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MI6 and CIA heard Iraq had no active WMD capabilities

MI6 and CIA heard Iraq had no active WMD capability ahead of invasion | World news | guardian.co.uk

Fresh evidence is revealed today about how MI6 and the CIA were told through secret channels by Saddam Hussein's foreign minister and his head of intelligence that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction.

Tony Blair told parliament before the war that intelligence showed Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programme was "active", "growing" and "up and running".

A special BBC Panorama programme tonight will reveal how British and US intelligence agencies were informed by top sources months before the invasion that Iraq had no active WMD programme, and that the information was not passed to subsequent inquiries.

It describes how Naji Sabri, Saddam's foreign minister, told the CIA's station chief in Paris at the time, Bill Murray, through an intermediary that Iraq had "virtually nothing" in terms of WMD.


There were a great number of people (both Iraqi and American) who wanted the US to invade Iraq for reasons of their own. Let's consider Iraqi reasons for just a moment. If you're an expatriot Iraqi who wants to go home to your family, but you can't because you're a wanted man by Saddam's secret police, you're going to want Saddam gone. And are you going to care how that happens? No. Would you lie or support a fabricated story that will make it much more likely that the strongest military in the world will get rid of Saddam FOR you...so you can go home because you don't want to live in exile in the West for the rest of your life? Of course you would lie. And professional American foreign policy experts would know that the word of certain Iraqis could not be taken at face value.

Lets not forget Isreals interest in getting the USA to onvade Iraq.
I thought they found a bunch of yellow cake?

They did!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" - the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment - was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq - CBS News

From your article:
"There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."
Like the reactor that was blown up by the Israelis because it was bieng used to produce weapons?

What do those reactors have to do with 2003? Do you not get what UN inspected is?

Just the fact that the Yellow Cake was still there. And the UN insepected is a farce just like the inspectors were.

So Bush left the yellowcake there? for terrorists to get and make dirty bombs?
And Obama got rid of it?
MI6 and CIA heard Iraq had no active WMD capability ahead of invasion | World news | guardian.co.uk

Fresh evidence is revealed today about how MI6 and the CIA were told through secret channels by Saddam Hussein's foreign minister and his head of intelligence that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction.

Tony Blair told parliament before the war that intelligence showed Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programme was "active", "growing" and "up and running".

A special BBC Panorama programme tonight will reveal how British and US intelligence agencies were informed by top sources months before the invasion that Iraq had no active WMD programme, and that the information was not passed to subsequent inquiries.

It describes how Naji Sabri, Saddam's foreign minister, told the CIA's station chief in Paris at the time, Bill Murray, through an intermediary that Iraq had "virtually nothing" in terms of WMD.


War is big business, and I adamantly believe that $$$ was the #1 reason the US invaded Iraq; there's really no other explanation. I just read somewhere that it's estimated the war cost taxpayers about $2 trillion so far. That's $2 trillion in revenue for all of the arms makers, the uniform suppliers, the temporary housing suppliers, ect, ect. Dick Cheney's company Halliburton was even being criticized for charging US soldiers (and ultimately taxpayers) over $100 for every load of laundry!

Even in 2003, it was publicly known that Iraq had absolutely zero connection to the events that happened on 9/11/2001.

It's all so sad, especially given that so many young people came home maimed or killed, and so many innocent civilians on the other side payed the ultimate price too... for what? Money?

If there's a hell, the architects behind all this will be paying a very steep price.


Does that include this "architect"?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority."
Couple things here.
Was it "no WMD's" or "Virtually nothing"?
And this is from the foreign minister who would have a very good reason to lie. The were trying to keep the US and other from attacking.
Also if you are giong to believe this guy why not this?
"The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein’s air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed. The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, “Saddam’s Secrets,” released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun."
Iraq?s WMD Moved to Syria Before War, Says General

George Sadas sided with the US in the invasion, he hardly was Saddam's number 2 and he was a Chaldean piece of shit. Excuse my language. I never believed a word from a Chaldean's mouth.

Absolutely no evidence anything was moved to Syria by US investigators.

Report Finds No Evidence Syria Hid Iraqi Arms

But you will believe the words of the foreign minister with no evidence? A man who had even more reason to lie than Sadas?
Do you always cherry pick facts to suit you agenda?

