Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

You are an idiot. That's assault dumbass

Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:

No, if anyone was a pussy it was Big Mike. Picking on a much smaller man because "boo hoo" someone stood in the punks way.


You've obviously not even watched the frickin video

Now go on and let the adults handle this
You are an idiot. That's assault dumbass

Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:

And there he goes with the frightened thing. The ones frightened are the negroes who live in paranoia 24/7 from Mr. White Man. Good. You should be. Things are the way they are because of Angry Black Negroes such as yourself...and those who get their black asses shot.

You are frightened. Thats why you need guns. You'd get your ass kicked hand to hand. Why the guns if you are not afraid? :lol:
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You are an idiot. That's assault dumbass

Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:

No, if anyone was a pussy it was Big Mike. Picking on a much smaller man because "boo hoo" someone stood in the punks way.


You've obviously not even watched the frickin video

Now go on and let the adults handle this

You are the pussy. The clerk actually had some balls. You are petrified. I watched the video and he pushed the guy. He didnt beat him up or even strike him. However, he still scared the shit out of you. :lol:
Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

Grabbing the clerks shirt collar and pulling upwards is not pushing the clerk out of the way.

No wonder you feel discriminated against, you think bullying clerks is A OK.

You must have watched that in super slow motion. Look at in in real speed and tell me how hurt the clerk was. Pussy. :lol:

Hey buttwipe, answer the question, how is grabbing someone shirt collar "pushing him aside"?

Get it?

Prolly not, you're challenged.
Grabbing the clerks shirt collar and pulling upwards is not pushing the clerk out of the way.

No wonder you feel discriminated against, you think bullying clerks is A OK.

You must have watched that in super slow motion. Look at in in real speed and tell me how hurt the clerk was. Pussy. :lol:

Hey buttwipe, answer the question, how is grabbing someone shirt collar "pushing him aside"?

Get it?

Prolly not, you're challenged.
Hey pussy tell me how dangerous and scary that push was again. :lol:
What the hell is wrong with people who enjoy the idea of 17 year old kids dying?

No one enjoys it, but some see that some 17 year olds put themselves in a position where a cop has no choice.
Suppose the kid had gotten hold of the officer's weapon and shot him. We would all feel bad for the cop's family for about 10 seconds. Not a one of us would have devoted 2% of the time discussing it we have because the cop retained his weapon.

But the kid didn't get ahold of his weapon.

Now, if the forensics supports that fact that this kid died during a struggle for the weapon (Bullet at an odd trajectory, gun shot residue on the body, single shot) then I'll be the first one to call for this cop to be vindicated.

But if the forensics show that this kid was shot in the back multiple times at range, then that should be solid evidence this cop used force excessively and should be held to account.
Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:

No, if anyone was a pussy it was Big Mike. Picking on a much smaller man because "boo hoo" someone stood in the punks way.


You've obviously not even watched the frickin video

Now go on and let the adults handle this

You are the pussy. The clerk actually had some balls. You are petrified. I watched the video and he pushed the guy. He didnt beat him up or even strike him. However, he still scared the shit out of you. :lol:

Go loot a kwik trip, you've been proven unable to deal with adults.
No, if anyone was a pussy it was Big Mike. Picking on a much smaller man because "boo hoo" someone stood in the punks way.


You've obviously not even watched the frickin video

Now go on and let the adults handle this

You are the pussy. The clerk actually had some balls. You are petrified. I watched the video and he pushed the guy. He didnt beat him up or even strike him. However, he still scared the shit out of you. :lol:

Go loot a kwik trip, you've been proven unable to deal with adults.

Go get some balls. I hear the clerk has some for sale. I cant believe you are so frightened over a push. What a big soft pussy you are. :lol:
Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:

No, if anyone was a pussy it was Big Mike. Picking on a much smaller man because "boo hoo" someone stood in the punks way.


You've obviously not even watched the frickin video

Now go on and let the adults handle this

You are the pussy. The clerk actually had some balls. You are petrified. I watched the video and he pushed the guy. He didnt beat him up or even strike him. However, he still scared the shit out of you. :lol:

Robbery is theft by means of force or fear. The degree of force may be slight. If Brown had put one finger on the clerk, a fingernail on the clerk it's the same as putting a brick to his head. It's the same as breaking his jaw.
No, if anyone was a pussy it was Big Mike. Picking on a much smaller man because "boo hoo" someone stood in the punks way.


You've obviously not even watched the frickin video

Now go on and let the adults handle this

You are the pussy. The clerk actually had some balls. You are petrified. I watched the video and he pushed the guy. He didnt beat him up or even strike him. However, he still scared the shit out of you. :lol:

Robbery is theft by means of force or fear. The degree of force may be slight. If Brown had put one finger on the clerk, a fingernail on the clerk it's the same as putting a brick to his head. It's the same as breaking his jaw.

