Mexico’s President Says Migrants Have a Right to Move to the U.S.

You stupid fucks would have cheered for the Berlin Wall.
The Berlin wall wasnt meant to keep people out. Thank you for your retarded point, it made me laugh. :laugh:

Actually, that's exactly what they claimed it was for when they built it. That's how it was sold, but you know, things change.
---------------------------- but WHY would i as an American care about the 'berlin wall' and i remember it coming down DBlack . Same as 'mexicans' let them be walled up rather than come to the USA let them head 'south' DBlack if they want Freedom .
and ugly direction has been coming from the 'mexican' and 'otm' side along with 'bushs' , reagan , clinton . mrobama and others for the last 70 years after 'ike' cleaned thing up DBlack .
You stupid fucks would have cheered for the Berlin Wall.
The Berlin wall wasnt meant to keep people out. Thank you for your retarded point, it made me laugh. :laugh:

Actually, that's exactly what they claimed it was for when they built it. That's how it was sold, but you know, things change.
Do you think our wall will change and americans wont be allowed to leave?

That's not my main reason for opposing the wall, but yeah - it's certainly possible.

See, I think things are starting to really tilt in an ugly direction. And I don't think Trump supporters have the balls to call him on it if he does go too far. Trump's saving grace (if you'll allow) is that he isn't a Hitler type. He's irrational and unpredictable - which makes him dangerous - but he doesn't have a grand agenda. The more insidious problem is that fascism is actually what many of his supporters want. And if it's up to Trump we might as well flip a coin. They might get it.
Ok, now you look even dumber than before. You think that could happen with the myriad of checks and balances in the US, not to mention the fact that the next president would reverse it all? Youre dumb.
Do you believe the nads on this asshole?

Mexico’s President told President Donald Trump that America is for migrants. His disrespectful comments came after President Trump announced tariffs that would be imposed on Mexico until they stopped the flow of migrants. The New York Times reported that President Trump said Thursday that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all imported goods from Mexico beginning June 10, a tax that would “gradually increase” until the flow of undocumented immigrants across the border stopped. The announcement, which Mr. Trump made on his Twitter feed, said the tariffs would be in place “until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.”

THe actions and stated policies of both Mexico and American liberals and establishment republicans show that they agree with this.

I commend him for his honesty.

Now that it is clear that this is an invasion by an hostile enemy nation, we can start being more serious about this shit.
...He's right.They do...

Outsiders have no right whatsoever to migrate to the United States. We say who comes in and who does not. We do.

...It sounds like Trumpsters would like him to hold people in his country against their will...

What is needed is for Mexico to (a) control its Southern Border and (b) deny transit-access to those crossing
They also need to (c) control their own people and prevent them from crossing the US Border illegally it in large numbers.

Your interpretation is pure Libtard Hor$e$hit... No Sale.

Apparently, Republicans think it's ok for a government to imprison its people and not let them leave...
Your interpretation is pure Libtard Hor$e$hit... No Sale.

... That's what worries me about their fucking wall.
Your interpretation is pure Libtard Hor$e$hit... No Sale.

He's right. They do.

It sounds like Trumpsters would like him to hold people in his country against their will. Apparently, Republicans think it's ok for a government to imprison its people and not let them leave. That's what worries me about their fucking wall.

Your ignorant ass might need a to read a document that us real Americans knew quite well by third grade.
El presidente Obrador's letter implies as much, from the translations I have read. it reads, on part (translated):
"President Roosevelt was a titan of liberties. He proclaimed the four fundamental rights of humankind before anyone else: the right to freedom of speech, the right to freedom of religion, the right to live free from fear, and the right to live free from misery".
Additionally, Obrador argued that “universal justice” will triumph over national borders, saying: With all due respect, even though you have the right to express it, the slogan “America First” is a fallacy because until the end of time, even over national borders, universal justice and fraternity will prevail...

You could argue the Mexican President was advocating for illegal aliens. It's a matter of interpretation. Or Did I miss something?
Keep in mind this is the president of a country that affords none of those rights to their own citizens and has a ten year jail sentence for coming to their country illegally.
Mexico is a feudal state being run by drug kingpins lackeys shadow puppets , lets face it. All the talk about fallacies and universal justice coming from a mouthpiece of every corrupt influence under the sun... there's an example of Hubris or Hypocrisy.
It’s the definition of a shithole country. How the hell do you spend 200+ years next door to the greatest nation the world has ever seen and never learn a damn thing.
we conquered Mexico?.....or did we just win a war?.....
Conquered it gave some back
learn what the difference is between winning a conflict and conquering a country ....we never conquered mexico....
Yes we did
we marched all the way to their capital and put up our flag and moved our military that what happened?....
Damn right we did! Remember the Alamo ! Heeyyyy yaweeed
you need to learn what conquer means....
Do you believe the nads on this asshole?

Mexico’s President told President Donald Trump that America is for migrants. His disrespectful comments came after President Trump announced tariffs that would be imposed on Mexico until they stopped the flow of migrants. The New York Times reported that President Trump said Thursday that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all imported goods from Mexico beginning June 10, a tax that would “gradually increase” until the flow of undocumented immigrants across the border stopped. The announcement, which Mr. Trump made on his Twitter feed, said the tariffs would be in place “until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.”

What is Trudeau doing about the illegals coming from your country?
What are you doing about your brain damage?
You stupid fucks would have cheered for the Berlin Wall.
The Berlin wall wasnt meant to keep people out. Thank you for your retarded point, it made me laugh. :laugh:

Actually, that's exactly what they claimed it was for when they built it. That's how it was sold, but you know, things change.
Do you think our wall will change and americans wont be allowed to leave? If not, then whats your point?
His point is that he's a brain damaged moron.
Do you believe the nads on this asshole?

Mexico’s President told President Donald Trump that America is for migrants. His disrespectful comments came after President Trump announced tariffs that would be imposed on Mexico until they stopped the flow of migrants. The New York Times reported that President Trump said Thursday that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all imported goods from Mexico beginning June 10, a tax that would “gradually increase” until the flow of undocumented immigrants across the border stopped. The announcement, which Mr. Trump made on his Twitter feed, said the tariffs would be in place “until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.”
75% tariff.


Well, this month China starts tariffs against us, and we start tariffs against Mexico.

Gonna be interesting to see what the latter part of June looks like for the economy.

So in your world China didn't have tariffs against us before Trump?

Harley-Davidson Roars Into China | IndustryWeek
At prices ranging from 100,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan (US$12,300 to $37,000) each, the bikes cost 80% to 90% more than they do in the U.S. because of customs duties and other taxes China imposes. The high costs are just one of the reasons that the China journey for Harley-Davidson is just beginning

Harley-Davidson Roars Into China
By Cindy Sui, Agence France-Presse | Apr 10, 2006

He's right. They do.

It sounds like Trumpsters would like him to hold people in his country against their will. Apparently, Republicans think it's ok for a government to imprison its people and not let them leave. That's what worries me about their fucking wall.

Sounds like Mexico could do a better job of taking care of its people.

He's right. They do.

It sounds like Trumpsters would like him to hold people in his country against their will. Apparently, Republicans think it's ok for a government to imprison its people and not let them leave. That's what worries me about their fucking wall.


Funny, it sounds dblack wants to hold illegal aliens in his country against the country's will.

Apparently, Liberals like you have no grasp of national sovereignty.

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