Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Refuse to sale tobacco to someone under 21

Sssssh, he said he wants his buddy to say what they were saying to the clerk.


They are priceless. He must think the clerk said....."Hey ******, I will not sell you pot rolling papers.....you big monkey!"

I wonder, if he thought about it, if he would really want his buddy to tell us the actual truth about what was said.


I would like to hear from the poor victim, the clerk. I felt really sorry for him too. You see how intimidated he was from the animal? Hilarious how the moron asclepias thinks the animal was a victim of the clerk. No really. That is what he is clearly insinuating.

What a disaster of a race the liberals have turned them into.

I hope to G-d that the GOP makes YOU it's PR man for the 2016 elections.

Really, I do.

They need to put up a miserable racist fuck as their PR man to show the world how many miserable racist fucks are in their miserable racist fucked-up party.

Thank you for reminding me of this important detail.

You may be the dumbest fuck on these boards, if you cannot see the disaster you liberals have created out of the black race then all you are is a fucking ignorant left wing hack. Wait, that is exactly what you are. You ignorant pile of smelly racist shit.

Convince them more they are poor little victims.

You mean to tell me, you did not get that? You miserable ignorant fuck!

You stupid fucking ignorant moron!!!


Duuuuh, I am Statistikhengst. I did not know patronizing black people was racist. DUUUUUUH

I am Statistikhengst and I am a fucking moron. DUUUUUUUH
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No one knows if he was really going to any kind of college. Initially his mother said that he intended to apply to technical college. Anyone could say they intended to apply for anything at all. Especially when the intention is foreclosed.
Angry white bitch? lol. More like "I See You Now, White Bitch". In caps. Cuz I finally do, negro.
I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Refuse to sale tobacco to someone under 21

Sssssh, he said he wants his buddy to say what they were saying to the clerk.


They are priceless. He must think the clerk said....."Hey ******, I will not sell you pot rolling papers.....you big monkey!"

I wonder, if he thought about it, if he would really want his buddy to tell us the actual truth about what was said.


I would like to hear from the poor victim, the clerk. I felt really sorry for him too. You see how intimidated he was from the animal? Hilarious how the moron asclepias thinks the animal was a victim of the clerk. No really. That is what he is clearly insinuating.

What a disaster of a race the liberals have turned them into.

Johnson said it was him and Brown at the store so why wouldnt he say what happened between the clerk and Johnson? Either way the video had nothing to do with the shooting. It was a diversion to scare all you pussies into justifying the shooting. We can tell by how fervently you are pointing at the video to make you feel like it was a good shooting by Wilson. What a bunch of easily manipulated morons you are.
Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the videot was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Head up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.

Asclepias, I did not say the video of him behaving like a lowlife thug was indicative of his whole life. Others have said so: I don't. However, one of the issues was the media's deceitful portrayal of Mr. Brown being a gentle giant. What if it was your store robbed and your uncle pushed? After the man dies the media hypes him up as a gentle giant who has done no wrong. How would you feel about that? Would you feel it's a fair portrayal of the man's life, in spite of what you currently know to be the truth?

Plenty of people in college have done stupid and horrible things. I do not care one iota that he was in college nor do I subscribe to the notion that him being in college inherently makes him a better person than anyone else. That others say he was a gentle giant is immaterial, considering the fact that plenty of people can have an idea of how other people are without really truly knowing them.

I wasn't re-asking you. I was recapping what was said by you and I.

What was manipulative was the media and others painting Mr. Brown as an innocent, gentle giant. When concrete evidence turned up that that might just not be the case, crap hit the fan.

You and I both don't know what exactly happened. What we have are varying witness accounts on the issue, plus a lot of evidence that needs to be collected and analyzed. You do not know if the officer shot him for no reason. I do not know if the officer shot him for a good reason. We simply don't know yet.

I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.

No one knows if he was really going to any kind of college. Initially his mother said that he intended to apply to technical college. Anyone could say they intended to apply for anything at all. Especially when the intention is foreclosed.

Ohhh, I see. The mother is lying in an effort to garner sympathy for her thug son. How surpirising. The apple didnt fall far from the tree.
Refuse to sale tobacco to someone under 21

Sssssh, he said he wants his buddy to say what they were saying to the clerk.


They are priceless. He must think the clerk said....."Hey ******, I will not sell you pot rolling papers.....you big monkey!"

I wonder, if he thought about it, if he would really want his buddy to tell us the actual truth about what was said.


