Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

What could the clerk have said that would have justified his actions? Stopping someone from stealing cigars shouldn't get you a beating.

Hey nig__ I ___ed your whore sister last night?

PS. What beating?

Grabbed and pushed. It did stop short of a beating.

Yeah I see the store clerk rushing to get in the way of the big guy who's leaving. I see the big guy's hand reach out for the clerks shoulder and the clerk backing up / maybe being slightly pushed, the big guy taking one step toward the clerk and flexing, then walking out. I can't tell what's in his hand, I can't tell whether he paid or not as I saw him putting something on the counter. Was that spot not another pay spot that he was standing at?
Yanno..................I hope that this cop who shot the 18 year old is held to account for his crimes.

Not only did he leave the town a couple of days after this being broadcast, but he's also got a lot of white folks trying to cover his ass.

The white police chief tried to cover his ass, and he did it with stun grenades and tear gas.

The black highway patrol lieutenant tried to make a connection with the population and it worked.

Sorry..................but their is a lot of bigotry (and possibly racism) working in that particular police force.

Sorry, but the big fat white Chief has been trumped by a black man who actually cares about the community, because he grew up in it.

I'm looking forward to seeing more lies by the Chief, because he's so bad at it, and if you knew how to read facial expressions, as well as body language, you'd see that he's lying his ass off and trying to protect his officer (who is in the wrong).

I mean..................if you have nothing to hide, why is it that you'd go and sky out in the wind to keep your name safe?

Sorry.........................but the cop was wrong and needs to be held to account.

Please, if you have information to help out the investigation, come forward and give your statement.
Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

There is a lot of things you don't see, I guess when you have your head stuck up obama's ass the only thing you could see is what he had for dinner last night.

What an asinine comment.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. This is really not even about race but about the possibility of a policeman mishandling a 'situation.'

The issue about race in this event seems to me to be about a town that is 70% black being patrolled by a police force that is 90% white. It would make the place like a prison camp, tantamount to the Israelis being in control of a Palestinian town. People need to have a police force that reflects the ethnic and cultural background of its people. If, and we don't know for sure, the teenager who was killed stole (shoplifted) from a mini-mart, it is not something we in America shoot folks for.

In the end, I am with those who say let the facts come out before we put a final judgment on anyone.

Listen sweetie......the Obama statements are legit. Your hero is the guy who said we'd be entering a "post-racial" America back in 2008, and this is as bad as things have been in 5 decades. He's got an attorney general who refuses to prosecute blacks on anything. Sets up a powder keg...........but lets face it, racial division is a big winner for the big government guy, so I get it.
Oh look here's the camera 7 footage of the counter I said would come out today:

EDIT: It's got both the counter and the door cameras so you get the full story.
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Guys like Brown never make it to their 20's........he was a dead man walking anyway if he were to stay in that community.

Umm......that storeclerk needs a nice 12G cruiser. WTF is wrong with him??:coffee:
Journalists and politicians are making things worse than they already are.

Last night Bill O'Reilly called his show and was yelling about how the police were impugning the character of a dead kid by showing those videos.

Wednesday there was looting, and Friday there was looting.

This is about theft and destruction. It's been like this way ever since the left decided that blacks shouldn't be held as accountable as the rest of us are for their own poor conduct.

Face it; They have the goods on this kid and they're playing games over his dead body.
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Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

The video looks less of a crime and more of argument.

Yeah ... as Brown walks out of the store with unpaid for items. Do you really think the clerk tried to stop Brown from leaving for his health? Please try to use both brain sells before posting.

Which has nothing to do with the police officer shooting Brown.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

There is a lot of things you don't see, I guess when you have your head stuck up obama's ass the only thing you could see is what he had for dinner last night.

What an asinine comment.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. This is really not even about race but about the possibility of a policeman mishandling a 'situation.'

The issue about race in this event seems to me to be about a town that is 70% black being patrolled by a police force that is 90% white. It would make the place like a prison camp, tantamount to the Israelis being in control of a Palestinian town. People need to have a police force that reflects the ethnic and cultural background of its people. If, and we don't know for sure, the teenager who was killed stole (shoplifted) from a mini-mart, it is not something we in America shoot folks for.

