Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

The clerk should have shot Big Mike the minute he started his shit.

The kid was big. He has used his size all his life. There isn't a single doubt that he tried to do the same thing with the cop and that's how the cop got injured and went to the hospital. The cop had a gun, the clerk did not.
Funny how the term "gentle giant" seems to no longer be used to describe 'Big Mike' by his family and Crump. I wonder why that is?
The problem here is that whites are seeing this from the perspective that Brown in that video was aggressive and appears to have pushed an innocent clerk in a threatening fashion and maybe even took items without paying for them.

Blacks are looking at it from the perspective that they've been intimidated and treated as less than persons in this town and their need to push back.

Brown doesn't show a very likable person in the video, but I don't know if it's true that he was trying to grab the cop's gun, or if the cop, already in attack mode might have elevated the situation to the level that he did.

I think we need unbiased authorities to examine all the available evidence/videos before making a rash decision. This black/white animosity needs to end or we will end up with another civil war and more innocent people are going to die over something that can be made better.


Absolutely! Something is not right here.

When someone's story keeps on changing then the odds are they are either lying or have something to hide. In most instances that is how the cops can tell when someone is guilty.

However in this instance it is the cops whose story keeps changing and they appear as though they have something to hide.

So this needs to be taken out of the jurisdiction of the Ferguson PD and handed over to the MO State troopers or the FBI to find out what actually happened here IMO.
There is a lot of things you don't see, I guess when you have your head stuck up obama's ass the only thing you could see is what he had for dinner last night.

What an asinine comment.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. This is really not even about race but about the possibility of a policeman mishandling a 'situation.'

The issue about race in this event seems to me to be about a town that is 70% black being patrolled by a police force that is 90% white. It would make the place like a prison camp, tantamount to the Israelis being in control of a Palestinian town. People need to have a police force that reflects the ethnic and cultural background of its people. If, and we don't know for sure, the teenager who was killed stole (shoplifted) from a mini-mart, it is not something we in America shoot folks for.

In the end, I am with those who say let the facts come out before we put a final judgment on anyone.
The FACT is the Ferguson police force can't get any 'young Black men/women' who meet even the most basic requirements to become a police officer to apply for the job.The 'qualified ones don't want to work anywhere near a shit hole like Ferguson. They are all working in cities where they don't have to fear that their families will be harassed by Blacks spray painting 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES' on the side of their homes and having their kids harassed at school b/c 'daddy is a pig'.

This is total bullshit. You are rumor mongering, speculating and calling things a fact that you have no concrete evidence of. Do you even know what a fact is? What a fucking moron you are.

Based on your reasoning, all the white police officers in Ferguson are barely qualified and couldn't get jobs anywhere else because Ferguson is such a "shit hole." You're an idiot.
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Is this a good reason for segregation? Black communities should only have black police officers. White communities have white police officers.
What an asinine comment.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. This is really not even about race but about the possibility of a policeman mishandling a 'situation.'

The issue about race in this event seems to me to be about a town that is 70% black being patrolled by a police force that is 90% white. It would make the place like a prison camp, tantamount to the Israelis being in control of a Palestinian town. People need to have a police force that reflects the ethnic and cultural background of its people. If, and we don't know for sure, the teenager who was killed stole (shoplifted) from a mini-mart, it is not something we in America shoot folks for.

In the end, I am with those who say let the facts come out before we put a final judgment on anyone.
The FACT is the Ferguson police force can't get any 'young Black men/women' who meet even the most basic requirements to become a police officer to apply for the job.The 'qualified ones don't want to work anywhere near a shit hole like Ferguson. They are all working in cities where they don't have to fear that their families will be harassed by Blacks spray painting 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES' on the side of their homes and having their kids harassed at school b/c 'daddy is a pig'.

This is total bullshit. You are rumor mongering, speculating and calling things a fact that you have no concrete evidence of. Do you even know what a fact is? What a fucking moron you are.

Based on your reasoning, all the white police officers in Ferguson are barely qualified and couldn't get jobs anywhere else because Ferguson is such a "shit hole." You're an idiot.
He's right. Why would any white person want to live or work in a place like Ferguson, even on the "right"side of the tracks? Actually, why would anybody at all? Communities like that cater to the lowest of all races and few Asians who see a huge profit margin in retailing to them.

My God, have you seen these people being interviewed?!

That's pretty clear.

