Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Gas station getting looted now,

A long time ago, a man named Rodney King was brutally beaten up by Los Angeles cops. There is no doubt that Rodney King jeopardized the safety of people on the road by driving close to 100mph during the chase. But the beating he received was unjustified. Four police officers, kept hitting him even though he was on the ground and no threat to them. There was an inquiry against the police officers and they were not found guilty to the disbelief of many. Anyway, many folks in Los Angeles took to the street and did some serious rioting to protest the verdict. Only after the rioting did a second investigation start this time by the federal government. But the thing is those cops should have been found guilty when the first inquiry took place. People should not have to riot to get the justice. By the same token, justice should never be intimated by the rioters.
Oh my, how the racists like to get together and wallow in their racism like pigs wallowing in shit.

It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.
It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.
How do you expect to have a "intelligent discussion" if you're just calling people names?
If you think Brown was a thug, that he bullied a man after stealing his merchandise, think the rioting is wrong and the looters pond scum...then you are racist.
It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.

Definition of Racist: Anyone who bests Esmeralda in an argument.

You are not capable of besting Esmeralda in an argument. I can guarantee you that. By using racist slur against black folks all you are doing is making a bad situation even worse. You are a very irresponsible person.
It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.

Definition of Racist: Anyone who bests Esmeralda in an argument.

You are not capable of besting Esmeralda in an argument. I can guarantee you that. By using racist slur against black folks all you are doing is making a bad situation even worse. You are a very irresponsible person.

Yeah, like BROWN charging the officer and the officer being justified in shooting him. Now that is a racial slur as far as they're concern.

What slurs have I made on this thread? You're just justifying the bull shit that is going down and you should be ashamed of yourself.
It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.
How do you expect to have a "intelligent discussion" if you're just calling people names?


The racists on this thread are the ones calling people names: that is why it is so easy to identify them. They may or may not be calling the other posters names, but they are definitely calling the black people names, especially the young man who was killed. And they are laughing about this young man's death and ridiculing him. It's just sickening. What such folks do is take the discussion down to the lowest common denominator (meaning: The most basic, least sophisticated level of taste, sensibility, or opinion among a group of people), which makes it impossible to actually have an intelligent, meaningful discussion.
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Definition of Racist: Anyone who bests Esmeralda in an argument.

You are not capable of besting Esmeralda in an argument. I can guarantee you that. By using racist slur against black folks all you are doing is making a bad situation even worse. You are a very irresponsible person.

Yeah, like BROWN charging the officer and the officer being justified in shooting him. Now that is a racial slur as far as they're concern.

What slurs have I made on this thread? You're just justifying the bull shit that is going down and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I was responding to Rikurzhen.

Having said that, yes, I have seen some very unfortunate racist posts from you as well. But truly, right now, you appear to be an angel compared to some hardened bigots that are chiming in. We as a society need to be on the same page. We cannot afford to think like a coalition of tribes. We need to make sure that there is justice for all of us.
It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.
How do you expect to have a "intelligent discussion" if you're just calling people names?


The racists on this thread are the ones calling people names: that is why it is so easy to identify them. They may or may not be calling the other posters names, but they are definitely calling the black people names, especially the young man who was killed. And they are laughing about this young man's death and ridiculing him. It's just sickening. What such folks do is take the discussion down to the lowest common denominator (meaning: The most basic, least sophisticated level of taste, sensibility, or opinion among a group of people), which makes it impossible to actually have an intelligent, meaningful discussion.

Cognitive dissonance. Something is wrong with some people you just cant fix.
It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.
How do you expect to have a "intelligent discussion" if you're just calling people names?


The racists on this thread are the ones calling people names: that is why it is so easy to identify them. They may or may not be calling the other posters names, but they are definitely calling the black people names, especially the young man who was killed. And they are laughing about this young man's death and ridiculing him. It's just sickening. What such folks do is take the discussion down to the lowest common denominator (meaning: The most basic, least sophisticated level of taste, sensibility, or opinion among a group of people), which makes it impossible to actually have an intelligent, meaningful discussion.
What did you think about the way Mike Brown acted in the store video?
1. He was shot in the front.
2. The first shots were low and hit his arms. This tells me he wasn't holding his hands up.
3. The shots in the arm were within a way that show that he was reaching out to grab something.
in liberals eyes and most black people- it would never be justifiable for a cop to shoot a black person.
Well...since excuses and scenarios are flying, why not add some more? Like, maybe the cop was shooting him in the arms to keep him from continuing to advance..and his arms were DOWN. So..the cop was trying to maim him but not kill him.

How do you expect to have a "intelligent discussion" if you're just calling people names?


The racists on this thread are the ones calling people names: that is why it is so easy to identify them. They may or may not be calling the other posters names, but they are definitely calling the black people names, especially the young man who was killed. And they are laughing about this young man's death and ridiculing him. It's just sickening. What such folks do is take the discussion down to the lowest common denominator (meaning: The most basic, least sophisticated level of taste, sensibility, or opinion among a group of people), which makes it impossible to actually have an intelligent, meaningful discussion.
What did you think about the way Mike Brown acted in the store video?

I think it does not warrant a death sentence. We do not have video of the shooting and have conflicting witness descriptions of it. As I have said before, we need to have all the information come out in time, not jump to conclusions and not blindly accept anyone's testimony at this point. Not speculate, not be judge, jury and executioners for anyone involved. There needs to also be an intelligent response to the rioting instead of just racist name calling. If a community responds to an incident like this in such a way, there is far more going there than we see on the surface. But people who are racists just have one simple idea about it, and that idea is completely derogatory toward blacks. Racists don't think, they don't have to: they can justifiy everything through their skewed, racist perspective of reality.
the word racist doesn't mean anything anymore. It's the the kid crying wolf one too many times. No one with a brain believes him.

Youre a racist. It means you basically think you are somehow better than another race. Its not for you to believe but to label you as an ignorant inbred for everyone else to know.

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