Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting


That push was very scary.
Its called strong arm robbery, and its scary enough that its a felony. Of course youre a racist black liar, so instead of recognizing that fact, you try to excuse it. Your ignorance wont win points here dummy. :lol:


The push was really scary but I dont want to admit I'm a pussy so I'm going to call it strong arm robbery instead of addressing the point. :lol:

I didn't coin the term. I assume its been used by our judicial system since before I was even born. Quit speaking, it just makes you look dumb. :lol:
The moment I heard his freind say "the cop was pulling him into his car", I knew he was a fucking liar. When has anyone EVER seen a cop pull someone into his squad car onto his lap?

Isnt it amazing, you have all these witnesses, and they ALL fucking lied! What is wrong with those people? This is why I don't believe the vast majority of accusations of racism. Black people in urban communities constantly fucking lie. They cant be trusted at all, and it has nothing to do with skin color. They have a shitty culture that needs serious overhauling. What a fucking burden on society they are. Its so unfair to the rest of us, and we have to pretend like everything is cool if we don't want to be called racists.

Only someone severely brain damaged would think or interpret he was actually trying to pull him into the car on top of him through the window. He was pulling him to get his head into the car. You cant possibly be that fucking stupid but then again you have proven me wrong before.

And why the hell would a cop ever try to do that? You think it's in the training manual?
I bet not.
The whole idea that a cop would ever try and pull a suspect into his vehicle is total bullshit.
And his buddy(see partner in crime)said the cop opened his door and it bounced back off of Dirt Nap Mike...bullshit.
The cops friend said Dirt Nap Mike pushed the door shut on the cop to keep him from exiting his vehicle,which sounds way more believable.
I mean seriously,how do you see Dirt Nap Mikes partner in crime scenario playing out?
The cop pulls up so close to Dirt Nap Mike and his buddy that the door wont open and they just stand there? More Bullshit.

Do cops always do things by the manual? No.

The reason a cop would do that is to intimidate someone. its only bullshit to you because you dont want to believe its so.
Its called strong arm robbery, and its scary enough that its a felony. Of course youre a racist black liar, so instead of recognizing that fact, you try to excuse it. Your ignorance wont win points here dummy. :lol:


The push was really scary but I dont want to admit I'm a pussy so I'm going to call it strong arm robbery instead of addressing the point. :lol:

I didn't coin the term. I assume its been used by our judicial system since before I was even born. Quit speaking, it just makes you look dumb. :lol:


I'm such a pussy that further diverting will keep people from knowing just how terrifying that push was for me. :lol:

I'm afraid of any Black male old enough to have some bass in his voice....or even looks like he may have some bass.

The eye in the sky does not lie.



That push was very scary.

Yeah, it would scare the shit out of you. You, not admitting that, only proves to everyone who the honest ones are. Liberals, are the furthest thing from honest there is.

I, already know, you pieces of stink hypocritical shit do not care about this situation, just like you do not care about any of the issues you people claim to care about.

However, to claim that you would not be scared if that fatass approached you, is just a blatant bullshit statement out of you, and it is the type of statement that comes from a person that is ensconced in a nice safe gated community, guarded by armed guards.

In other words, you have just represented here that you do not have any fucking clue. Just like we already know. It is a waste of my time to try and have an intelligent debate.

The push was really scary but I dont want to admit I'm a pussy so I'm going to call it strong arm robbery instead of addressing the point. :lol:

I didn't coin the term. I assume its been used by our judicial system since before I was even born. Quit speaking, it just makes you look dumb. :lol:


I'm such a pussy that further diverting will keep people from knowing just how terrifying that push was for me. :lol:

Why would I be terrified of a push that took place in the past, and a thousand miles away from me? Youre a stupid mother fucker. You don't even think before you type. :lol:
Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:
Both Michael Brown and the officer are described as decent, kind, and generous individuals. The video looks different in the UK Daily Mail, no doubt it will examined for any "editing". the Fregusion PD waited six days to release it, and were requested by state PD, and the feds not to do so, but Ferguson PD has a stake in this; releasing the officer's name was also callous. That is why I lean toward tragic error........................
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I didn't coin the term. I assume its been used by our judicial system since before I was even born. Quit speaking, it just makes you look dumb. :lol:


I'm such a pussy that further diverting will keep people from knowing just how terrifying that push was for me. :lol:

Why would I be terrified of a push that took place in the past, and a thousand miles away from me? Youre a stupid mother fucker. You don't even think before you type. :lol:

Because you are a pussy that just admitted it was terrifying to you.
Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:

Do you acknowledge that it was wrong of Mr. Brown to steal those cigars, put his hands on the store clerk and push him out of the way, and then try and intimidate him before leaving the store?

