highly doubtful that Mexico will pay anything.
that's why Canada should pay for it. (take it easy toro, i'm kidding)
Last edited:
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Source: CNBC

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Holly Ellyatt | Hadley Gamble
2 Hours Ago
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might want to build a wall across the country's southern border to keep Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for it, the former Mexican president told CNBC, calling the billionaire a "not very well-informed man."

The Presidential hopeful shocked viewers in October by insisting that, if elected, he would build a wall the Mexican border and what's more, Mexico would pay for it. But Felipe Calderon, the former president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012, told CNBC on Saturday that there was no way that Mexico would pay for such a device.

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless," Calderon said.

"The first loser of such a policy would be the United States," he added. "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade (or) for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy."

Read more: Mexico 'won't pay a cent for Trump's stupid wall'

It is highly doubtful that Mexico will pay anything.
Does anyone believe anything anyone in Mexico says????
Let's face facts, people who take Trump seriously are losers and Trump wins by taking advantage of them. The guy has learned to walk away with millions while his investors who put their trust in him take the hit. That's his Modus operandi.

here's what won't happen under President Trump:

downgrading the military
ignoring veterans
shit like fast and furious
leading from behind
wasting money
losing at trade
off shore wealth storage
cash for clunkers
fake red lines
abandoning Americans in the heat of battle
lying about abandoning American in the heat of battle
helping the muslim brotherhood
trying to make iran great again
making up stories about what caused benghazi just before the election
private email for convenience
million dollar a night white house parties
buzzing manhattan in airforce one
killing the space program
crony capitalism
open borders
blaming the police for everything
chicago murder rates going up faster than ever
chasing and screwing teenage whitehouse interns
using the irs as a tool against conservatives
jailtime for not buying health insurance
insulting the supreme court
closing guantanamo
fabulous vacations on the peoples' dime
socialism of any kind
excluding women from debates
cozying up with the butcher castro brothers

just the tip of the iceberg..... there are so many more......

Several big U.S. cities see homicide rates surge - USA Today
USA Today
Jul 10, 2015 - Milwaukee is not alone. The number of murders in 2015 jumped by 33% or more in Baltimore, New Orleans and St. Louis. Meanwhile, in Chicago, the nation's third-largest city, the homicide toll climbed 19% and the number of shooting incidents increased by 21% during the first half of the year.
Last edited:
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Source: CNBC

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Holly Ellyatt | Hadley Gamble
2 Hours Ago
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump might want to build a wall across the country's southern border to keep Mexican migrants out but don't expect Mexico to pay for it, the former Mexican president told CNBC, calling the billionaire a "not very well-informed man."

The Presidential hopeful shocked viewers in October by insisting that, if elected, he would build a wall the Mexican border and what's more, Mexico would pay for it. But Felipe Calderon, the former president of Mexico between 2006 and 2012, told CNBC on Saturday that there was no way that Mexico would pay for such a device.

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless," Calderon said.

"The first loser of such a policy would be the United States," he added. "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade (or) for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy."

Read more: Mexico 'won't pay a cent for Trump's stupid wall'

It is highly doubtful that Mexico will pay anything.
Well since you are bragging about Obama's roaring economy, we can cut welfare in half. That will be able to pay for it. So quit your obsession about it.
Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

Of course not, they'll pay it in pesos. :D
You're an idiot...Mexico COULD / SHOULD lose their 'foreign aid' they receive from the US every year, the money to be used to build 'the wall'. Technically that is still OUR money, but it would be money Mexico loses.

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's military invading the U.S. to provide cover / protection to Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

NBC news: Mexican incursions inflame border situation

(*** I personally would have scrambled jets / A-10s from the nearest airbase and would have blown their military and the drug cartel drug vehicles / shipment to hail. International incident? Absolutely!)

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's police crossing the border to protect Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

Breitbart: Mexican Cops Crossed into U.S. Searching for Drug Smugglers

The Mexican Govt, while brutally protecting its own southern border, has not only been ALLOWING their people to cross into the US, they have HELPED them cross our borders, they have also aided them in doing so:

LINK: Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration | Fox News

So, building a wall or not, for aiding illegals cross our borders, for their police and military escorting drug cartel drug shipments across into our country, foreign aid should be cut anyway.
If we cut aid and Mexico becomes even more poor, won't even MORE citizens come over here looking for a decent life?
You're an idiot...Mexico COULD / SHOULD lose their 'foreign aid' they receive from the US every year, the money to be used to build 'the wall'. Technically that is still OUR money, but it would be money Mexico loses.

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's military invading the U.S. to provide cover / protection to Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

NBC news: Mexican incursions inflame border situation

(*** I personally would have scrambled jets / A-10s from the nearest airbase and would have blown their military and the drug cartel drug vehicles / shipment to hail. International incident? Absolutely!)

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's police crossing the border to protect Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

Breitbart: Mexican Cops Crossed into U.S. Searching for Drug Smugglers

The Mexican Govt, while brutally protecting its own southern border, has not only been ALLOWING their people to cross into the US, they have HELPED them cross our borders, they have also aided them in doing so:

LINK: Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration | Fox News

So, building a wall or not, for aiding illegals cross our borders, for their police and military escorting drug cartel drug shipments across into our country, foreign aid should be cut anyway.
If we cut aid and Mexico becomes even more poor, won't even MORE citizens come over here looking for a decent life?

The all....the wall.....:)

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