Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

The "push in the video" actually says a lot. The fact you do not think it does, only further shows you have no clue.

Oh, it was so cut and dry when the media called him a gentle giant. Until this video came out and again wrecked your belief you had in the gentle giant as reported by the media.

Damn, the media hated it when the video came out.

That is more than just a push. He was representing that he was ready to the pummel the poor 5 foot immigrant.

BTW, the animals in response to the media and their natural propensity to loot stores whenever they can, robbed that poor man of his story. Basically blaming him.

What an absolute disaster the liberals have turned the black race into. What a fucking disaster.

That poor guy got his business burned down because he was robbed by Michael Brown and he had the nerve to report it to the cops. The black community is fucking awful man. Its not all of them, but its enough of them that I can legitimately say that community is fucking AWFUL! It would be terribly unfair if white people were targeting black owned businesses, but it never goes THAT way. Its always white people who suffer because of the rampant racism in the black community.
The "push in the video" actually says a lot. The fact you do not think it does, only further shows you have no clue.

Oh, it was so cut and dry when the media called him a gentle giant. Until this video came out and again wrecked your belief you had in the gentle giant as reported by the media.

Damn, the media hated it when the video came out.

That is more than just a push. He was representing that he was ready to the pummel the poor 5 foot immigrant.

BTW, the animals in response to the media and their natural propensity to loot stores whenever they can, robbed that poor man of his story. Basically blaming him.

What an absolute disaster the liberals have turned the black race into. What a fucking disaster.


The push frightened me beyond coherent thought. Now I cant even think straight.
Let me clean that up for you. Translation: Big Mike was a two-bit thug. Unlike Martin, here it has been established before any trial.


I too was frightened by that push. That guy looks like he could kill me. :lol:
Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?

NO. And Michael Brown is also described as kind and decent; this may not fit the preconceived slots most wish to place the events into.
NO. And Michael Brown is also described as kind and decent; this may not fit the preconceived slots most wish to place the events into.

When a man described as kind and gentle robs a store and puts his hands on someone, I'm going to have some doubts.
Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?

NO. And Michael Brown is also described as kind and decent; this may not fit the preconceived slots most wish to place the events into.

Well, he may have been described as santa clause.

We know he was not a kind person, nor a decent person.


Just cannot shake the video, and I will not let you.
Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?

Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the video was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Heads up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.
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Let me clean that up for you. Translation: Big Mike was a two-bit thug. Unlike Martin, here it has been established before any trial.


I too was frightened by that push. That guy looks like he could kill me. :lol:
Whatever, he was obviously a thug. That much is irrefutable.

Well I just refuted it. A push doesnt make you a thug. Just admit it frightened you and the video did the job necessary to probably lead to the cops exoneration later in court.
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You are wasting your time with Asslepassel, Wake. Angry Black Negro sees nothing wrong with dude stealing and shoving around a smaller man.
You get off on thinking people are frightened, dontcha? Which means you think you are some bad ass. lol. Dream on, Negro.
Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?

Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the videot was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Head up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.

Asclepias, I did not say the video of him behaving like a lowlife thug was indicative of his whole life. Others have said so: I don't. However, one of the issues was the media's deceitful portrayal of Mr. Brown being a gentle giant. What if it was your store robbed and your uncle pushed? After the man dies the media hypes him up as a gentle giant who has done no wrong. How would you feel about that? Would you feel it's a fair portrayal of the man's life, in spite of what you currently know to be the truth?

Plenty of people in college have done stupid and horrible things. I do not care one iota that he was in college nor do I subscribe to the notion that him being in college inherently makes him a better person than anyone else. That others say he was a gentle giant is immaterial, considering the fact that plenty of people can have an idea of how other people are without really truly knowing them.

I wasn't re-asking you. I was recapping what was said by you and I.

What was manipulative was the media and others painting Mr. Brown as an innocent, gentle giant. When concrete evidence turned up that that might just not be the case, crap hit the fan.

You and I both don't know what exactly happened. What we have are varying witness accounts on the issue, plus a lot of evidence that needs to be collected and analyzed. You do not know if the officer shot him for no reason. I do not know if the officer shot him for a good reason. We simply don't know yet.
I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?

Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the videot was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Head up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.

Asclepias, I did not say the video of him behaving like a lowlife thug was indicative of his whole life. Others have said so: I don't. However, one of the issues was the media's deceitful portrayal of Mr. Brown being a gentle giant. What if it was your store robbed and your uncle pushed? After the man dies the media hypes him up as a gentle giant who has done no wrong. How would you feel about that? Would you feel it's a fair portrayal of the man's life, in spite of what you currently know to be the truth?

Plenty of people in college have done stupid and horrible things. I do not care one iota that he was in college nor do I subscribe to the notion that him being in college inherently makes him a better person than anyone else. That others say he was a gentle giant is immaterial, considering the fact that plenty of people can have an idea of how other people are without really truly knowing them.

I wasn't re-asking you. I was recapping what was said by you and I.

What was manipulative was the media and others painting Mr. Brown as an innocent, gentle giant. When concrete evidence turned up that that might just not be the case, crap hit the fan.

You and I both don't know what exactly happened. What we have are varying witness accounts on the issue, plus a lot of evidence that needs to be collected and analyzed. You do not know if the officer shot him for no reason. I do not know if the officer shot him for a good reason. We simply don't know yet.

I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.
Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the videot was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Head up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.

Asclepias, I did not say the video of him behaving like a lowlife thug was indicative of his whole life. Others have said so: I don't. However, one of the issues was the media's deceitful portrayal of Mr. Brown being a gentle giant. What if it was your store robbed and your uncle pushed? After the man dies the media hypes him up as a gentle giant who has done no wrong. How would you feel about that? Would you feel it's a fair portrayal of the man's life, in spite of what you currently know to be the truth?