In the end, I am with those who say let the facts come out before we put a final judgment on anyone.
The FACT is the Ferguson police force can't get any 'young Black men/women' who meet even the most basic requirements to become a police officer to apply for the job.
The 'qualified ones don't want to work anywhere near a shit hole like Ferguson. They are all working in cities where they don't have to fear that their families will be harassed by Blacks spray painting 'SNITCHES GET STITCHES' on the side of their homes and having their kids harassed at school b/c 'daddy is a pig'.
Lets face it....Brown was a dead man walking anyway. Zero chance of him making his 20th birthday. Likely would have murdered somebody like a store clerk anyway..............either way, the kid was heading for a tragic end. The PC whores don't see it that way, but that's the way it is.

sadly that is all to common
I posted the other day that I wondered when MSNBC would be showing 'Big Mike's' baby pictures.
Sure enough last night 'Rev. Al showed one.
How many here wonder how many times 'Big Mike' and his 'homies' had gone into that convenience store?
How many times had he stole from the store?
Or maybe 'Big Mike' had never gone into the store before he commited a 'strong arm felony on someone a third his size.
'When the facts come out......and they always do.......we'll find that 'Big Mike' had been the neighborhood bully since early childhood.
Everyone was shit-scared of him so he figured he was immune to anyone calling the cops on him.
Does anyone know yet how much 'Big Mike's' old man was involved in his life?
The mother said she had raised 'Big Mike' on her own.
Funny thing is as soon as 'daddy' smells some money in the wind there he is grieving beside the mother. Go figure.
I posted the other day that I wondered when MSNBC would be showing 'Big Mike's' baby pictures.
Sure enough last night 'Rev. Al showed one.
How many here wonder how many times 'Big Mike' and his 'homies' had gone into that convenience store?
How many times had he stole from the store?
Or maybe 'Big Mike' had never gone into the store before he commited a 'strong arm felony on someone a third his size.
'When the facts come out......and they always do.......we'll find that 'Big Mike' had been the neighborhood bully since early childhood.
Everyone was shit-scared of him so he figured he was immune to anyone calling the cops on him.
Does anyone know yet how much 'Big Mike's' old man was involved in his life?
The mother said she had raised 'Big Mike' on her own.
Funny thing is as soon as 'daddy' smells some money in the wind there he is grieving beside the mother. Go figure.

How many here wonder how many times 'Big Mike' and his 'homies' had gone into that convenience store?
How many times had he stole from the store?

yes that is a curious question

was this area his normal running grounds

or just visiting
The problem here is that whites are seeing this from the perspective that Brown in that video was aggressive and appears to have pushed an innocent clerk in a threatening fashion and maybe even took items without paying for them.

Blacks are looking at it from the perspective that they've been intimidated and treated as less than persons in this town and their need to push back.

Brown doesn't show a very likable person in the video, but I don't know if it's true that he was trying to grab the cop's gun, or if the cop, already in attack mode might have elevated the situation to the level that he did.

I think we need unbiased authorities to examine all the available evidence/videos before making a rash decision. This black/white animosity needs to end or we will end up with another civil war and more innocent people are going to die over something that can be made better.
Journalists and politicians are making things worse than they already are.

Last night Bill O'Reilly called his show and was yelling about how the police were impugning the character of a dead kid by showing those videos.

Wednesday there was looting, and Friday there was looting.

This is about theft and destruction. It's been like this way ever since the left decided that blacks shouldn't be held as accountable as the rest of us are for their own poor conduct.

Face it; They have the goods on this kid and they're playing games over his dead body.

Perhaps when you stop making stupid remarks such as the one I bolded we can get a better handle on the situation. Lefts didn't decide that blacks shouldn't be held accountable like the rest of us, that is your own biased and ignorant assumption and part of the problem. When you stop thinking that every black is a criminal, lazy and on welfare, maybe we as a country can start being better.
The problem here is that whites are seeing this from the perspective that Brown in that video was aggressive and appears to have pushed an innocent clerk in a threatening fashion and maybe even took items without paying for them.

Blacks are looking at it from the perspective that they've been intimidated and treated as less than persons in this town and their need to push back.

