Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

I'll save this post and remind you of how stupid you sound when this is finished. :lol:

You can tell when a witness is lying. They repeat the same story as the original "witness". The same. No deviation. Even when you know there have to be deviations. They aren't relating what they witnessed, but what the first witness said. In this case, Dorian Johnson.

You racists are grasping at straws. First you say the accounts dont match to the letter now you are claiming they do. You should get together on a thread and reach a consensus on what your story is going to be. You just sound stupid now.

:lmao: She saw that on a TV cop show. Education for the simple minded.
Yeah. 50 bucks or possibly your life? What if he had shot and killed him? Insurance covers any losses. You cant get your life back.

Someone should have informed Dirt Nap Mike about that little nugget of info.

What does that have to do with you being stupid and suggesting that stopping him from leaving was smart? Over 50 bucks your insurance can cover?

And you actually believe his deductible is less than fifty bucks?
You sure are stupid for someone who claims to own a business.
Dont you have enough problems dealing with all those illegal immigrants you're kicking out of your country?

You shouldnt have time to fuck with the U.S.A. when you have such a humanitarian crises on your hands.

Clean up your own fucken house before you bring your broom into mine ......chick.

Remember that advice the next time I tell you to worry about your serial killers, animal molesters, mass murderers, and terrorists before trying to correct problems in the Black community.

You've made the mistake of thinking I care if the black community destroys their own town.Or if they get killed in the process.

No mistake. You cant stay out of any thread talking about Black people. You definitely care. Don't worry its a good thing. Just keep your trap closed until you resolve the problems in your community first or I will let you know about it.
The video just shows who Mike Brown is, notice the other negro stealing a drink and food?

It only shows one side of him. I know that side frightens you. :lol:

You mean the side that likes to steal shit and assault people half his size?

That's the only side I need to see to know he's not some misunderstood "gentle giant"

No one has been able to prove the clerk didnt start the altercation. He is wrong for stealing the stuff but he didnt do anything overly dramatic. He grabbed the guy and pushed him away. If he was mean it could have been a lot worse. If you consider that assault please turn in your man card if you still have one.
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Who's really to blame...the media and their selective reporting.

We all knew about the robbery DAYS ago. The media refused to report it.

We know that the officer knew about the robbery, and saw the cigars in Brown's hand, leading the officer to suspect Brown was the perpetrator of the crime...but this story from the supposedly informed and unbiased press, namely NBC, mentions nothing about it, even though it is timestamped 17 minutes ago.

But Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said later in the day that Wilson did not know Brown was a suspect when he stopped Brown and a friend. Asked why they were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

The release of a surveillance tape appearing to show Brown engaging in an altercation with the store clerk infuriated Brown’s family, which said that the police were trying to smear the teenager’s name and justify a “brutal assassination” in broad daylight.

Anger Flares Again in Ferguson After Revelations in Michael Brown Shooting - NBC News

How can we know the truth, but NBC refuses to report it?

More proof the MSM cannot be trusted to report fully or truthfully.
did you watch the quickie mart video? I see what looks like a bottle of water in his hand. Where are the cigars?

The reason you dont see cigars is because you're looking for a small box.
He took fifty bucks worth of cigars according to the store owner.
Some points based on what we know as of 6 PM CST Friday.

This kid is not what they've been portraying him as. Doesn't mean he was bad, but he wasn't the honor roll good kid who got racially profiled.

Regardless, if the police officer shot him after he had surrendered or put his hands up, then that cop is still guilty of a crime.

Yep... And I Assure you that Cop didn't Shoot a Surrendering Person.

That Animal was Assaulting/Resisting the Cop and going for his Gun. <That will Prove out.

They were out that day to "Run Shit" and they were so Cocky they Thought they'd Fuck with a Cop after Roughing up and Man over shit they were Stealing.



I think I'd like to wait for the autopsy to come out and wait until all the witnesses are interviewed before I draw any conclusions.

Stealing cigars is not a death penalty offense, last time I checked.

Assaulting a cop and trying to take his weapon is.
So we all agree then? He is not fitting the "gentle giant" narrative that the main stream media tried to portray him as?

