Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Youre a racist. It means you basically think you are somehow better than another race. Its not for you to believe but to label you as an ignorant inbred for everyone else to know.

I think you are racist. See how that works? I must be pretty racist as I have dated Black women and been in love with them.:lol::eusa_clap:

I dont believe that for a moment. I've seen some of your comments. Youre a racist. Racists dont love people they think are beneath them.

I have. It matters not if you believe me. I have nothing to gain.
As far as I am concern, these thugs that are looting, destroying and burning down businesses are the lowest form of whale shit on this planet.
I think you are racist. See how that works? I must be pretty racist as I have dated Black women and been in love with them.:lol::eusa_clap:

I dont believe that for a moment. I've seen some of your comments. Youre a racist. Racists dont love people they think are beneath them.

I have. It matters not if you believe me. I have nothing to gain.

It must matter. You tried your best to convince me. Personally I'd have more respect for an admitted racist than one that trys to convince me by saying dumb shit like you did about being in love with a Black woman. :lol:
Youre a racist. It means you basically think you are somehow better than another race. Its not for you to believe but to label you as an ignorant inbred for everyone else to know.

I think you are racist. See how that works? I must be pretty racist as I have dated Black women and been in love with them.:lol::eusa_clap:

I guess looking at evidence and wanting a fair trial makes me a bigot. You see these people want to make this issue all about how evil we whites are. Otherwise, this issue would be handled at the local level and we probably wouldn't of known about it.

The left is using it to advance something and they don't give a shit how many people are fucked over because of it.

exactly Matthew. I started a thread about when are we going to here a Sharpton apology about ruining a whole group of white men's lives (Duke Lacrosse Team)- crickets.

Black people, and libs in general see everything through race and sex.:eusa_boohoo:
I dont believe that for a moment. I've seen some of your comments. Youre a racist. Racists dont love people they think are beneath them.

I have. It matters not if you believe me. I have nothing to gain.

It must matter. You tried your best to convince me. Personally I'd have more respect for an admitted racist than one that trys to convince me by saying dumb shit like you did about being in love with a Black woman. :lol:

if I wanted to try my "best" I'd send you spoon pics of us back in the day.:lol::eusa_hand:

btw, I see YOUR POST history and looks pretty damn racist anti-white to me. I bet everything you own or rent came from a white man.
I have. It matters not if you believe me. I have nothing to gain.

It must matter. You tried your best to convince me. Personally I'd have more respect for an admitted racist than one that trys to convince me by saying dumb shit like you did about being in love with a Black woman. :lol:

if I wanted to try my "best" I'd send you spoon pics of us back in the day.:lol::eusa_hand:

btw, I see YOUR POST history and looks pretty damn racist anti-white to me. I bet everything you own or rent came from a white man.

Paying for hookers like a lot of white men do wouldnt convince me.

It would look racist to a racist. I bet everything you own or rent comes from a white man too.

If you take the cop at his word it was justified.

I never think it's a tragedy when a criminal dies

But since we've already established that you lack anything vaguely resembling a heart, this isn't surprising.

THis young man wasn't just a "criminal". He someone who has people in his life who are going to miss him. He might have even straightened his life out.

Shit, most of us did bad things in our teens. Most of us weren't shot for them by a cop.

I don't know about you but I never stole anything, assaulted anyone or anything even remotely similar.

And I judge people by their actions and nothing else because what people do is more a sign of their character than what they say
Breaking reported: autopsy shows brown hit 6 times, twice in the head.

Maybe a little over kill?

Not if a 6'4" 300 lb guy is rushing you.

And it seems most of the bullet wounds were on his right side with the fatal shot entering the top of his skull as if his head was down as he was charging.

If he was on his knees and stationary as has been said do you really think the cop wouldn't have hit center mass with at least one shot?
Simple equation: thug having a thugs day...thug violently robs store + thug walks down middle of street (cuz he own dem streets, he gangsta) + thug then attacks a police officer who asks him to get out of the middle of the taxpayers street = thug gets shot in his face. Guess now he's "livin in a gangsta paradise."
You dont want a fair trial. You want the cop to get off and get away with executing a black person. We all know you are hard core racist. Your post remind me of the KKK during Reconstruction.

I am the way I am because of the shit going down right in front of our fucking eyes...Civilized people don't destroy others property! Get it, asshole?:mad:

I am looking at the evidence and the evidence shows that Brown was likely charging the officer. His hands were down at chest level....The report tonight completely destroyed his friends statements. GONE, OVER, FUCKED!

All you care about is hanging this officer for shooting. What would you do if someone was coming at you to kill you and you had a gun?