I would like to hear from the poor victim, the clerk. I felt really sorry for him too. You see how intimidated he was from the animal? Hilarious how the moron asclepias thinks the animal was a victim of the clerk. No really. That is what he is clearly insinuating.

What a disaster of a race the liberals have turned them into.

I hope to G-d that the GOP makes YOU it's PR man for the 2016 elections.

Really, I do.

They need to put up a miserable racist fuck as their PR man to show the world how many miserable racist fucks are in their miserable racist fucked-up party.

Thank you for reminding me of this important detail.

Hey shit stain their are plenty of racist in both parties more so in the democratic arty LBJ racist "those uppity ******* have something now, we got to give those ******* just enough to keep them ******* quite"
Angry white bitch? lol. More like "I See You Now, White Bitch". In caps. Cuz I finally do, negro.

I saw you a few weeks ago white bitch. I threw the angry in there after reading some of your interactions with other posters. Youre a damn fruit loop. You did fool me there for a while.
This kid was in alternative school because he was a trouble maker at his regular school. This bag of shit was anti-social thug wanna be. The liberal media is making him out to be a hero.
Asclepias, I did not say the video of him behaving like a lowlife thug was indicative of his whole life. Others have said so: I don't. However, one of the issues was the media's deceitful portrayal of Mr. Brown being a gentle giant. What if it was your store robbed and your uncle pushed? After the man dies the media hypes him up as a gentle giant who has done no wrong. How would you feel about that? Would you feel it's a fair portrayal of the man's life, in spite of what you currently know to be the truth?

Plenty of people in college have done stupid and horrible things. I do not care one iota that he was in college nor do I subscribe to the notion that him being in college inherently makes him a better person than anyone else. That others say he was a gentle giant is immaterial, considering the fact that plenty of people can have an idea of how other people are without really truly knowing them.

I wasn't re-asking you. I was recapping what was said by you and I.

What was manipulative was the media and others painting Mr. Brown as an innocent, gentle giant. When concrete evidence turned up that that might just not be the case, crap hit the fan.

You and I both don't know what exactly happened. What we have are varying witness accounts on the issue, plus a lot of evidence that needs to be collected and analyzed. You do not know if the officer shot him for no reason. I do not know if the officer shot him for a good reason. We simply don't know yet.

I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.
This kid was in alternative school because he was a trouble maker at his regular school. This bag of shit was anti-social thug wanna be. The liberal media is making him out to be a hero.

He was trying to buy tobacco under 21 is a No No That should shut some of the anti freedom idiots up. The clerk refused so he tried to steal them forcefully.
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No one knows if he was really going to any kind of college. Initially his mother said that he intended to apply to technical college. Anyone could say they intended to apply for anything at all. Especially when the intention is foreclosed.

Ohhh, I see. The mother is lying in an effort to garner sympathy for her thug son. How surpirising. The apple didnt fall far from the tree.

Let me know when you have some proof he was not starting college.

Michael Brown, teen shot by police, days before college - CNN.com

Friends and family said the teenager was ecstatic about starting classes at Vatterott College.
"He looked forward to it so much. You didn't have to tell him, 'Make sure you get to school.' He was ready," mother Lesley McSpadden told CNN.
This kid was in alternative school because he was a trouble maker at his regular school. This bag of shit was anti-social thug wanna be. The liberal media is making him out to be a hero.

He was trying to buy tobacco under 21 is a No No That should shut some of the anti freedom idiots up. The clerk refused so he tried to steal them forcefully.

Is that what the clerk said or did you just make that up? Please provide a link.
I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

You are an idiot. That's assault dumbass
I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

Grabbing the clerks shirt collar and pulling upwards is not pushing the clerk out of the way.

No wonder you feel discriminated against, you think bullying clerks is A OK.
Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

You are an idiot. That's assault dumbass

Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:
They feel discriminated against because Whitey has to be punished forever. And ever. Angry Negro has issues.
Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

Grabbing the clerks shirt collar and pulling upwards is not pushing the clerk out of the way.

No wonder you feel discriminated against, you think bullying clerks is A OK.

You must have watched that in super slow motion. Look at in in real speed and tell me how hurt the clerk was. Pussy. :lol:
Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

You are an idiot. That's assault dumbass

Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:

And there he goes with the frightened thing. The ones frightened are the negroes who live in paranoia 24/7 from Mr. White Man. Good. You should be. Things are the way they are because of Angry Black Negroes such as yourself...and those who get their black asses shot.

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