Truly reminds me how the MSM only showed Trayvon as a cute, innocent 11 year old and curiously did not show his older photos...for at least a couple of weeks.

Not relevant at all?


He is not the gentle giant...and that was the narrative the MSM did sell.
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Yep... And I Assure you that Cop didn't Shoot a Surrendering Person.

That Animal was Assaulting/Resisting the Cop and going for his Gun. <That will Prove out.

They were out that day to "Run Shit" and they were so Cocky they Thought they'd Fuck with a Cop after Roughing up and Man over shit they were Stealing.



I think I'd like to wait for the autopsy to come out and wait until all the witnesses are interviewed before I draw any conclusions.

Stealing cigars is not a death penalty offense, last time I checked.

Assaulting a cop and trying to take his weapon is.
Well, it's not the death penalty, but if you're stupid enough, it a good way to get yourself killed.

God that kid was dumb. We're talking Trayvon Martin intellect here.
The same store was robed by a mob. Why aren't the Police protecting businesses? Is looting considered to be a legitimate outlet for mob violence?
You mean the side that likes to steal shit and assault people half his size?

That's the only side I need to see to know he's not some misunderstood "gentle giant"

No one has been able to prove the clerk didnt start the altercation. He is wrong for stealing the stuff but he didnt do anything overly dramatic. He grabbed the guy and pushed him away. If you consider that assault please turn in your man card if you still have one.
Your such a uncivilized negro

Youre such a feral cave ape.
You can tell when a witness is lying. They repeat the same story as the original "witness". The same. No deviation. Even when you know there have to be deviations. They aren't relating what they witnessed, but what the first witness said. In this case, Dorian Johnson.

You racists are grasping at straws. First you say the accounts dont match to the letter now you are claiming they do. You should get together on a thread and reach a consensus on what your story is going to be. You just sound stupid now.

:lmao: She saw that on a TV cop show. Education for the simple minded.

I've interviewed hundreds of witnesses. When they all come up with the same details, they are relating the story told by the one witness who came forward first.

There's a difference between the stories of witnesses not matching and witnesses who could not possibly have seen the same thing lying. That's why witnesses are questioned separately. Of course Dorian Johnson has been talking to everyone and every word repeated by the media. So all the witnesses corroborate his story. Unless they finally find the witness who saw Brown run away, turn and then charge at the officer.
Who's really to blame...the media and their selective reporting.

We all knew about the robbery DAYS ago. The media refused to report it.

We know that the officer knew about the robbery, and saw the cigars in Brown's hand, leading the officer to suspect Brown was the perpetrator of the crime...but this story from the supposedly informed and unbiased press, namely NBC, mentions nothing about it, even though it is timestamped 17 minutes ago.

But Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said later in the day that Wilson did not know Brown was a suspect when he stopped Brown and a friend. Asked why they were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

The release of a surveillance tape appearing to show Brown engaging in an altercation with the store clerk infuriated Brown’s family, which said that the police were trying to smear the teenager’s name and justify a “brutal assassination” in broad daylight.

Anger Flares Again in Ferguson After Revelations in Michael Brown Shooting - NBC News

How can we know the truth, but NBC refuses to report it?

More proof the MSM cannot be trusted to report fully or truthfully.
did you watch the quickie mart video? I see what looks like a bottle of water in his hand. Where are the cigars?

The reason you dont see cigars is because you're looking for a small box.
He took fifty bucks worth of cigars according to the store owner.

Which is just as irrelevant to the case today as it was yesterday, and will forever be irrelevant.
So we all agree then? He is not fitting the "gentle giant" narrative that the main stream media tried to portray him as?

Truly reminds me how the MSM only showed Trayvon as a cute, innocent 11 year old and curiously did not show his older photos...for at least a couple of weeks.

Not relevant at all?


He is not the gentle giant...and that was the narrative the MSM did sell.

Why anyone believed someone is gentle 100% of the time is beyond me. He may be like that most of the time. You just simply dont know. He was enrolled to go to college so I tend to think he was provoked by the clerk.

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