No thats not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows exactly what the eyewitness Tiffany reported. Who told you Brown was coming to kill the cop?

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

That's kind of the new narrative.

A kid who escaped for a cop..ran away from a cop..after being shot, decides he's going to kill an armed cop..while unarmed and 35 feet away.

Some incredibly large logical leaps here..
I am the way I am because of the shit going down right in front of our fucking eyes...Civilized people don't destroy others property! Get it, asshole?:mad:

I am looking at the evidence and the evidence shows that Brown was likely charging the officer. His hands were down at chest level....The report tonight completely destroyed his friends statements. GONE, OVER, FUCKED!

All you care about is hanging this officer for shooting. What would you do if someone was coming at you to kill you and you had a gun?

No thats not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows exactly what the eyewitness Tiffany reported. Who told you Brown was coming to kill the cop?

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

That's kind of the new narrative.

A kid who escaped for a cop..ran away from a cop..after being shot, decides he's going to kill an armed cop..while unarmed and 35 feet away.

Some incredibly large logical leaps here..

You have to understand. This was a feral negro. A large one. The first 5 shots only made him upset.
Possessing or dealing weed is a non-serious crime, so we can agree about that. But what Brown did is a very serious crime because the very nature of it implies we are living in a jungle rather than a civilized society. That kind of barbaric behavior deserves appropriately serious punishment.

If Brown did to you what he did to that store clerk I'm quite sure you wouldn't think of it as a "non-serious" crime.

Michael Brown got exactly what a punk like him deserves -- to be shot dead in a gutter. The bottom line is we are rid of him.

Um, frankly, all he did was push the guy. I've been pushed, it's no big deal.

And when you treat a group of people badly long enough, eventually, they will turn on you.

True enough.

But he was shot six times. Twice in the head.

One shot entered from the top of the head and traveled down to his clavicle.

How tall is Mr. Brown? 6'4"?

Either he was kneeling, which isn't what the witnesses said, or he was charging with his head down and towards the officer, which is what one of the witnesses said. Some of those witnesses said he was running away and getting shot, but the autopsy makes it look otherwise...

I don't know of any other way the cop could have shot him on the top of his head. The cop was shorter than Mr. Brown.
One shot entered from the top of the head and traveled down to his clavicle.

How tall is Mr. Brown? 6'4"?

Either he was kneeling, which isn't what the witnesses said, or he was charging with his head down and towards the officer, which is what one of the witnesses said. Some of those witnesses said he was running away and getting shot, but the autopsy makes it look otherwise...

I don't know of any other way the cop could have shot him on the top of his head. The cop was shorter than Mr. Brown.

Actually he cop was tall skinny dude.

Brown's wrestling for the officers gun through the window - officer gains control of the weapon "I'm gonna shoot you" - Officer right handed?

"One of the bullets shattered Mr. Brown’s right eye, traveled through his face, exited his jaw and re-entered his collarbone." == "Some of the bullets entered and exited several times, including one that left at least five different wounds." -- (1) Shatters Brown's right eye, (2) exited his jaw, and (3) re-entered collar bone -- (1 shot fired, 3 wounds, 1 bullet recovered)

Johnson: 'I'm gonna shoot you,' not a second later gun goes off and Brown's bleeding, his arm. I was so close, next to his shoulder, I saw the fire from the barrel, he's bleeding ~ We ran

~ random witness collaboration (cell back phone, the radio chick): "He's running [told him to freeze] then all of a sudden he turned around and charged him, I think he's missin', then boom. ~

(missing - 3 shots, no bullet recovery)

Johnson: he felt the second shot, told me to keep runnin', he turned around... (edit - knew he wasn't getting away - double edit Johnson: "he started raising his arm")

Arm outstretched - charging like football player: "four times in the right arm" - "Some of the bullets entered and exited several times, including one that left at least five different wounds." -- (1) entry right thumb, (2) into the forearm, (3 & 4) in upper arm & out again, then (5) into chest (4 shots, 5 wounds, 2 bullets recovered)

"One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury"

(6 shots, 3 bullets recovered, 9 holes in the body ~ count them)
Last edited:

True enough.

But he was shot six times. Twice in the head.

One shot entered from the top of the head and traveled down to his clavicle.

How tall is Mr. Brown? 6'4"?

Either he was kneeling, which isn't what the witnesses said, or he was charging with his head down and towards the officer, which is what one of the witnesses said. Some of those witnesses said he was running away and getting shot, but the autopsy makes it look otherwise...

I don't know of any other way the cop could have shot him on the top of his head. The cop was shorter than Mr. Brown.

He could have been keeling over from the effect of the other five bullets.

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