Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Both Michael Brown and the officer are described as decent, kind, and generous individuals. That is why I lean toward tragic error........................

Yet, the little evidence we do have, is those people that called Brown decent and kind are either exaggerating or lying.


Tell us peach. Does that look decent and kind to you?

Officer Darren Wilson on the other hand, just recently received commendations.


So sick you of you liberals.
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Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:

We aren't scared, we are overwhelmed with joy! Its why we are gloating. Your side lost this one and we love it! This video is fantastic! :lol:
I wonder what the difference between shop lifting, burglary, theft and robbery are in Missouri?

Just wondering why people are saying this was a robbery at the convenient store? Each State has its own rules and laws on it...I suppose? some States have shop lifting of over $1000 then turns to a higher level crime than a misdemeanor...some States have it over $400....this kind of thing that changes...and sentencing also...each State would seem to have their own laws....?
Depriving another of property by the use of force is robbery in every state. If a weapon is used the charge is armed robbery.
Do you acknowledge that it was wrong of Mr. Brown to steal those cigars, put his hands on the store clerk and push him out of the way, and then try and intimidate him before leaving the store?

I think you know it's wrong, and that skin color doesn't justify those actions in the slightest.

Yes I agree it was wrong. What I dont agree is that slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life. The racists and frightened white people are all too eager to do that.

Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?
Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:

We aren't scared, we are overwhelmed with joy! Its why we are gloating. Your side lost this one and we love it! This video is fantastic! :lol:

You are too pathetic for words. :lol:

You are a scary pussy and thats why you love the video. Its ok but just know I know.
If they guy had his hands in the air then 77 pages of whining about the black thug doesn't mean anything. Are we even certain that it is Brown?

That push was very scary.

Yeah, it would scare the shit out of you. You, not admitting that, only proves to everyone who the honest ones are. Liberals, are the furthest thing from honest there is.

I, already know, you pieces of stink hypocritical shit do not care about this situation, just like you do not care about any of the issues you people claim to care about.

However, to claim that you would not be scared if that fatass approached you, is just a blatant bullshit statement out of you, and it is the type of statement that comes from a person that is ensconced in a nice safe gated community, guarded by armed guards.

In other words, you have just represented here that you do not have any fucking clue. Just like we already know. It is a waste of my time to try and have an intelligent debate.

My daughter has pushed me harder than that. You are a pussy Just admit it.

You just lied as well. Please quote were I claimed i would not be afraid. Can you do that?

The fact that you keep repeating the words "you are afraid", implies that YOU are not. You are lying in order to cover up a previous lie, but it isn't going to work, liar. :lol:
Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:

We aren't scared, we are overwhelmed with joy! Its why we are gloating. Your side lost this one and we love it! This video is fantastic! :lol:

You are too pathetic for words. :lol:

You are a scary pussy and thats why you love the video. Its ok but just know I know.

You do realize your pathetic little tactic is how children try to get under each others skin. How fucking out of touch are you to think this nonsense works on ANYONE!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Both Michael Brown and the officer are described as decent, kind, and generous individuals. That is why I lean toward tragic error........................

Yet, the little evidence we do have, is those people that called Brown decent and kind are either exaggerating or lying.


Tell us peach. Does that look decent and kind to you?

Officer Darren Wilson on the other hand, just recently received commendations.


So sick you of you liberals.

Two can play that game. Pictures and video dont determine behavior 24/7. He could have been given that award as top racist cop in that department for all we know.

We aren't scared, we are overwhelmed with joy! Its why we are gloating. Your side lost this one and we love it! This video is fantastic! :lol:

You are too pathetic for words. :lol:

You are a scary pussy and thats why you love the video. Its ok but just know I know.

You do realize your pathetic little tactic is how children try to get under each others skin. How fucking out of touch are you to think this nonsense works on ANYONE!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I only realize you just did what you accused me of you scary little pussy. :lol:
Yes I agree it was wrong. What I dont agree is that slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life. The racists and frightened white people are all too eager to do that.

Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

The "push in the video" actually says a lot. The fact you do not think it does, only further shows you have no clue.

Oh, it was so cut and dry when the media called him a gentle giant. Until this video came out and again wrecked your belief you had in the gentle giant as reported by the media.

Damn, the media hated it when the video came out.

That is more than just a push. He was representing that he was ready to the pummel the poor 5 foot immigrant.

BTW, the animals in response to the media and their natural propensity to loot stores whenever they can, robbed that poor man of his story. Basically blaming him.

What an absolute disaster the liberals have turned the black race into. What a fucking disaster.
This kid stole a box of cigars.

You "Patriots" helped the 1%ers steal the whole fucking middle class.

You talk smack all day about how you needs to have your guns so you can take on the "gummit" when they oppress you.

Shooting a kid in the middle of the street after he surrendered because he stole a $50.00 box of cigars. I can't imagine that being anything but "oppression".
It's not what he stole. It's the way he went about stealing it that offends the civilized mind. And whether or not you can understand that says a great deal about you.

What Michael Brown did was not only unlawful it was absolutely primitive, which is why I have no regret for what happened to him. He was an arrogant bully and the world is better off without him.
How did he go about stealing it...he pushed the clerk away...

Did he pull a knife on him? Did he pull a gun on him? did he punch him in the face? Did he beat the living crap out of him? All things he could have done that would have been horrific....and much worse...but he DID NOT do any of those things....

so what is it that bothers you SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, to believe this guy deserved death, when it comes to this shop lifting theft? that he was a bully? Well, that bothers me as well....but NOT to the depth that he DESERVED to be killed, as many of you guys seem to think?

The theft should have nothing to do with the way Brown was killed...we need to know what happened at the time of the shooting, and nothing else before that should even come in to the picture imo.

