Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

You dont want a fair trial. You want the cop to get off and get away with executing a black person. We all know you are hard core racist. Your post remind me of the KKK during Reconstruction.

I am the way I am because of the shit going down right in front of our fucking eyes...Civilized people don't destroy others property! Get it, asshole?:mad:

I am looking at the evidence and the evidence shows that Brown was likely charging the officer. His hands were down at chest level....The report tonight completely destroyed his friends statements. GONE, OVER, FUCKED!

All you care about is hanging this officer for shooting. What would you do if someone was coming at you to kill you and you had a gun?

No thats not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows exactly what the eyewitness Tiffany reported. Who told you Brown was coming to kill the cop?

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Explain to me how you get shot in the front of your arms if they are over your head.
Oh my, how the racists like to get together and wallow in their racism like pigs wallowing in shit.

It would be so nice to be able to have an intelligent discussion of this incident without the racists making it all so ugly and moronic.

Shouldnt those be black pigs?

No thats right. Your skin looks just like the pink pigs.
Didn't the negro witness say he was shot in the back? :lol:

Didnt you say you graduated from high school? :lol:
I don't believe him because he was lying and too stupid to think he'd be outed.

My God there are some really stupid SOBs in inner cities!

Good thing what you think doesnt matter to anyone. His account makes sense. If he was a referee in the NBA we would say he was the victim of a flop. Even trained professionals are taken in by someone jerking their body.
I am the way I am because of the shit going down right in front of our fucking eyes...Civilized people don't destroy others property! Get it, asshole?:mad:

I am looking at the evidence and the evidence shows that Brown was likely charging the officer. His hands were down at chest level....The report tonight completely destroyed his friends statements. GONE, OVER, FUCKED!

All you care about is hanging this officer for shooting. What would you do if someone was coming at you to kill you and you had a gun?

No thats not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows exactly what the eyewitness Tiffany reported. Who told you Brown was coming to kill the cop?

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Explain to me how you get shot in the front of your arms if they are over your head.

A shoulder shot makes you lower your arms? The only part of his arm that would have been hard to hit with your arms in the air is the forearm
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True enough.

But he was shot six times. Twice in the head.

One shot entered from the top of the head and traveled down to his clavicle.

How tall is Mr. Brown? 6'4"?

Either he was kneeling, which isn't what the witnesses said, or he was charging with his head down and towards the officer, which is what one of the witnesses said. Some of those witnesses said he was running away and getting shot, but the autopsy makes it look otherwise...

I don't know of any other way the cop could have shot him on the top of his head. The cop was shorter than Mr. Brown.

I'm guessing the head shot happened as he was going down.
I am the way I am because of the shit going down right in front of our fucking eyes...Civilized people don't destroy others property! Get it, asshole?:mad:

I am looking at the evidence and the evidence shows that Brown was likely charging the officer. His hands were down at chest level....The report tonight completely destroyed his friends statements. GONE, OVER, FUCKED!

All you care about is hanging this officer for shooting. What would you do if someone was coming at you to kill you and you had a gun?

No thats not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows exactly what the eyewitness Tiffany reported. Who told you Brown was coming to kill the cop?

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Explain to me how you get shot in the front of your arms if they are over your head.
I'd be more interested in how he got hit by behind, as Tiff said. My God, the defense would tear these witnesses apart in the unlikely event of a trial.
No thats not what the evidence shows. The evidence shows exactly what the eyewitness Tiffany reported. Who told you Brown was coming to kill the cop?

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Explain to me how you get shot in the front of your arms if they are over your head.
I'd be more interested in how he got hit by behind, as Tiff said. My God, the defense would tear these witnesses apart in the unlikely event of a trial.

Thats not what Tiffany said. She said he "jerked" as if hit. She was specific and even corrected the person interviewing her about that. The defense is going to have a problem with her.


Then, she said, “the kid’s body jerked as if he was hit from behind and he turned around and he puts his hands up like this and the cop continued to fire, and he just dropped down to the ground.”
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Well...since excuses and scenarios are flying, why not add some more? Like, maybe the cop was shooting him in the arms to keep him from continuing to advance..and his arms were DOWN. So..the cop was trying to maim him but not kill him.