THose four stills happen over less than two seconds.

they look a lot less incriminating in context.

Frankly, I don't see a robbery here. I see an argument between a customer and a store clerk that got slightly physical.

Did he try to buy them and was refused? What words were exchanged? We don't really know.

The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Thats exactly what it was intended to do in order to frighten you racists.
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Is this a good reason for segregation? Black communities should only have black police officers. White communities have white police officers.

BS. The police force should reflect the population as much as possible however, a good cop should be able to work anywhere. One of my relatives is a white cop in a predominately Black city. He gets along fine.
The video just shows who Mike Brown is, notice the other negro stealing a drink and food?
How can you do that 35ft away with your hands in the air like the 2 other witnesses described?

You mean the other 2 witnesses that had a chance to get their stories straight with Johnson?

The ones who will never see the inside of a court room? Those witnesses?

Yes those witnesses. I'll will wager you they will definitely be in the courtroom. You wanna place a bet?

They'll be in court alright... to answer charges of lying to police and obstructing a criminal investigation.
Is this a good reason for segregation? Black communities should only have black police officers. White communities have white police officers.

BS. The police force should reflect the population as much as possible however, a good cop should be able to work anywhere. One of my relatives is a white cop in a predominately Black city. He gets along fine.


This type of incident and discussion sure has the rightwing racist vermin crawling out from beneath their slimy rocks.
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You mean the other 2 witnesses that had a chance to get their stories straight with Johnson?

The ones who will never see the inside of a court room? Those witnesses?

Yes those witnesses. I'll will wager you they will definitely be in the courtroom. You wanna place a bet?

They'll be in court alright... to answer charges of lying to police and obstructing a criminal investigation.

I'll save this post and remind you of how stupid you sound when this is finished. :lol:
Is this a good reason for segregation? Black communities should only have black police officers. White communities have white police officers.

BS. The police force should reflect the population as much as possible however, a good cop should be able to work anywhere. One of my relatives is a white cop in a predominately Black city. He gets along fine.

So far he does. No doubt until this, the six year veteran cop without a single complaint against him got along fine too.
How do you know the clerk didn't provoke the altercation? Do you have xray vision or something? Unless you can see through obstructions you dont know what was said or what happened. That didnt give him an excuse to take the cigars but I know from experience how disrespectful some of those store owners can be.

The clerk would have to be of sub human intelligence to provoke an argument with a thug 3 times his size. I'm assuming that you are not the clerk, so I'm pretty damned confident that the clerk's actions didn't justify Brown's actions..

You know how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them???
I figured.

Has nothing to do with intelligence. They tend to talk down to you. I never said anything about justification. I said the clerk could have provoked it.

Where did I say anything about how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them? Can people actually advance their argument with lying and deflections?

Tend to talk down to you???? That say a lot. You've got this attitude where everyone has to kiss your ass or you'll push them around. Respect is EARNED, and not by stealing cigars in a convenience store.
Yes those witnesses. I'll will wager you they will definitely be in the courtroom. You wanna place a bet?

They'll be in court alright... to answer charges of lying to police and obstructing a criminal investigation.

I'll save this post and remind you of how stupid you sound when this is finished. :lol:

You can tell when a witness is lying. They repeat the same story as the original "witness". The same. No deviation. Even when you know there have to be deviations. They aren't relating what they witnessed, but what the first witness said. In this case, Dorian Johnson.
They'll be in court alright... to answer charges of lying to police and obstructing a criminal investigation.

I'll save this post and remind you of how stupid you sound when this is finished. :lol:

You can tell when a witness is lying. They repeat the same story as the original "witness". The same. No deviation. Even when you know there have to be deviations. They aren't relating what they witnessed, but what the first witness said. In this case, Dorian Johnson.

You racists are grasping at straws. First you say the accounts dont match to the letter now you are claiming they do. You should get together on a thread and reach a consensus on what your story is going to be. You just sound stupid now.
Robbing a store doesn't warrant the death penalty.

Dont you have enough problems dealing with all those illegal immigrants you're kicking out of your country?

You shouldnt have time to fuck with the U.S.A. when you have such a humanitarian crises on your hands.

Clean up your own fucken house before you bring your broom into mine ......chick.

Remember that advice the next time I tell you to worry about your serial killers, animal molesters, mass murderers, and terrorists before trying to correct problems in the Black community.

You've made the mistake of thinking I care if the black community destroys their own town.Or if they get killed in the process.

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