Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Tried to take the camera of a journalist. Garage cans rolling across the parking lot. Three stores have been smashed and being looted.

The liquor store which MB store his cigarillo is open and the lights are on. People are gathering but the police are nowhere.
CaféAuLait;9633948 said:
Its not just Johnson. Its the 2 other witnesses that didn't know Brown. They said the exact same thing. He stopped running and turned around with his hands in the air.

Yes, I have read their statements, and they do not match. I've seen some which say he was shot before and then after he raised his hands.

Look, I'm not saying the cops is right-at all.

I would just like to see the fact from both sides and the result of the FBI investigation, given there is more to this with the robbery and pushing the store owner, they may have been agitated towards the cop as well. Or the cop could have been a complete bastard or he could have lost it and kept shooting. Again I don't know, just want to see the facts.

They wont match word for word. They are 2 differnt people. I read their statements and the differences are minute. He was running away and he stopped and turned around with hands up. Thats the most important part. There should not have been any shots fired once he started running away from the cop. I understand you want to hear more facts.

They won't match word for word, but Johnson's statement is evolving.

Either way, I think my main point is, people are assuming there is a racial element when there may be none at all. It starting to sound more and more like two people did something really stupid and may have assumed the cop was stopping them for that and may have attacked the cop, then the cop out of fear, anger or whatever overreacted.
How can you do that 35ft away with your hands in the air like the 2 other witnesses described?

You mean the other 2 witnesses that had a chance to get their stories straight with Johnson?

The ones who will never see the inside of a court room? Those witnesses?

Yes those witnesses. I'll will wager you they will definitely be in the courtroom. You wanna place a bet?

Don't make bets with Rightwingers on this site. They are all welshers.
Dont you have enough problems dealing with all those illegal immigrants you're kicking out of your country?

You shouldnt have time to fuck with the U.S.A. when you have such a humanitarian crises on your hands.

Clean up your own fucken house before you bring your broom into mine ......chick.

Stop killing unarmed black kids.

Stop kicking out immigrants.

Australia takes its share of refugees from UN camps around the world.

Immigrants entering Australia illegally on the boats of people-smugglers need to be "kicked out", better still prevented from landing in the first place, with the people smuggling boats turned around and sent back mostly to Indonesia from whence they originated.

Thing is...your house is our house...and our house is your house...ANZUS, NATO [with Britain, Queen Elizabeth 11 is the Head of State of Australia].

Your Washington rules the Western world, so therefore your President is basically our President...we are not the 51st state of America, but close.

Fox News is in our homes...the Ferguson rioters/protesters are in our living rooms...gotta love the modern world.

Cops possibly shooting unarmed people [without just cause] is everyone's business.
This cop is going to prison, and this family is gonna get paid, big time.

I'm sitting here thinking about if he had just gotten to college how that possibly would have changed the direction of his life. Growing up with what looks like no way to get ahead is rough. Once you get out of the poisonous environment you see things are not as bad as you thought even though you still have to work harder than everyone that started out with a better life.
Yanno..................I hope that this cop who shot the 18 year old is held to account for his crimes.

Not only did he leave the town a couple of days after this being broadcast, but he's also got a lot of white folks trying to cover his ass.

The white police chief tried to cover his ass, and he did it with stun grenades and tear gas.

The black highway patrol lieutenant tried to make a connection with the population and it worked.

Sorry..................but their is a lot of bigotry (and possibly racism) working in that particular police force.

Sorry, but the big fat white Chief has been trumped by a black man who actually cares about the community, because he grew up in it.

I'm looking forward to seeing more lies by the Chief, because he's so bad at it, and if you knew how to read facial expressions, as well as body language, you'd see that he's lying his ass off and trying to protect his officer (who is in the wrong).

I mean..................if you have nothing to hide, why is it that you'd go and sky out in the wind to keep your name safe?

Sorry.........................but the cop was wrong and needs to be held to account.
This cop is going to prison, and this family is gonna get paid, big time.

I'm sitting here thinking about if he had just gotten to college how that possibly would have changed the direction of his life. Growing up with what looks like no way to get ahead is rough. Once you get out of the poisonous environment you see things are not as bad as you thought even though you still have to work harder than everyone that started out with a better life.

I came from a broken home, as well as was orphaned at the age of 8.

I chose the military (U.S. Navy) to figure out where I was going and liked the structure.

The military (aka U.S. Navy) changed my life, and showed me how to get ahead.

Currently? I now enjoy a retirement check (that serves my needs), and am happy that the military showed me how to change my life.

Trust me......................you can learn a lot between 18 and 25.

And.................the benefit of the military is that everyone starts out at the same level. If you want better, you have to work for it.
You see the size of this guy.
He just walks in,helps himself to some snack.When the store clerk approaches he pushes him
and then walks up to him like" What the fuck is your problem"....