Yeah yeah I heard all the technicalities. He pushed the guy out of his way. You can call it murder if you want to but at the end of the day he was pushed.
Who says his conduct in that video is reflective of how he normally conducts himself? How are you judging his entire persona based simply on that and ignoring he was starting college and viewed by others that knew him as a gentle giant. No one said he was a saint.

I answered your question about it being wrong. How did you miss that? I also never said the video was not fair. I said it was being used to manipulate scary white people and racists. Heads up. If we are going to discuss this leave out the false claims of what you think I said. It makes me feel as if you are wasting my time.

As things stand I think the cop shot the kid when he had no reason to. That makes him a murderer.

He wasnt going to "college", he was going to "technical college", which is a huge difference. One requires years of hard work and dedication in school, and the other requires nothing but a small fee. People with down syndrome can go to technical college for fuck sake.

That isnt a fact that redeems Michael Brown in even the slightest. No one is impressed that he was getting training to become a janitor. :lol:

I dont get how your post is relevant? You just keep setting yourself up to get slapped down. You are a fucking moron but you do keep me entertained. :lol:

Student With Down Syndrome's Reaction To Getting Into College Makes Us Want To High-Five Him

Noah VanVooren, who has Down syndrome, has been waiting in anticipation for his letter from Edgewood College in Madison, Wis. That's why when the letter finally arrived last week, he could barely contain his excitement -- even before he opens it!

Says the dude who's been slapped down so many times he's got bed sores.:lol:
He wasnt going to "college", he was going to "technical college", which is a huge difference. One requires years of hard work and dedication in school, and the other requires nothing but a small fee. People with down syndrome can go to technical college for fuck sake.

That isnt a fact that redeems Michael Brown in even the slightest. No one is impressed that he was getting training to become a janitor. :lol:

I dont get how your post is relevant? You just keep setting yourself up to get slapped down. You are a fucking moron but you do keep me entertained. :lol:

Student With Down Syndrome's Reaction To Getting Into College Makes Us Want To High-Five Him

Noah VanVooren, who has Down syndrome, has been waiting in anticipation for his letter from Edgewood College in Madison, Wis. That's why when the letter finally arrived last week, he could barely contain his excitement -- even before he opens it!

Says the dude who's been slapped down so many times he's got bed sores.:lol:

That was a pathetic attempt to save your buddy from looking like an ass hat by setting himself up. Try again dullard. :lol:
I wonder why this guy was not gunned down?

Man accused in 7th Ward shooting rampage was misidentified, police say | NOLA.com

NOPD officers had begun to give chase, and the rampage soon came to an end with a dramatic police standoff. Police said the man stepped out from grassy area on Derbigny and pointed his gun the officers.

They ordered him to drop the weapon, but said he reportedly answered, "No, you drop your (expletive) gun!"

He tried again to flee but was soon arrested after police set up a perimeter in the area and ultimately captured the man near an alley at 1820 N. Derbigny, records show.

Oh....how silly of me.


Different officer(s), PROBABLY different circumstances. Not much evidence yet in Michael Brown's death is known, thus no firm answer.
You are an idiot. That's assault dumbass

Youre a pussy. He shoved him out of the way. I know it frightened you. :lol:

And there he goes with the frightened thing. The ones frightened are the negroes who live in paranoia 24/7 from Mr. White Man. Good. You should be. Things are the way they are because of Angry Black Negroes such as yourself...and those who get their black asses shot.

Yes! Yes! Let it all out. Let the poison out. Holding in your true feelings is not healthy. Join your brethren out in the open where all can see.

It's been a long, hard struggle for you. Let it all out.
The fact is whites and negros have a different tolerance for violence, what would be consider violent in the white community would just be the norm with negros.

In the negro community whom ever is the biggest and baddest is more respect then who is the smartest and kindest.

This is why Asclepias thinks the way he does, it's just his negro nature
Yes Asclepias, people are afraid of negros because they are violent
Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

Grabbing the clerks shirt collar and pulling upwards is not pushing the clerk out of the way.

No wonder you feel discriminated against, you think bullying clerks is A OK.
Chris Rock, the renown Black comedian, once boldly stated, "I love Black people but I can't stand *******!"

According to Rock, the descriptive difference between the two categories is summarily defined as civilized behavior: Black people are civilized, ******* are not.

I understand what Chris Rock is saying and I fully agree. And I sympathize with decent, law-abiding Black people who are stigmatized by the uncivilized behavior and obnoxious attitudes of *******.

What Michael Brown did in that store is categorically uncivilized behavior, which plainly defines Brown as a dangerous, anti-social ******. And anyone who does not recognize what Brown did as a brazen act of barbaric criminal assault simply and obviously thinks like a ******.
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