Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting


Looks like nothing more than a sweet and gentle jaywalker to me. You're a racist for showing photos of that nice man.
THose four stills happen over less than two seconds.

they look a lot less incriminating in context.


Frankly, I don't see a robbery here. I see an argument between a customer and a store clerk that got slightly physical.

Did he try to buy them and was refused? What words were exchanged? We don't really know.

The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

That's not why he got himself shot.

He assaulted a cop and went for the cops weapon.

He should have been shot for that
Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

There is a lot of things you don't see, I guess when you have your head stuck up obama's ass the only thing you could see is what he had for dinner last night.

And that's the best argument you have to offer?


On the positive side, we will probably be seeing some excellent decelerations coming from your keypad. :D
OK shit stain fuck off hows that?
THose four stills happen over less than two seconds.

they look a lot less incriminating in context.


Frankly, I don't see a robbery here. I see an argument between a customer and a store clerk that got slightly physical.

Did he try to buy them and was refused? What words were exchanged? We don't really know.

The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

The video looks less of a crime and more of argument.
I wonder how much allowance he got to buy those guns, booze and smokes?

Lucky kid.. Some might of called him privileged.

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The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

The video looks less of a crime and more of argument.

Yeah ... as Brown walks out of the store with unpaid for items. Do you really think the clerk tried to stop Brown from leaving for his health? Please try to use both brain sells before posting.
The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

That's not why he got himself shot.

He assaulted a cop and went for the cops weapon.

He should have been shot for that


When is it not okay to shoot a citizen.

Let's say a citizen points his weapon at a cop.

Does the cop have the right to shoot him?
The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

There is a lot of things you don't see, I guess when you have your head stuck up obama's ass the only thing you could see is what he had for dinner last night.

What an asinine comment.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. This is really not even about race but about the possibility of a policeman mishandling a 'situation.'

The issue about race in this event seems to me to be about a town that is 70% black being patrolled by a police force that is 90% white. It would make the place like a prison camp, tantamount to the Israelis being in control of a Palestinian town. People need to have a police force that reflects the ethnic and cultural background of its people. If, and we don't know for sure, the teenager who was killed stole (shoplifted) from a mini-mart, it is not something we in America shoot folks for.

In the end, I am with those who say let the facts come out before we put a final judgment on anyone.
THose four stills happen over less than two seconds.

they look a lot less incriminating in context.


Frankly, I don't see a robbery here. I see an argument between a customer and a store clerk that got slightly physical.

Did he try to buy them and was refused? What words were exchanged? We don't really know.

The video wasn't you're friend it really made him look like the thug trash that he was. thanks for sharing.

Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

Try watching it without your rose-colored glasses. Your perspective SHOULD change.
Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

That's not why he got himself shot.

He assaulted a cop and went for the cops weapon.

He should have been shot for that


When is it not okay to shoot a citizen.

Let's say a citizen points his weapon at a cop.

Does the cop have the right to shoot him?

He has the authority to use what ever force is necessary to eliminate the threat up too and including deadly force.
Sorry, I don't see anything in that video that is worth shooting a man over.

I see an angry argument.

There is a lot of things you don't see, I guess when you have your head stuck up obama's ass the only thing you could see is what he had for dinner last night.

What an asinine comment.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. This is really not even about race but about the possibility of a policeman mishandling a 'situation.'

The issue about race in this event seems to me to be about a town that is 70% black being patrolled by a police force that is 90% white. It would make the place like a prison camp, tantamount to the Israelis being in control of a Palestinian town. People need to have a police force that reflects the ethnic and cultural background of its people. If, and we don't know for sure, the teenager who was killed stole (shoplifted) from a mini-mart, it is not something we in America shoot folks for.

In the end, I am with those who say let the facts come out before we put a final judgment on anyone.

When people like Joe says they don't see the obvious it tells me the reason they can't see is because they have their head stuck up obama's ass, Just wish Joe would tell us what obama had for dinner.
yes, you missed where the cop was on a call when the dispatches went out. You also didn't provide direct quotes from the chief, merely media speculation. The closest to a direct quote I found:

"I guess that is when he might have seen ... evidence and connected it" to the robbery, Jackson said -- without explicitly tying the two incidents together himself.

Ferguson chief: Officer didn't stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

And lol at you complaining about selective reporting while relying on selective reporting yourself.

Alright that's the follow up after they released the media packet (was this afternoon.) I have another:

Chief: Officer maybe saw stolen cigars - Bing Videos

Time stamp 1:24

Also: Time stamp 0:30, 1:19, - RE the forced release of information.

You're right, he does say maybe - he has to because he wasn't there. Chief Jackson handed the case over to County to investigate while he was en route to the scene of the shooting.

Wilson's report and testimony are part of the ongoing investigation, where it will remain 'secret' until County, FBI, and NAACP have completed their investigations or otherwise deem it okay to release that information.


The robbery suspect description went out at 11:52-11:58. Wilson was on a sick call from 11:48-12:00. At 12:01 Wilson encountered Brown and Johnson.


Are you trying to argue that Wilson would not have heard the description?

They have portable radios, they hook it up on their shoulder epaulets and never turn the damn thing off; I've heard them A LOT because my work had a contract with our local police department that brought officers in daily. If you don't believe me, look at basically ANY picture of an on duty officer outside his car.

Or, perhaps even more likely, Wilson was siting in his car writing up his report for the sick call when the description came over the radio. He signed out of the sick call at 12:00 as he was leaving the scene.


I've actually taken the time to watch the FULL versions of videos, (basically every video that's been put out,) rather than just one or two that have been clipped and prepped for me by the Media. I also listen to questions asked by the media and the answer given:

For example: "His initial contact" vs the real question that should be asked, "Did Wilson say he thought Brown was a suspect in the robbery?" or "Did Wilson say he saw the cigars" -- The media won't ask those questions because they are playing games. -- Go have a look at media reports and where they decide to cut their video clips vs the full versions.

We will not know what happened until the reports come out, and even then we 'still' might not know 100%.

One thing we do know for sure, though, is that the media will continue portraying things in whatever way best fits their agenda, position, or pocketbook.
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Lets face it....Brown was a dead man walking anyway. Zero chance of him making his 20th birthday. Likely would have murdered somebody like a store clerk anyway..............either way, the kid was heading for a tragic end. The PC whores don't see it that way, but that's the way it is.
That's not why he got himself shot.

He assaulted a cop and went for the cops weapon.

He should have been shot for that


When is it not okay to shoot a citizen.

Let's say a citizen points his weapon at a cop.

Does the cop have the right to shoot him?

He has the authority to use what ever force is necessary to eliminate the threat up too and including deadly force.

The fact that some person would even ask a question like this, is proof how hopeless things truly are.

All we see in situations like this is the left being all stereotypical, while they ridicule anyone that stereotypes.

The race baiting left wing media, once again shows that they stoke the flames and create more news than report the news.

Just like when MSNBC got caught doctoring 911 tapes of Zimmerman, CNN knew there were substantial rumors about Brown being involved in the strong arm robbery. They claim they do not report rumors, and that is very far from any truth.

Just like ABC was caught claiming James Holmes was a "tea party member."

Now, we have the typical morons on the left jumping to conclusions while they tell us not jump to conclusions. Yeah, what a stretch it is for us to ever think a black man would be involved in a strong arm robbery.

Just how fucking stupid, and hypocritical will these liberals allow themselves to get?

Is it ok for a cop to shoot at someone who is pointing a gun at him? Holy shit!

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