Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Angry white bitch? lol. More like "I See You Now, White Bitch". In caps. Cuz I finally do, negro.

I saw you a few weeks ago white bitch. I threw the angry in there after reading some of your interactions with other posters. Youre a damn fruit loop. You did fool me there for a while.

Let's see here... Fruit loop vs racist asshole. I'll go with the fruit loop every time, asshole.
If they don't nip this in the bud TONIGHT, it is going to spill over to residential homes and other places besides just that spot. Neighboring towns, other cities, other states. After all....White Man MUST be punished for shooting a thug who is a thief and has lying friends. Do those who marched with their hands up feel stupid now? You should. You just got snookered by a bunch of lying angry black people.
Angry white bitch? lol. More like "I See You Now, White Bitch". In caps. Cuz I finally do, negro.

I saw you a few weeks ago white bitch. I threw the angry in there after reading some of your interactions with other posters. Youre a damn fruit loop. You did fool me there for a while.

Let's see here... Fruit loop vs racist asshole. I'll go with the fruit loop every time, asshole.

Thanks! I think.
I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.
What could the clerk have said that would justify pushing him at least twice?

Perhaps he asked Brown to pay for the cigars he grabbed? You're acting as if pushing a man 14" shorter and close to 200 pounds lighter is no big deal! It's assault, Ass-clap. NOTHING the clerk could have said justifies assault.
Wait til they try to burn down the hospital..or some old folks home. People must be punished, I tell ya!
These ignorant black rioters. They're doing this all wrong. They're destroying their own town.

What they need to do is congregate where all the hipsters live, where all the liberal white rich families live, and destroy those neighborhoods.

After all, it was liberal hipsters and their liberal power elite who engineered the relocation of blacks from prime city center real estate out to the sticks. Liberals wanted that city center real estate for themselves. Spike Lee was going mental about this gentrification. Section 8 vouchers are used to send these poor blacks out to the inner suburbs, like Ferguson, to destroy those towns, so that liberals can enjoy city life without the glorious diversity of black people. So, black people of Ferguson, go show the liberals how marvelous diversity is because liberals are always blowharding about how much they love diversity. Give liberals want they want. Go riot in their neighborhoods and keep your own intact.
Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

Grabbing the clerks shirt collar and pulling upwards is not pushing the clerk out of the way.

No wonder you feel discriminated against, you think bullying clerks is A OK.
Only if they demand you pay for what you've stolen. How DARE the clerk disrespect the brother like that?
I dont know if it was just me but I never fell for the 24/7 gentle giant routine. Especially in a neighborhood like that. Everyone has a mean streak. If it was my store I would have thought he was criminal. No ifs ands or buts about it. However, its not my store so I can be objective.

Did the clerk say something behind the counter that started the altercation? No one can answer that so far. I wish his buddy Johnson would speak on it.

In that neighborhood its going to be rare that people are actually going forth with bettering their lives. He was doing that. You cant explain that away. I give way more credibility to the witnesses that did not know Brown than anyone else. So far everything still comes down to Wilson shooting someone that was surrendering.

There is no way I am going to trust what the police are saying simply because they are trying to cover their asses.

Did the clerk say something to start the altercation?

Are you serious?

There is no excuse to attack someone MUCH smaller than you unless the other smaller one is armed.


Yes I'm serious. He didnt attack anyone. He pushed the clerk out of his way. If you think that was an attack you too are a pussy.

He attacked him ( he took aggressive action towards him) to leave the store. Why are you trying to make it sound like he was this mewing little kitten after what he did to the store employee? He intimidated him by pushing him and then turning around and getting right back in the guys face, who wasn't but a third his size in my estimation.

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