The cop was not aiming at his arms. The cop was doing just what he was trained to do which is aim for center mass. Because Brown was moving, likely running with his arms moving back and forth, he was hit in the arm.
Explain to me how you get shot in the front of your arms if they are over your head.
I'd be more interested in how he got hit by behind, as Tiff said. My God, the defense would tear these witnesses apart in the unlikely event of a trial.

Thats not what Tiffany said. She said he "jerked" as if hit. She was specific and even corrected the person interviewing her about that. The defense is going to have a problem with her.

Dude it's over. All evidence points to a legitimate shooting.
I'd be more interested in how he got hit by behind, as Tiff said. My God, the defense would tear these witnesses apart in the unlikely event of a trial.

Thats not what Tiffany said. She said he "jerked" as if hit. She was specific and even corrected the person interviewing her about that. The defense is going to have a problem with her.

Dude it's over. All evidence points to a legitimate shooting.

You must be looking at some evidence I havent seen. This cop is going to jail. :lol:
Clearly this is society's fault.............and the White mans

If only there was social "justice", and more taxpayer funded welfare programs for education, job training, food stamps, housing, drug rehabilitation, lienient prison sentences, affirmative action and substitute father programs this never would have happened..........

Clearly Hes just another Victim of oppression .......LMFAO
Thats not what Tiffany said. She said he "jerked" as if hit. She was specific and even corrected the person interviewing her about that. The defense is going to have a problem with her.

Dude it's over. All evidence points to a legitimate shooting.

You must be looking at some evidence I havent seen. This cop is going to jail. :lol:

:cuckoo: The cop will never be charged based on the evidence. They might try some trumped up political bullshit. In that case Officer Brown has a right to be exonerated by a jury of his peers, not an angry black mob riled up by criminal thugs.
You must be looking at some evidence I havent seen. This cop is going to jail

If I had to bet...I say this officer isn't going to jail...the shooting will be ruled justified and holder and obama are going to get stuck trying to explain how they couldn't massage the evidence to convict the officer...

Keep in mind, the officer was facing 2 suspects...one of them, the 300 pound, over 6 feet, one seems to have charged him with such force that bullets 1-5 didn't stop him...so facing a charging attacker, with another suspect waiting in the wings...I don't see how he goes to jail...unless he gets a lefty jury...then all bets are off...

And the democrat habit of undermining the police happens again...and then they wonder why states and cities run by democrats are the ones with the most violence...

Can you see any cop dealing with a situation like this...and not saying...it aint worth it to stop these morons from walking in the street...and eventually, the crime will get worse and worse..

Chaos and poverty...the best friends of democrats...
What drug are you on that you would think someone would put their head down 35ft away from someone and charge? :lol:
So you know he was 35 feet away when the bullet hit the top of his skull?

Besides at a full run a guy who is 6'4" tall can cover 35 feet (if you are right) in a couple seconds so yes his head could have very well been lowered to the point a standing officer could shoot him in the top of his head.

Have you ever even played football in your life?
Um, frankly, all he did was push the guy. I've been pushed, it's no big deal.
What he did is physically assault a store employee (owner?) who was attempting to prevent him from unlawfully removing (stealing) merchandise. Technically, in every jurisdiction I am aware of, that is known as assault and robbery.

When you treat a group of people badly long enough, eventually, they will turn on you.
I can't disagree with that. But two wrongs don't make a right and riotously demanding the arrest of a cop who acted lawfully in his confrontation with a belligerent bully who in fact is a known strongarm robber is not the platform from which to demand justice.

Michael Brown is the kind of individual who reflects badly on decent, law-abiding Black people. Attempting to portray Brown as anything other than a violent, bullying criminal conveys an impression of similar character.
So you know he was 35 feet away when the bullet hit the top of his skull?

Besides at a full run a guy who is 6'4" tall can cover 35 feet (if you are right) in a couple seconds so yes his head could have very well been lowered to the point a standing officer could shoot him in the top of his head.

Have you ever even played football in your life?
Yes I have. If I was going to charge at someone my head would be up with my eyes fastened on my target. The bullet hit him in the head as he was going down consistent with the testimony of Tiffany and Paigent. You must be the one that never played football. What coach told you to charge with your head down so you cant see your target nimrod?

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