Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

He was not 140 feet from WIlson when he was first shot you fucking fool, he was 140 , or so, feet from Wilson's SUV , but wilson himself was 80 or so feet from the SUV when Brown turned back and charged him, and THAT is when Wilson started shooting him.

WHY, WHY can't you people be honest?
I don't think it's dishonesty. I think it's confusion over the detailed story line. Pretty sure the cop backed up some 50' or so while Brown was charging back to him.
<suv>....<wilson>--> ............................<brown>
<suv>......................<wilson>--> .................<brown>150' and turns
<suv>......................<wilson>--> .................<brown>first blood splatter
<suv>............<wilson>--> ...................<brown>
<suv>........<wilson>--> ...........<brown>
<suv>......<wilson>--> ....<brown> hits the ground

Then they shouldn't be commenting Mike, all that does is make things worse. It's BEYOND clear that most of those screaming about this being murder have NOT studied the facts.Arguing a point without a basic knowledge of the facts IS dishonest.
To be fair the facts change depending on who tells the tale. I'd say it's more rash to judgement than dishonesty. I would seem we are all guilty of rash judgement from time to time.

Facts don't change Mike, they are what they are. If one thousand witnesses swear up and down that kid was 500' away and on his and knees begging for his life, but there is a video showing different and ballistics show differently, those 500 peoples' testimony is not factual.

What you have instead is people choosing to IGNORE facts, mostly in favor of confirmed lies. Like the poster earlier who posted a quote from the private autopsy which directly conflicts with the official autopsy, even though we know for a FACT that the person who did the private autopsy is a fraud.
That doesn't mean the person that re-posted the fraud, knew it was a fraud. It just means they are not yet up to speed with all of the issues. For the longest time I thought ampersands looked like & and meant "and." Now I know there is also a symbol called epsilon that can also be used to represent ampersands. My initial reaction was no that's not the ampersand. Now I know I was wrong. There are a number of different symbols that represent ampersand.

Of course that's true, but you and I both know that posters like Luddly, and Stats, and Dot Com, and Ravi who are in here spouting lies have ZERO interest in learning the truth. The VERY title of this thread is a lie, and that has been proven beyond doubt. I mean there is ZERO doubt that the 148' figure is how far Brown was from the SUV NOT how far Brown was from WIlson when he was shot, making Stat's thread title a complete lie, but has he came back and posted "hey guys I was wrong on that one, and the facts prove it?" Hell no he hasn't. That is not knowing the facts, that's being dishonest.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine.

What a load of shit. He turned and charged the cop. Wilson's testimony says that. Credible eyewitness testimony says that, the EVIDENCE says that

He was TEN feet from Wilson when he died. TEN FEET , and had been hit MULTIPLE times. He was trying to escape alright, by killing the cop.
What part of he ran away before he turned and charged the cop that was chasing him is confusing you big guy? I'm reading from Wilson's testimony. Should I be reading from some other testimony?
Why was the cop shooting a fleeing suspect? It's not like the guy had killed anyone or was thought to be a danger to the community.

at that point he wasn't fleeing idiot he was charging Wilson

He started out fleeing and was shot at by the cop.

Please answer the question instead of deflecting.

why are you counting on getting answers from assholes like yogi?

again, i suggest you all WATCH THE WHOLE THING ^ there you will find your answers...
Panorama photo: cop car is on the left, Mike Brown's body is on the right.


The two sides of the apartment complex line up perfectly. There is no way in the world that that is even close to 35 feet. It is indeed well over 100 feet. 145-148 is more likely. The only way to get points A and B into the picture is with a panoramic photo. That alone tells you something about the distance.

Not that it matters because the distance is irrelevant, but even a 4 year old can see that that photo is touched up.

No. Wrong. Two photos have been laid over each other to make a panoramic view, but the fact that the two sides of the large apartment house in the middle of the picture match each other in dimension absolutely perfectly mean that the proportions are correct. Try again.