All the early photos of this guy made him look like he was a kid.
This was a big dude.
You see the size of this guy.
He just walks in,helps himself to some snack.When the store clerk approaches he pushes him
and then walks up to him like" What the fuck is your problem"....

All the early photos of this guy made him look like he was a kid.
This was a big dude.

You're right. He WAS a big dude.

Still doesn't justify his actions.

Oh yeah.......................the cop that stopped him didn't realize that he was the one who did the robbery, because it took a bit of time for it to get on the airwaves, and the cop who shot him didn't have the information that was relevant.

Sorry, but they posted the video to try to make him look like a thug, even though the cop that shot him didn't know what was going on.

Sorry..................but the cop that killed him (with more than 3 shots to the body, at last count it was around 5) needs to be held to account.

But.................like any other white on black shooting, it may be swept under the rug.

However, I'm glad that there is another person standing in who seems to understand the locale and the people in it.

The white police chief is an idiot and needs to be removed, either by vote or by popular dissent.

Tear gas never calms down an angry mob.
I'm just commenting on how the media gets to shape a story...
Treyvon Martin was a big kid yet all the media went with photos from years earlier showing him as a little kid.
Freedom of Information Act demands from the press forced the FPD to release the police reports. Chief Jackson did not want to.
Freedom of Information Act demands from the press forced the FPD to release the police reports. Chief Jackson did not want to.

Really? Because I seem to remember a lot more journalists (i.e. those from the press) have spent a lot of time trying to find out the identity of the cop that shot the unarmed teenager.

FOIA demands transparency, and that means from both sides.

Why won't they release the image of the cop that shot the teenager who was unarmed?

I guess it's because transparency only works if those in power are protected, while those who are of the lower class are framed to reflect the thugs that those in power think they are.

The shooting had nothing to do with the robbery, shit...............even the white police chief said so.

Jackson only released the photos, and later the tape because he was trying to create a smoke screen for his policeman that he's trying to protect.

If he's protecting him, he's doing a really crappy job.

Not only does he suck as a Chief of Police (as reflected in his crappy deflections and defense, but as well as the way he's trying to be a politician), but he sucks as a human being as well.

Release the photos of who shot the young man, as well as fire the Chief of Police.

I saw him blink and lie on his press release.
I'm just reading that the Police Chief is now saying the officer didn't stop Brown because of a robbery.

What the hell is going on?

Family of Michael Brown appeals for calm tonight despite polarizing release of robbery video : News

Ferguson officer realized during encounter that Michael Brown might be suspect in robbery, chief says

The officer who shot Ferguson teen Michael Brown stopped Brown and another teen because they were walking in the street, not because of a robbery a few minutes earlier, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said Friday afternoon.

Jackson said the officer was aware cigars had been taken in the robbery of a store nearby, but did not know when he encountered Brown and Dorian Johnson that they might be suspects.

He stopped them because they were walking in the street, Jackson said.

But Jackson told the Post-Dispatch that the officer, Darren Wilson, saw cigars in Brown's hand and realized he might be the robber.

yet this article says the cop was on another call involving a sick child. It sounds as if he didn't hear the dispatch.

Separately, Wilson had been responding to a nearby call involving a sick 2-month child from 11:48 am until noon, when he left that place. A minute later, he encountered Brown walking down Canfield Drive. The documents contained no description of what happened between Brown and Wilson.

Police, protesters clash again in Ferguson - US News
And now we know the cop did not know that Brown was suspected of shoplifting.

You Lie. Chief said the officer heard the radio call for the suspects who robbed the Quick Trip. He saw the stolen cigars in Michael Browns hand, description & clothes when he confronted them for J-walking.

The chief did not say that.

Yes, let's call it what it actually is: shoplifting. It was not a robbery, and the police do not shoot shoplifters.
Who's really to blame...the media and their selective reporting.

We all knew about the robbery DAYS ago. The media refused to report it.

We know that the officer knew about the robbery, and saw the cigars in Brown's hand, leading the officer to suspect Brown was the perpetrator of the crime...but this story from the supposedly informed and unbiased press, namely NBC, mentions nothing about it, even though it is timestamped 17 minutes ago.

But Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said later in the day that Wilson did not know Brown was a suspect when he stopped Brown and a friend. Asked why they were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

The release of a surveillance tape appearing to show Brown engaging in an altercation with the store clerk infuriated Brown’s family, which said that the police were trying to smear the teenager’s name and justify a “brutal assassination” in broad daylight.

Anger Flares Again in Ferguson After Revelations in Michael Brown Shooting - NBC News

How can we know the truth, but NBC refuses to report it?

More proof the MSM cannot be trusted to report fully or truthfully.
did you watch the quickie mart video? I see what looks like a bottle of water in his hand. Where are the cigars?

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