Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

I saw the way that negro acted in the store, I'm sure he acted the same way with the cop
:lol: Fifty bucks? I spend that at the clubhouse everyday on top of lunch.
I would shoot a N....a criminal for that with pleasure. It's just the right thing to do.

Well everyone knows you would need a gun to help you. We are talking about stopping the guy with your bare hands. Thats not smart. :lol:

Hold up here smart guy...you just said stopping someone with a weapon with your bare hands is smart.
I think we can ignore your advice from here on out Poindexter ....

You should be able to quote where I said that. I think you have reading comprehension issues. :lol:
I saw the way that negro acted in the store, I'm sure he acted the same way with the cop

Well since they released the officer's name, I think they should release photos of the injuries he sustained caused by Michael Brown...
Well everyone knows you would need a gun to help you. We are talking about stopping the guy with your bare hands. Thats not smart. :lol:

Hold up here smart guy...you just said stopping someone with a weapon with your bare hands is smart.
I think we can ignore your advice from here on out Poindexter ....

You should be able to quote where I said that. I think you have reading comprehension issues. :lol:

Talk about over your head!:lol:
Hold up here smart guy...you just said stopping someone with a weapon with your bare hands is smart.
I think we can ignore your advice from here on out Poindexter ....

You should be able to quote where I said that. I think you have reading comprehension issues. :lol:

Talk about over your head!:lol:

So in IOW you deflected again because you sound like a jack ass suggesting the clerk was smart to try and stop Brown?
Not like you PM me, and your supposed to be the tough guy.

I can set up a conference call at my work where neither of us will know each others personal numbers.

I'll give you mine if you give me yours. What are you going to do call me to death? :lol:

I think you youre bluffing.
You seem like a weirdo, so I'll play it safe.

I'll Pm you with a time and number to call, I do it all the time

We all knew you would play it safe. Now you are having second thoughts. :lol:
Thats not what I asked. I asked how do you know the clerk didnt provoke an altercation? The clerk didnt get beat. He got grabbed and pushed. If you call that a beating I'd suggest you never venture outside you pansy.

What did the clerk do to deserve being grabbed and pushed?

Does the video show the clerk initiating a physical altercation? No?

Then the clerk did NOTHING that would justify Brown's actions.

How do you know the clerk didn't provoke the altercation? Do you have xray vision or something? Unless you can see through obstructions you dont know what was said or what happened. That didnt give him an excuse to take the cigars but I know from experience how disrespectful some of those store owners can be.

The clerk would have to be of sub human intelligence to provoke an argument with a thug 3 times his size. I'm assuming that you are not the clerk, so I'm pretty damned confident that the clerk's actions didn't justify Brown's actions..

You know how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them???
I figured.
What did the clerk do to deserve being grabbed and pushed?

Does the video show the clerk initiating a physical altercation? No?

Then the clerk did NOTHING that would justify Brown's actions.

How do you know the clerk didn't provoke the altercation? Do you have xray vision or something? Unless you can see through obstructions you dont know what was said or what happened. That didnt give him an excuse to take the cigars but I know from experience how disrespectful some of those store owners can be.

The clerk would have to be of sub human intelligence to provoke an argument with a thug 3 times his size. I'm assuming that you are not the clerk, so I'm pretty damned confident that the clerk's actions didn't justify Brown's actions..

You know how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them???
I figured.

Has nothing to do with intelligence. They tend to talk down to you. I never said anything about justification. I said the clerk could have provoked it.

Where did I say anything about how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them? Can people actually advance their argument with lying and deflections?
Trying to disarm a cop does.

How can you do that 35ft away with your hands in the air like the 2 other witnesses described?

You mean the other 2 witnesses that had a chance to get their stories straight with Johnson?

The ones who will never see the inside of a court room? Those witnesses?

Yes those witnesses. I'll will wager you they will definitely be in the courtroom. You wanna place a bet?
How do you know the clerk didn't provoke the altercation? Do you have xray vision or something? Unless you can see through obstructions you dont know what was said or what happened. That didnt give him an excuse to take the cigars but I know from experience how disrespectful some of those store owners can be.

The clerk would have to be of sub human intelligence to provoke an argument with a thug 3 times his size. I'm assuming that you are not the clerk, so I'm pretty damned confident that the clerk's actions didn't justify Brown's actions..

You know how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them???
I figured.

Has nothing to do with intelligence. They tend to talk down to you. I never said anything about justification. I said the clerk could have provoked it.

Where did I say anything about how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them? Can people actually advance their argument with lying and deflections?

If you let someone who comes up to your titties provoke you you're a pussy.
The clerk would have to be of sub human intelligence to provoke an argument with a thug 3 times his size. I'm assuming that you are not the clerk, so I'm pretty damned confident that the clerk's actions didn't justify Brown's actions..