Perspective you stupid fuck. Do you have any idea what that does? There are two different points of perspective creatively arranged to make the distance look as far as possible. Any 4 year old can see that.
Yeah that photo looked photoshopped , now wonder why somebody would do that?
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine.

What a load of shit. He turned and charged the cop. Wilson's testimony says that. Credible eyewitness testimony says that, the EVIDENCE says that

He was TEN feet from Wilson when he died. TEN FEET , and had been hit MULTIPLE times. He was trying to escape alright, by killing the cop.
What part of he ran away before he turned and charged the cop that was chasing him is confusing you big guy? I'm reading from Wilson's testimony. Should I be reading from some other testimony?
Why was the cop shooting a fleeing suspect? It's not like the guy had killed anyone or was thought to be a danger to the community.

at that point he wasn't fleeing idiot he was charging Wilson

He started out fleeing and was shot at by the cop.

Please answer the question instead of deflecting.

why are you counting on getting answers from assholes like yogi?

Valerie, at THIS point, it is beyond clear that I have a firmer grasp on the facts of this case than anyone else, on either side, posting in these threads. Why? Oh probably b/c I just retired from a career in law enforcement and understand that eyewitness accounts don't mean much in the face of physical evidence.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life? Yes. And great shot by Wilson nailing the charging gorilla in the top of the head.

Get the fuck out of here you stupid piece of shit.

Nope. Not going anywhere.
None. What part of my statements make you think I'm confused?

I don't think you're confused, I think youre simply being dishonest here Mike.

It's one thing to be a Luddly and just be stupid, but you're not stupid, you are WILLFULLY ignoring the facts here. As such, this will be my last response to you on the topic.
SmarterThanTheAverageBear, name one fact that I ignored. There are two stories at play here. One is that the kid was a POS that got what he deserved. The other is that we as a society have decided that gunning down POS kids in the street is an acceptable punishment.

This kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer.

THAT is what you are being dishonest about. Wilson didn't shoot him for committing a crime, he didn't shoot him for being a thug he didn't eve shoot him to prevent his escape (read the testimony Wilson says his initial goal was just keep site of him for 30 seconds while back up arrives) and by the way legally he could have jumped out and shot the kid in the back. He was a fleeing felon, that is unquestioned. But he didn't , instead he ONLY fired when the kid who frankly had already kicked his ass, charged at him. And he was yelling get down the whole time , stopped firing once when it seemed Brown was complying and then only resumed firing when Brown charged again.

Damn right, he fired until the kid stopped charging. Brown could have chosen to stop charging at any time but didn't until he was dead.

His intent was to kill Wilson, that is clear.
It's not clear to me from evidence provided that there were no shots fired after the initial shot and that the officer waited to shoot again until after the kid had turned back to charge the officer. I've not seen clear facts that lead to that conclusion. It's a part of the story that seems fuzzy even from the testimony that is on the cop's side.

Have you seen "clear facts" that lead you to believe this?

Yes, Wilson's testimony starting on page 227, where he states that he chased the kid , only intending to keep him in sight until back up could arrive. In fact he didn't even testify that he was yelling for him to stop running or to surrender, UNTIL Brown reached a lightpole and for whatever reason turned around and starting heading BACK towards Wilson, then he started yelling at him to surrender, and when he KEPT advancing he THEN started firing .

Grand Jury Volume 05

Then there is the physical evidence.

What Ferguson police collected at the scene - Washington Post

Two casing shells located near the SUV, the two rounds fired during the struggle inside the car. Then 10 spent shells 152' from the vehicle at it's nearest point. None in between.

This OBVIOUSLY indicates that Wilson's firearm was not fired from 1'-152' from his SUV. Corroborating his story that he chased the kid for quite a bit then Brown turned on him before he fired at him.

You say, "this kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer." I agree with that statement 100%. Then you follow with "THAT is what you are being dishonest about." Uhmmm I agree with you 100% Thus you are probably miss-reading something I said.

Probably I misread then.
My issue isn't with the first 10 shots, it's with the last two to the head.

He was still alive and charging Wilson until the final shot. Which, again, would not be that uncommon. Adrenaline and drugs can give a person almost super human strength for a short time.