I think you know it's wrong, and that skin color doesn't justify those actions in the slightest.
Both Michael Brown and the officer are described as decent, kind, and generous individuals. That is why I lean toward tragic error........................

Except...so far...the back story on the teen is changing...and not for the better...

That push was very scary.
Its called strong arm robbery, and its scary enough that its a felony. Of course youre a racist black liar, so instead of recognizing that fact, you try to excuse it. Your ignorance wont win points here dummy. :lol:


The push was really scary but I dont want to admit I'm a pussy so I'm going to call it strong arm robbery instead of addressing the point. :lol:

No, the translation is you are not seeing that the person that the animal pushed is barely 5 feet tall.

He, is 6 foot 4.

You hypocritical fuck.
The eye in the sky does not lie.



That push was very scary.

Yeah, it would scare the shit out of you. You, not admitting that, only proves to everyone who the honest ones are. Liberals, are the furthest thing from honest there is.

I, already know, you pieces of stink hypocritical shit do not care about this situation, just like you do not care about any of the issues you people claim to care about.

However, to claim that you would not be scared if that fatass approached you, is just a blatant bullshit statement out of you, and it is the type of statement that comes from a person that is ensconced in a nice safe gated community, guarded by armed guards.

In other words, you have just represented here that you do not have any fucking clue. Just like we already know. It is a waste of my time to try and have an intelligent debate.

My daughter has pushed me harder than that. You are a pussy Just admit it.

You just lied as well. Please quote were I claimed i would not be afraid. Can you do that?
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Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:

Do you acknowledge that it was wrong of Mr. Brown to steal those cigars, put his hands on the store clerk and push him out of the way, and then try and intimidate him before leaving the store?

I think you know it's wrong, and that skin color doesn't justify those actions in the slightest.

Yes I agree it was wrong. What I dont agree is that slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life. The racists and frightened white people are all too eager to do that.
Both Michael Brown and the officer are described as decent, kind, and generous individuals. That is why I lean toward tragic error........................

How many decent, kind, and generous individuals steal from a store, assault and batter a clerk, and then use intimidation while then exiting the store? A nice guy wouldn't do that. The video doesn't lie, and certain people are angry because it sunk the notion that he was nothing but a gentle giant.
Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:

Do you acknowledge that it was wrong of Mr. Brown to steal those cigars, put his hands on the store clerk and push him out of the way, and then try and intimidate him before leaving the store?

I think you know it's wrong, and that skin color doesn't justify those actions in the slightest.

Yes I agree it was wrong. What I dont agree is that slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life. The racists and frightened white people are all too eager to do that.

Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?
Only someone severely brain damaged would think or interpret he was actually trying to pull him into the car on top of him through the window. He was pulling him to get his head into the car. You cant possibly be that fucking stupid but then again you have proven me wrong before.

And why the hell would a cop ever try to do that? You think it's in the training manual?
I bet not.
The whole idea that a cop would ever try and pull a suspect into his vehicle is total bullshit.
And his buddy(see partner in crime)said the cop opened his door and it bounced back off of Dirt Nap Mike...bullshit.
The cops friend said Dirt Nap Mike pushed the door shut on the cop to keep him from exiting his vehicle,which sounds way more believable.
I mean seriously,how do you see Dirt Nap Mikes partner in crime scenario playing out?
The cop pulls up so close to Dirt Nap Mike and his buddy that the door wont open and they just stand there? More Bullshit.

Do cops always do things by the manual? No.

The reason a cop would do that is to intimidate someone. its only bullshit to you because you dont want to believe its so.

:lol: Wouldnt pulling his weapon be more intimidating? Dirt Nap Mike out weighed him by 130 lbs. And if you think the cop had the proper leverage from a seated position to pull Dirt Nap into his car you're crazy.
And exactly how did ol Dirt Nap get close enough for the officer to actually lean out the window and grab him? No way it happened that way. The cop would have put some distance between the suspect and his vehicle to allow egress. Why would he pull right up on them and put himself at an immediate disadvantage?

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