Mexico’s President Says Migrants Have a Right to Move to the U.S.

He's right. They do.

It sounds like Trumpsters would like him to hold people in his country against their will. Apparently, Republicans think it's ok for a government to imprison its people and not let them leave. That's what worries me about their fucking wall.
as long as they get in line and are willing to sign their name on the dotted line.....otherwise no they dont....
Do you believe the nads on this asshole?

Mexico’s President told President Donald Trump that America is for migrants. His disrespectful comments came after President Trump announced tariffs that would be imposed on Mexico until they stopped the flow of migrants. The New York Times reported that President Trump said Thursday that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all imported goods from Mexico beginning June 10, a tax that would “gradually increase” until the flow of undocumented immigrants across the border stopped. The announcement, which Mr. Trump made on his Twitter feed, said the tariffs would be in place “until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.”
Sure, why not? It's a "right" now? Just because we American schmucks are never asked what WE would like, let's let the president of a corrupt country directly causing this immigration fiasco decide what's right... A regular King Solomon.
You think that the leader of a country that the US took half of its territory through backstabbing and war is going to give any care about that countries problems?

Fine. Let the carpet bombing commence!
Do you believe the nads on this asshole?

Mexico’s President told President Donald Trump that America is for migrants. His disrespectful comments came after President Trump announced tariffs that would be imposed on Mexico until they stopped the flow of migrants. The New York Times reported that President Trump said Thursday that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all imported goods from Mexico beginning June 10, a tax that would “gradually increase” until the flow of undocumented immigrants across the border stopped. The announcement, which Mr. Trump made on his Twitter feed, said the tariffs would be in place “until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.”
Sure, why not? It's a "right" now? Just because we American schmucks are never asked what WE would like, let's let the president of a corrupt country directly causing this immigration fiasco decide what's right... A regular King Solomon.
You think that the leader of a country that the US took half of its territory through backstabbing and war is going to give any care about that countries problems?

Fine. Let the carpet bombing commence!
Not without Congressional approval and that ain't gonna happen..

He's right. They do.

It sounds like Trumpsters would like him to hold people in his country against their will. Apparently, Republicans think it's ok for a government to imprison its people and not let them leave. That's what worries me about their fucking wall.
They have no such right, moron. Furthermore, most of these illegals entering our country are from Honduras and El Salvador.
i don't think its fake , the attitude in the OP is mexican thinking XPO .

It's fake. He didn't say what the OP claims he said.

It's a nice little trick to get people like you to believe bullshit.
People like who? I asked for verification. Is this a matter where someone was paraphrased out of context, or one that NEVER happened?

People like the person I responded to and the original poster.

There was a letter. The letter was not paraphrased accurately. Like I said, click-bait bullshit.

Here is the original. Unfortunately, you would need to translate it.

Here is the Fox News Link. Notice that they have a different narrative: Mexican president lashes out at Trump in angry letter, says he turned US into anti-immigrant country 'overnight'

He's right. They do.

It sounds like Trumpsters would like him to hold people in his country against their will. Apparently, Republicans think it's ok for a government to imprison its people and not let them leave. That's what worries me about their fucking wall.

Legal migrants have the right but illegal migrants do not.

You do know the difference and those that illegally entered Mexico should be sent back to country of origin and Mexico should respect our border.
As i said , i don't believe that its FAKE though i don't know . I can't find a back up link Mary .

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