Wilson's testimony, and the evidence, shows that he stopped firing when the threat was over. And that is exactly what LEOs are trained to do if they have to shoot.
Ok... thx for the link... so plausibly the cop was closing the distance... the kid got a stomach crap "hand reaching to side" and his pants were falling down so he tries to pull his pants up so he can make his victory charge at the officer... (commit suicide). <note see photo of Brown on ground with his pants falling off.> The cop see's hands go to pants and think's he's maybe grabbing a gun... cop's tunnel vision indicates restricted blood flow due to "panic." Ok... sounds plausible. Sounds like the kid got really really close to touching the officer. Those last shots must have been almost point blank. Ok. Nothing else to see here. Cop probably could have not made the last two shots and just pushed him down or smacked him over the head.. but he's got "tunnel vision" and scared out of his wits... makes sense. Thx. for the link.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

There is no physical evidence that supports that statement. Further I doubt that Wilson could hit the inside of a barn from that distance.
I don't think you're confused, I think youre simply being dishonest here Mike.

It's one thing to be a Luddly and just be stupid, but you're not stupid, you are WILLFULLY ignoring the facts here. As such, this will be my last response to you on the topic.
SmarterThanTheAverageBear, name one fact that I ignored. There are two stories at play here. One is that the kid was a POS that got what he deserved. The other is that we as a society have decided that gunning down POS kids in the street is an acceptable punishment.

This kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer.

THAT is what you are being dishonest about. Wilson didn't shoot him for committing a crime, he didn't shoot him for being a thug he didn't eve shoot him to prevent his escape (read the testimony Wilson says his initial goal was just keep site of him for 30 seconds while back up arrives) and by the way legally he could have jumped out and shot the kid in the back. He was a fleeing felon, that is unquestioned. But he didn't , instead he ONLY fired when the kid who frankly had already kicked his ass, charged at him. And he was yelling get down the whole time , stopped firing once when it seemed Brown was complying and then only resumed firing when Brown charged again.

Damn right, he fired until the kid stopped charging. Brown could have chosen to stop charging at any time but didn't until he was dead.

His intent was to kill Wilson, that is clear.
It's not clear to me from evidence provided that there were no shots fired after the initial shot and that the officer waited to shoot again until after the kid had turned back to charge the officer. I've not seen clear facts that lead to that conclusion. It's a part of the story that seems fuzzy even from the testimony that is on the cop's side.

Have you seen "clear facts" that lead you to believe this?

Yes, Wilson's testimony starting on page 227, where he states that he chased the kid , only intending to keep him in sight until back up could arrive. In fact he didn't even testify that he was yelling for him to stop running or to surrender, UNTIL Brown reached a lightpole and for whatever reason turned around and starting heading BACK towards Wilson, then he started yelling at him to surrender, and when he KEPT advancing he THEN started firing .

Grand Jury Volume 05

Then there is the physical evidence.

What Ferguson police collected at the scene - Washington Post

Two casing shells located near the SUV, the two rounds fired during the struggle inside the car. Then 10 spent shells 152' from the vehicle at it's nearest point. None in between.

This OBVIOUSLY indicates that Wilson's firearm was not fired from 1'-152' from his SUV. Corroborating his story that he chased the kid for quite a bit then Brown turned on him before he fired at him.

You say, "this kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer." I agree with that statement 100%. Then you follow with "THAT is what you are being dishonest about." Uhmmm I agree with you 100% Thus you are probably miss-reading something I said.

Probably I misread then.
My issue isn't with the first 10 shots, it's with the last two to the head.

He was still alive and charging Wilson until the final shot. Which, again, would not be that uncommon. Adrenaline and drugs can give a person almost super human strength for a short time.