Brown doesn't show a very likable person in the video, but I don't know if it's true that he was trying to grab the cop's gun, or if the cop, already in attack mode might have elevated the situation to the level that he did.

I think we need unbiased authorities to examine all the available evidence/videos before making a rash decision. This black/white animosity needs to end or we will end up with another civil war and more innocent people are going to die over something that can be made better.

The perspective of blacks is that the clerk should never have called the police in the first place. The surveillance camera is racist. Having such a camera is racist. Preventing theft is racist. Theft is a cost of doing business right out of the profits that the rich store owner makes on the backs of the working poor that has to pay for goods.

When the store doesn't reopen that will be racist too.
The problem here is that whites are seeing this from the perspective that Brown in that video was aggressive and appears to have pushed an innocent clerk in a threatening fashion and maybe even took items without paying for them.

Blacks are looking at it from the perspective that they've been intimidated and treated as less than persons in this town and their need to push back.

Brown doesn't show a very likable person in the video, but I don't know if it's true that he was trying to grab the cop's gun, or if the cop, already in attack mode might have elevated the situation to the level that he did.

I think we need unbiased authorities to examine all the available evidence/videos before making a rash decision. This black/white animosity needs to end or we will end up with another civil war and more innocent people are going to die over something that can be made better.

The perspective of blacks is that the clerk should never have called the police in the first place. The surveillance camera is racist. Having such a camera is racist. Preventing theft is racist. Theft is a cost of doing business right out of the profits that the rich store owner makes on the backs of the working poor that has to pay for goods.

When the store doesn't reopen that will be racist too.

You're so full of crap. When you take your blinders off, maybe you can see things for what they are instead of through your own biased and afflicted mind.
The video looks less of a crime and more of argument.

Yeah ... as Brown walks out of the store with unpaid for items. Do you really think the clerk tried to stop Brown from leaving for his health? Please try to use both brain sells before posting.

Which has nothing to do with the police officer shooting Brown.


Sallow, they looted Friday night, I thought you said obama fixed the problem? you were beating you chest saying how obama calmed all the rioters down and saved the day? WTF happened?
The video looks less of a crime and more of argument.

Yeah ... as Brown walks out of the store with unpaid for items. Do you really think the clerk tried to stop Brown from leaving for his health? Please try to use both brain sells before posting.

Which has nothing to do with the police officer shooting Brown.


Look everyone. Sallow apparently has all of the facts.
The problem here is that whites are seeing this from the perspective that Brown in that video was aggressive and appears to have pushed an innocent clerk in a threatening fashion and maybe even took items without paying for them.

Blacks are looking at it from the perspective that they've been intimidated and treated as less than persons in this town and their need to push back.

Brown doesn't show a very likable person in the video, but I don't know if it's true that he was trying to grab the cop's gun, or if the cop, already in attack mode might have elevated the situation to the level that he did.

I think we need unbiased authorities to examine all the available evidence/videos before making a rash decision. This black/white animosity needs to end or we will end up with another civil war and more innocent people are going to die over something that can be made better.

There is only really one group that stokes the divide and the animosity.

If you want to describe for me, with your best explanation, why Al Sharpton always inserts himself into these situations crying the same racist shit, and inciting anger and racial divide. You already said we do not know the facts, and he just stokes the anger of the parents of Brown.

Why did MSNBC doctor the 911 tapes of Zimmerman. BTW, they did and that is not speculation. Why did they do it?
'Big Mike's' homie told the cameras he told the cop he and 'Big Mike' were only a minute away from their houses.
That's not far from the convenience store.
Someone will find out how long the store had been open........until the simians looted it.
I do feel sorry for the convenience store owner's old granny.
She missed her chance to pull her ancient fully loaded PPSh-41 from under the counter and basically eviscerate 'Big Mike' and his simian 'homie finally.

Oh well. Hopefully next time.
The clerk should have shot Big Mike the minute he started his shit.

The kid was big. He has used his size all his life. There isn't a single doubt that he tried to do the same thing with the cop and that's how the cop got injured and went to the hospital. The cop had a gun, the clerk did not.

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