Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Possessing or dealing weed is a non-serious crime, so we can agree about that. But what Brown did is a very serious crime because the very nature of it implies we are living in a jungle rather than a civilized society. That kind of barbaric behavior deserves appropriately serious punishment.

If Brown did to you what he did to that store clerk I'm quite sure you wouldn't think of it as a "non-serious" crime.

Michael Brown got exactly what a punk like him deserves -- to be shot dead in a gutter. The bottom line is we are rid of him.

Um, frankly, all he did was push the guy. I've been pushed, it's no big deal.

And when you treat a group of people badly long enough, eventually, they will turn on you.

You might want to tell Democrats in the South that .

Oh, this was in the North.

Possessing or dealing weed is a non-serious crime, so we can agree about that. But what Brown did is a very serious crime because the very nature of it implies we are living in a jungle rather than a civilized society. That kind of barbaric behavior deserves appropriately serious punishment.

If Brown did to you what he did to that store clerk I'm quite sure you wouldn't think of it as a "non-serious" crime.

Michael Brown got exactly what a punk like him deserves -- to be shot dead in a gutter. The bottom line is we are rid of him.

Um, frankly, all he did was push the guy. I've been pushed, it's no big deal.

And when you treat a group of people badly long enough, eventually, they will turn on you.

You might want to tell Democrats in the South that .

Oh, this was in the North.


Shit, nearly 50 years after passage of the Civil Rights Act and the libtard race baiters are still bringing up slavery.
Listening to people that live there I think you're blaming the wrong folks. Blacks have been running roughshod in Ferguson for decades. They've chased away the jobs and a lot of the whites. Even the black cops don't want to have anything to do with them...

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Um, frankly, all he did was push the guy. I've been pushed, it's no big deal.

And when you treat a group of people badly long enough, eventually, they will turn on you.

You might want to tell Democrats in the South that .

Oh, this was in the North.


Shit, nearly 50 years after passage of the Civil Rights Act and the libtard race baiters are still bringing up slavery.

It's all about money. The Al Sharptons need this garbage to get paid.
True enough.

But he was shot six times. Twice in the head.

One shot entered from the top of the head and traveled down to his clavicle.

How tall is Mr. Brown? 6'4"?

Either he was kneeling, which isn't what the witnesses said, or he was charging with his head down and towards the officer, which is what one of the witnesses said. Some of those witnesses said he was running away and getting shot, but the autopsy makes it look otherwise...

I don't know of any other way the cop could have shot him on the top of his head. The cop was shorter than Mr. Brown.

He could have been keeling over from the effect of the other five bullets.

or he could have been charging the cop with his head down and since the criminal was most likely right handed it makes sense that most of the shots hit his right arm as he was probably leading with it as he charged
Breaking reported: autopsy shows brown hit 6 times, twice in the head.

Maybe a little over kill?

I'm not about to question how many rounds the cop had to use to stop this guy.
And if he's using a 9mm it may well have taken all six to drop a dude as big as Dirt Nap Mike.

three in the right arm

Thats not gonna stop anyone,and would explain why Ol Dirt Nap kept on coming and the need for additional rounds.
I am the way I am because of the shit going down right in front of our fucking eyes...Civilized people don't destroy others property! Get it, asshole?:mad:

I am looking at the evidence and the evidence shows that Brown was likely charging the officer. His hands were down at chest level....The report tonight completely destroyed his friends statements. GONE, OVER, FUCKED!

All you care about is hanging this officer for shooting. What would you do if someone was coming at you to kill you and you had a gun?

No thats not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows exactly what the eyewitness Tiffany reported. Who told you Brown was coming to kill the cop?

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

That's kind of the new narrative.

A kid who escaped for a cop..ran away from a cop..after being shot, decides he's going to kill an armed cop..while unarmed and 35 feet away.

Some incredibly large logical leaps here..

I particularly like the asinine theory he was charging the cop with his head down. All common sense dictates that the last shot to the head was as he was falling to the ground. I wonder how a cop trained to hit center mass could miss so badly then put 2 in the kids head?
One shot entered from the top of the head and traveled down to his clavicle.

How tall is Mr. Brown? 6'4"?

Either he was kneeling, which isn't what the witnesses said, or he was charging with his head down and towards the officer, which is what one of the witnesses said. Some of those witnesses said he was running away and getting shot, but the autopsy makes it look otherwise...

I don't know of any other way the cop could have shot him on the top of his head. The cop was shorter than Mr. Brown.

He could have been keeling over from the effect of the other five bullets.

or he could have been charging the cop with his head down and since the criminal was most likely right handed it makes sense that most of the shots hit his right arm as he was probably leading with it as he charged

What drug are you on that you would think someone would put their head down 35ft away from someone and charge? :lol:
Listening to people that live there I think you're blaming the wrong folks. Blacks have been running roughshod in Ferguson for decades. They've chased away the jobs and a lot of the whites. Even the black cops don't want to have anything to do with them...

.Ferguson, Missouri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That explains why there is all of 3 of them on the force. Where in your link does it say the Black cops dont want to have anything to do with them?
He could have been keeling over from the effect of the other five bullets.

or he could have been charging the cop with his head down and since the criminal was most likely right handed it makes sense that most of the shots hit his right arm as he was probably leading with it as he charged

What drug are you on that you would think someone would put their head down 35ft away from someone and charge? :lol:

It's called the feral negro boogie. :D
The reporter on the FOX 2 LIVE coverage had interviewed a protester who said that "until the cop is arrested and charged with murder, they will not quit rioting."

---This is how little they give a shit about the truth or justice.

Then I'd make damn sure not to arrest him. Let the shitbags destroy their city,I for one dont give a rats ass.
Oh my, how the racists like to get together and wallow in their racism like pigs wallowing in shit.

It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.

Shouldnt those be black pigs?

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