Wilson's testimony, and the evidence, shows that he stopped firing when the threat was over. And that is exactly what LEOs are trained to do if they have to shoot.
Ok... thx for the link... so plausibly the cop was closing the distance... the kid got a stomach crap "hand reaching to side" and his pants were falling down so he tries to pull his pants up so he can make his victory charge at the officer... (commit suicide). <note see photo of Brown on ground with his pants falling off.> The cop see's hands go to pants and think's he's maybe grabbing a gun... cop's tunnel vision indicates restricted blood flow due to "panic." Ok... sounds plausible. Sounds like the kid got really really close to touching the officer. Those last shots must have been almost point blank. Ok. Nothing else to see here. Cop probably could have not made the last two shots and just pushed him down or smacked him over the head.. but he's got "tunnel vision" and scared out of his wits... makes sense. Thx. for the link.

I don't think Wilson thought he might pull a gun of his own. I mean he already would have by that point , if he had had one .

But I DO believe he was scared at that point. Frankly, who wouldn't be, He already got his ass kicked by the kid, and what SIX rounds hadn't stopped him by then. I'm sure Wilson was thinking "My God, when will he stop coming?"

Real life isn't a Sly movie. We don't expect our police not to be scared .
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

There is no physical evidence that supports that statement. Further I doubt that Wilson could hit the inside of a barn from that distance.

The thread title is a lie, one that is easily debunked with the physical evidence as well as eyewitness testimony, but the OP obviously doesn't have the integrity to come back and post that he was wrong.
Did he launder his uniform or wipe down the vehicle?

If washing the blood off his skin was done to get rid of evidence, then he, and the force did a piss poor job, didn't they?

You're kidding, right?

It wasn't like he was in danger of a real investigation.

You , and your ilk, had no interest in a real investigation, and wouldn't know one if it bit you right in your vagina.
SmarterThanTheAverageBear, name one fact that I ignored. There are two stories at play here. One is that the kid was a POS that got what he deserved. The other is that we as a society have decided that gunning down POS kids in the street is an acceptable punishment.

This kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer.

THAT is what you are being dishonest about. Wilson didn't shoot him for committing a crime, he didn't shoot him for being a thug he didn't eve shoot him to prevent his escape (read the testimony Wilson says his initial goal was just keep site of him for 30 seconds while back up arrives) and by the way legally he could have jumped out and shot the kid in the back. He was a fleeing felon, that is unquestioned. But he didn't , instead he ONLY fired when the kid who frankly had already kicked his ass, charged at him. And he was yelling get down the whole time , stopped firing once when it seemed Brown was complying and then only resumed firing when Brown charged again.

Damn right, he fired until the kid stopped charging. Brown could have chosen to stop charging at any time but didn't until he was dead.

His intent was to kill Wilson, that is clear.
It's not clear to me from evidence provided that there were no shots fired after the initial shot and that the officer waited to shoot again until after the kid had turned back to charge the officer. I've not seen clear facts that lead to that conclusion. It's a part of the story that seems fuzzy even from the testimony that is on the cop's side.

Have you seen "clear facts" that lead you to believe this?

Yes, Wilson's testimony starting on page 227, where he states that he chased the kid , only intending to keep him in sight until back up could arrive. In fact he didn't even testify that he was yelling for him to stop running or to surrender, UNTIL Brown reached a lightpole and for whatever reason turned around and starting heading BACK towards Wilson, then he started yelling at him to surrender, and when he KEPT advancing he THEN started firing .

Grand Jury Volume 05

Then there is the physical evidence.

What Ferguson police collected at the scene - Washington Post

Two casing shells located near the SUV, the two rounds fired during the struggle inside the car. Then 10 spent shells 152' from the vehicle at it's nearest point. None in between.

This OBVIOUSLY indicates that Wilson's firearm was not fired from 1'-152' from his SUV. Corroborating his story that he chased the kid for quite a bit then Brown turned on him before he fired at him.

You say, "this kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer." I agree with that statement 100%. Then you follow with "THAT is what you are being dishonest about." Uhmmm I agree with you 100% Thus you are probably miss-reading something I said.

Probably I misread then.
My issue isn't with the first 10 shots, it's with the last two to the head.

He was still alive and charging Wilson until the final shot. Which, again, would not be that uncommon. Adrenaline and drugs can give a person almost super human strength for a short time.