And the cop could very well have been justified, OR NOT? We just don't know yet....
If you are raped, does it matter if the rapist orders you to disrobe at gunpoint, or if he just slams you against a wall in a menacing manner and orders you to disrobe and service him? Rape is rape. Robbery is robbery.

What Michael Brown did is robbery -- whether you like it or not.
Food for thought.

The scary video of Brown pushing the store clerk is whats called stirring the fears of those that are petrified. Its the same motivation used to convince gullible whites into thinking its ok to put Black criminals in prison while letting white ones go. You fools are so naive its hilarious. :lol:

We aren't scared, we are overwhelmed with joy! Its why we are gloating. Your side lost this one and we love it! This video is fantastic! :lol:

You are too pathetic for words. :lol:

You are a scary pussy and thats why you love the video. Its ok but just know I know.

No,No...we like the video because it proves what we suspected from the get go.
Dirt Nap Mike is a pussy who attacks people half his size and that shows a pattern of behavior that blows your good little boy theory right out of the water.
No wonder obama didnt want the vid to come out,unlike you he's actually intelligent enough to know it's bad news for the negros.:D
Yes I agree it was wrong. What I dont agree is that slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life. The racists and frightened white people are all too eager to do that.

Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

You have already gone on record saying that "the cop is a racist liar", yet you don't know a thing about him. You have judged him, and you were wrong. This is a common theme with you and all your dishonest posts.
Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

The "push in the video" actually says a lot. The fact you do not think it does, only further shows you have no clue.

Oh, it was so cut and dry when the media called him a gentle giant. Until this video came out and again wrecked your belief you had in the gentle giant as reported by the media.

Damn, the media hated it when the video came out.

That is more than just a push. He was representing that he was ready to the pummel the poor 5 foot immigrant.

BTW, the animals in response to the media and their natural propensity to loot stores whenever they can, robbed that poor man of his story. Basically blaming him.

What an absolute disaster the liberals have turned the black race into. What a fucking disaster.


The push frightened me beyond coherent thought. Now I cant even think straight.
Both Michael Brown and the officer are described as decent, kind, and generous individuals. That is why I lean toward tragic error........................

Yet, the little evidence we do have, is those people that called Brown decent and kind are either exaggerating or lying.


Tell us peach. Does that look decent and kind to you?

Officer Darren Wilson on the other hand, just recently received commendations.


So sick you of you liberals.

Two can play that game. Pictures and video dont determine behavior 24/7. He could have been given that award as top racist cop in that department for all we know.


You are not playing too well. Is that suppose to be some sort of kind picture of that animal.

You think you can debate me? Maybe I should take 5 shots of tequila to make it fair.

I know, it is hard. It must be. Do not worry poor victim. The liberals will continue to convince you that you are totally helpless with out their help.
Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

You have already gone on record saying that "the cop is a racist liar", yet you don't know a thing about him. You have judged him, and you were wrong. This is a common theme with you and all your dishonest posts.

I did? Thats weird because he hasnt released a statement.
Yes I agree it was wrong. What I dont agree is that slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life. The racists and frightened white people are all too eager to do that.

Do you think it's an accurate portrayal of Darren Wilson's life to assume he murdered Mr. Brown, when neither a trial nor all of the facts and testimonies have been revealed?

Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

I'm not asking you to judge his entire life based on one instance of him being a lowlife thug. What I am saying is that the idea of him being some innocent, gentle giant is a flubbering lie. What I was asking you is if you thought it was wrong, and if his actions were justified because of his skin color. You respond by saying you don't agree that the slice of time is an accurate portrayal of his life, which is not tangential to what I was initially talking with you about. I then say that since you don't think this video is fair to use to weigh his whole life, then it certainly isn't fair to use an unknown situation to judge Mr. Wilson as being a racist, black-hating murderer. It's certainly not fair to judge Wilson without even actually knowing the facts, which is similar to you saying it's not fair to judge Brown because of his actual actions being caught in one instance.

Do you currently believe Wilson is a racist murderer based on a scenario we don't have all the facts on?
Thats 2 different things. Your asking me to judge Browns entire life based on a push in a video that had nothing to do with the shooting incident. On the other hand you want me base Wilsons decision making on nothing so far. from the witnesses statements he shot the guy when he didnt have to. What else should I think?

The "push in the video" actually says a lot. The fact you do not think it does, only further shows you have no clue.

Oh, it was so cut and dry when the media called him a gentle giant. Until this video came out and again wrecked your belief you had in the gentle giant as reported by the media.

Damn, the media hated it when the video came out.

That is more than just a push. He was representing that he was ready to the pummel the poor 5 foot immigrant.

BTW, the animals in response to the media and their natural propensity to loot stores whenever they can, robbed that poor man of his story. Basically blaming him.

What an absolute disaster the liberals have turned the black race into. What a fucking disaster.


The push frightened me beyond coherent thought. Now I cant even think straight.
Let me clean that up for you. Translation: Big Mike was a two-bit thug. Unlike Martin, here it has been established before any trial.
Yet, the little evidence we do have, is those people that called Brown decent and kind are either exaggerating or lying.


Tell us peach. Does that look decent and kind to you?

Officer Darren Wilson on the other hand, just recently received commendations.


So sick you of you liberals.

Two can play that game. Pictures and video dont determine behavior 24/7. He could have been given that award as top racist cop in that department for all we know.


You are not playing too well. Is that suppose to be some sort of kind picture of that animal.

You think you can debate me? Maybe I should take 5 shots of tequila to make it fair.

I know, it is hard. It must be. Do not worry poor victim. The liberals will continue to convince you that you are totally helpless with out their help.

You havent said anything to convince me I couldnt out debate you while practicing the piano at the same time. What exactly did you say here to refute my post? :lol:

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