You know how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them???
I figured.

Has nothing to do with intelligence. They tend to talk down to you. I never said anything about justification. I said the clerk could have provoked it.

Where did I say anything about how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them? Can people actually advance their argument with lying and deflections?

If you let someone who comes up to your titties provoke you you're a pussy.

Thats your opinion. Doesnt stop it from happening does it?
Has nothing to do with intelligence. They tend to talk down to you. I never said anything about justification. I said the clerk could have provoked it.

Where did I say anything about how disrespectful store owners can be when you steal cigars from them? Can people actually advance their argument with lying and deflections?

If you let someone who comes up to your titties provoke you you're a pussy.

Thats your opinion. Doesnt stop it from happening does it?

You'd have to ask Dirt Nap Mike.
What do you mean why dumb ass? Why would I want them to be quilty of robbing a store? So you cave apes would feel vindicated for shooting him down in cold blood?

It's not cold blood if he's beating up a police officer.

The picture didnt show anyone beating up and officer. Even if that happened the cop didnt have a right to shoot him as he was running away.

There are situations where the police can shoot a fleeing suspect even if the suspect is unarmed. I will provide two links although there are thousands more.

'David Klinger, an associate professor in the department of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri–St Louis and a former officer with the Los Angeles police department, said there are two permissible circumstances in which an officer can use lethal force.

1. Constitutionally, a police officer can shoot a suspect who is threatening the life of the officer, a fellow officer or a member of the public, said Klinger, a use-of-force expert. This is known as the 'defence of life' standard.

2. An officer can also shoot a fleeing suspect if the officer believes the suspect has committed a violent felony and his or her escape would pose a significant and serious threat, he said.”

Michael Brown shooting: when can US law enforcement officers fire? | World news | theguardian.com

“The fact that Michael Brown was unarmed and possibly fleeing when a Ferguson police officer shot him does not necessarily mean the use of force was unjustified in the eyes of the law.

“As federal and local authorities begin investigating the case, the key question will be whether the officer had reason to believe Brown, 18, posed a threat — gun or no gun.

“The courts, out of concern for public safety and recognizing the dangers of an officer’s job, have traditionally given police a lot of latitude on that front, experts say.

“'The federal courts are very clear that there are times and places where officers are allowed to shoot people in the back when they are running away, even if they are unarmed,' said David Klinger, a criminal justice professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and expert on police shootings.”

Shooting an unarmed suspect could be justified, according to the law : News

Caution: Even when laws sound simple, often they are not. Each word in a law is subject to various interpretations, even common words such as “and” and “or.” Although I have a Juris Doctorate, it is not my intent to apply the law to the specifics of the instant case. I merely wanted to show that there are some circumstance where the police can shot a fleeing and unarmed suspect.
It's not cold blood if he's beating up a police officer.

The picture didnt show anyone beating up and officer. Even if that happened the cop didnt have a right to shoot him as he was running away.

There are situations where the police can shoot a fleeing suspect even if the suspect is unarmed. I will provide two links although there are thousands more.

'David Klinger, an associate professor in the department of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri–St Louis and a former officer with the Los Angeles police department, said there are two permissible circumstances in which an officer can use lethal force.

1. Constitutionally, a police officer can shoot a suspect who is threatening the life of the officer, a fellow officer or a member of the public, said Klinger, a use-of-force expert. This is known as the 'defence of life' standard.

2. An officer can also shoot a fleeing suspect if the officer believes the suspect has committed a violent felony and his or her escape would pose a significant and serious threat, he said.”

Michael Brown shooting: when can US law enforcement officers fire? | World news | theguardian.com

“The fact that Michael Brown was unarmed and possibly fleeing when a Ferguson police officer shot him does not necessarily mean the use of force was unjustified in the eyes of the law.

“As federal and local authorities begin investigating the case, the key question will be whether the officer had reason to believe Brown, 18, posed a threat — gun or no gun.

“The courts, out of concern for public safety and recognizing the dangers of an officer’s job, have traditionally given police a lot of latitude on that front, experts say.

“'The federal courts are very clear that there are times and places where officers are allowed to shoot people in the back when they are running away, even if they are unarmed,' said David Klinger, a criminal justice professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and expert on police shootings.”

Shooting an unarmed suspect could be justified, according to the law : News

Caution: Even when laws sound simple, often they are not. Each word in a law is subject to various interpretations, even common words such as “and” and “or.” Although I have a Juris Doctorate, it is not my intent to apply the law to the specifics of the instant case. I merely wanted to show that there are some circumstance where the police can shot a fleeing and unarmed suspect.

The only thing missing out of this is if the suspect surrenders. So now its going to hinge on testimony. If the jury believes he turned around and surrendered the cop is going to face charges. He better not have more than one entry wound in the front.

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