Plenty of people in college have done stupid and horrible things. I do not care one iota that he was in college nor do I subscribe to the notion that him being in college inherently makes him a better person than anyone else. That others say he was a gentle giant is immaterial, considering the fact that plenty of people can have an idea of how other people are without really truly knowing them.

I wasn't re-asking you. I was recapping what was said by you and I.

What was manipulative was the media and others painting Mr. Brown as an innocent, gentle giant. When concrete evidence turned up that that might just not be the case, crap hit the fan.

You and I both don't know what exactly happened. What we have are varying witness accounts on the issue, plus a lot of evidence that needs to be collected and analyzed. You do not know if the officer shot him for no reason. I do not know if the officer shot him for a good reason. We simply don't know yet.

I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Refuse to sale tobacco to someone under 21
Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons deccfision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?

Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the video was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Heads up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.

He wasnt going to "college", he was going to "technical college", which is a huge difference. One requires years of hard work and dedication in school, and the other requires nothing but a small fee. People with down syndrome can go to technical college for fuck sake.

That isnt a fact that redeems Michael Brown in even the slightest. No one is impressed that he was getting training to become a janitor. :lol:
Asclepias, I did not say the video of him behaving like a lowlife thug was indicative of his whole life. Others have said so: I don't. However, one of the issues was the media's deceitful portrayal of Mr. Brown being a gentle giant. What if it was your store robbed and your uncle pushed? After the man dies the media hypes him up as a gentle giant who has done no wrong. How would you feel about that? Would you feel it's a fair portrayal of the man's life, in spite of what you currently know to be the truth?

Plenty of people in college have done stupid and horrible things. I do not care one iota that he was in college nor do I subscribe to the notion that him being in college inherently makes him a better person than anyone else. That others say he was a gentle giant is immaterial, considering the fact that plenty of people can have an idea of how other people are without really truly knowing them.

I wasn't re-asking you. I was recapping what was said by you and I.

What was manipulative was the media and others painting Mr. Brown as an innocent, gentle giant. When concrete evidence turned up that that might just not be the case, crap hit the fan.

You and I both don't know what exactly happened. What we have are varying witness accounts on the issue, plus a lot of evidence that needs to be collected and analyzed. You do not know if the officer shot him for no reason. I do not know if the officer shot him for a good reason. We simply don't know yet.

I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Refuse to sale tobacco to someone under 21

Sssssh, he said he wants his buddy to say what they were saying to the clerk.


They are priceless. He must think the clerk said....."Hey ******, I will not sell you pot rolling papers.....you big monkey!"

I wonder, if he thought about it, if he would really want his buddy to tell us the actual truth about what was said.


I would like to hear from the poor victim, the clerk. I felt really sorry for him too. You see how intimidated he was from the animal? Hilarious how the moron asclepias thinks the animal was a victim of the clerk. No really. That is what he is clearly insinuating.

What a disaster of a race the liberals have turned them into.
I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?

Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the video was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Heads up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.

He wasnt going to "college", he was going to "technical college", which is a huge difference. One requires years of hard work and dedication in school, and the other requires nothing but a small fee. People with down syndrome can go to technical college for fuck sake.

That isnt a fact that redeems Michael Brown in even the slightest. No one is impressed that he was getting training to become a janitor. :lol:

I dont get how your post is relevant? You just keep setting yourself up to get slapped down. You are a fucking moron but you do keep me entertained. :lol:

Student With Down Syndrome's Reaction To Getting Into College Makes Us Want To High-Five Him

Noah VanVooren, who has Down syndrome, has been waiting in anticipation for his letter from Edgewood College in Madison, Wis. That's why when the letter finally arrived last week, he could barely contain his excitement -- even before he opens it!
I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Refuse to sale tobacco to someone under 21

Sssssh, he said he wants his buddy to say what they were saying to the clerk.


They are priceless. He must think the clerk said....."Hey ******, I will not sell you pot rolling papers.....you big monkey!"

I wonder, if he thought about it, if he would really want his buddy to tell us the actual truth about what was said.


I would like to hear from the poor victim, the clerk. I felt really sorry for him too. You see how intimidated he was from the animal? Hilarious how the moron asclepias thinks the animal was a victim of the clerk. No really. That is what he is clearly insinuating.

What a disaster of a race the liberals have turned them into.

I hope to G-d that the GOP makes YOU it's PR man for the 2016 elections.

Really, I do.

They need to put up a miserable racist fuck as their PR man to show the world how many miserable racist fucks are in their miserable racist fucked-up party.

Thank you for reminding me of this important detail.
Refuse to sale tobacco to someone under 21

Sssssh, he said he wants his buddy to say what they were saying to the clerk.


They are priceless. He must think the clerk said....."Hey ******, I will not sell you pot rolling papers.....you big monkey!"

I wonder, if he thought about it, if he would really want his buddy to tell us the actual truth about what was said.


I would like to hear from the poor victim, the clerk. I felt really sorry for him too. You see how intimidated he was from the animal? Hilarious how the moron asclepias thinks the animal was a victim of the clerk. No really. That is what he is clearly insinuating.

What a disaster of a race the liberals have turned them into.

I hope to G-d that the GOP makes YOU it's PR man for the 2016 elections.

Really, I do.

They need to put up a miserable racist fuck as their PR man to show the world how many miserable racist fucks are in their miserable racist fucked-up party.

Thank you for reminding me of this important detail.

What did I say that was racist, you stupid fucking moron?

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