Sadas lied about WMD's being moved to Syria. And the UN found nothing indicating Iraq had WMD's. intelligence services in other NATO countries also said the same thing. Blair ignored his intelligence report as well.
Does that include this "architect"?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority."

It includes all architects, Dem and Republican alike.

I don't think Hillary, however, was a chief architect; she was likely just one of the many Congresspeople - Dem and Republican alike - fooled into thinking Iraq posed a threat to the US.
How can it be proved that he lied about them moving?

I linked the article on the first page, no evidence at all was found by US investigators.

I understand that, bro
I am just saying that he said they moved them, hence, how would they know?
IDK if their is some uncontrollable residue it leaves or...

Who's they? Do you mean the investigators? But wouldn't Georges know where the WMD's were in Syria if he apparently was there when Saddam ordered the pilots to move them. But the Duelfer Report said it was unlikely any transfer happened at all.
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I linked the article on the first page, no evidence at all was found by US investigators.

I understand that, bro
I am just saying that he said they moved them, hence, how would they know?
IDK if their is some uncontrollable residue it leaves or...

Who's they? Do you mean the investigators? But wouldn't Georges know where the WMD's were in Syria if he apparently was there when Saddam ordered the pilots to move them. But the Duelfer Report said it was unlikely any transfer happened at all.

I understand that, bro
I am just saying that he said they moved them, hence, how would they know?
IDK if their is some uncontrollable residue it leaves or...

Who's they? Do you mean the investigators? But wouldn't Georges know where the WMD's were in Syria if he apparently was there when Saddam ordered the pilots to move them. But the Duelfer Report said it was unlikely any transfer happened at all.


What do those reactors have to do with 2003? Do you not get what UN inspected is?

Just the fact that the Yellow Cake was still there. And the UN insepected is a farce just like the inspectors were.

So Bush left the yellowcake there? for terrorists to get and make dirty bombs?
And Obama got rid of it?

The yellowcake did not belong to Bush or Obama. All Obama did was continue Bush's initiative to dispose of the yellowcake that was started early in 2008.

The AP article is dated July 16,2009.

The Iraqi government sold the yellowcake to a Canadian uranium producer, Cameco Corp., in a transaction the official described as worth "tens of millions of dollars." A Cameco spokesman, Lyle Krahn, declined to discuss the price, but said the yellowcake will be processed at facilities in Ontario for use in energy-producing reactors.

"We are pleased ... that we have taken (the yellowcake) from a volatile region into a stable area to produce clean electricity," he said.

The deal culminated more than a year of intense diplomatic and military initiatives - kept hushed in fear of ambushes or attacks once the convoys were under way: first carrying 3,500 barrels by road to Baghdad, then on 37 military flights to the Indian Ocean atoll of Diego Garcia and finally aboard a U.S.-flagged ship for a 8,500-mile trip to Montreal.
Does that include this "architect"?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority."

It includes all architects, Dem and Republican alike.

I don't think Hillary, however, was a chief architect; she was likely just one of the many Congresspeople - Dem and Republican alike - fooled into thinking Iraq posed a threat to the US.

If there's a hell, the architects behind all this will be paying a very steep price.

Then you weren't paying attention. Are their any other Democrats that were fooled that you give a pass too?
I thought they found a bunch of yellow cake?

They did!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" - the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment - was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

U.S. Secretly Takes Yellowcake From Iraq - CBS News

From your article:
"There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said."

Nukes can be made from pre-1991 yellowcake just as easily as from 2013 yellowcake.
MI6 and CIA heard Iraq had no active WMD capability ahead of invasion | World news | guardian.co.uk

Fresh evidence is revealed today about how MI6 and the CIA were told through secret channels by Saddam Hussein's foreign minister and his head of intelligence that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction.

Tony Blair told parliament before the war that intelligence showed Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programme was "active", "growing" and "up and running".

A special BBC Panorama programme tonight will reveal how British and US intelligence agencies were informed by top sources months before the invasion that Iraq had no active WMD programme, and that the information was not passed to subsequent inquiries.

It describes how Naji Sabri, Saddam's foreign minister, told the CIA's station chief in Paris at the time, Bill Murray, through an intermediary that Iraq had "virtually nothing" in terms of WMD.

Well duh, there are two problems with this story. The first problem is whether to believe "secret" information released by the Hussein government while they were preventing inspectors from entering the country. The second problem is what the hell the CIA was doing with the "information". The CIA hasn't been on top of any important event since WW2.

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