Wilson's testimony, and the evidence, shows that he stopped firing when the threat was over. And that is exactly what LEOs are trained to do if they have to shoot.
Ok... thx for the link... so plausibly the cop was closing the distance... the kid got a stomach crap "hand reaching to side" and his pants were falling down so he tries to pull his pants up so he can make his victory charge at the officer... (commit suicide). <note see photo of Brown on ground with his pants falling off.> The cop see's hands go to pants and think's he's maybe grabbing a gun... cop's tunnel vision indicates restricted blood flow due to "panic." Ok... sounds plausible. Sounds like the kid got really really close to touching the officer. Those last shots must have been almost point blank. Ok. Nothing else to see here. Cop probably could have not made the last two shots and just pushed him down or smacked him over the head.. but he's got "tunnel vision" and scared out of his wits... makes sense. Thx. for the link.

I don't think Wilson thought he might pull a gun of his own. I mean he already would have by that point , if he had had one .

But I DO believe he was scared at that point. Frankly, who wouldn't be, He already got his ass kicked by the kid, and what SIX rounds hadn't stopped him by then. I'm sure Wilson was thinking "My God, when will he stop coming?"

Real life isn't a Sly movie. We don't expect our police not to be scared .
Dunno... just wish the cop had decided to play ring around the SUV with the guy till help showed up.. I mean he did his job to get Brown to come back, and the guy's got a cramp and his pants are falling down for christ sakes. Put the gun back in the holster and play cat & mouse with the fat ass. :)

I don't believe in the "no-win" scenario. Never have.
This kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer.

THAT is what you are being dishonest about. Wilson didn't shoot him for committing a crime, he didn't shoot him for being a thug he didn't eve shoot him to prevent his escape (read the testimony Wilson says his initial goal was just keep site of him for 30 seconds while back up arrives) and by the way legally he could have jumped out and shot the kid in the back. He was a fleeing felon, that is unquestioned. But he didn't , instead he ONLY fired when the kid who frankly had already kicked his ass, charged at him. And he was yelling get down the whole time , stopped firing once when it seemed Brown was complying and then only resumed firing when Brown charged again.

Damn right, he fired until the kid stopped charging. Brown could have chosen to stop charging at any time but didn't until he was dead.

His intent was to kill Wilson, that is clear.
It's not clear to me from evidence provided that there were no shots fired after the initial shot and that the officer waited to shoot again until after the kid had turned back to charge the officer. I've not seen clear facts that lead to that conclusion. It's a part of the story that seems fuzzy even from the testimony that is on the cop's side.

Have you seen "clear facts" that lead you to believe this?

Yes, Wilson's testimony starting on page 227, where he states that he chased the kid , only intending to keep him in sight until back up could arrive. In fact he didn't even testify that he was yelling for him to stop running or to surrender, UNTIL Brown reached a lightpole and for whatever reason turned around and starting heading BACK towards Wilson, then he started yelling at him to surrender, and when he KEPT advancing he THEN started firing .

Grand Jury Volume 05

Then there is the physical evidence.

What Ferguson police collected at the scene - Washington Post

Two casing shells located near the SUV, the two rounds fired during the struggle inside the car. Then 10 spent shells 152' from the vehicle at it's nearest point. None in between.

This OBVIOUSLY indicates that Wilson's firearm was not fired from 1'-152' from his SUV. Corroborating his story that he chased the kid for quite a bit then Brown turned on him before he fired at him.

You say, "this kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer." I agree with that statement 100%. Then you follow with "THAT is what you are being dishonest about." Uhmmm I agree with you 100% Thus you are probably miss-reading something I said.

Probably I misread then.
My issue isn't with the first 10 shots, it's with the last two to the head.

He was still alive and charging Wilson until the final shot. Which, again, would not be that uncommon. Adrenaline and drugs can give a person almost super human strength for a short time.

Wilson's testimony, and the evidence, shows that he stopped firing when the threat was over. And that is exactly what LEOs are trained to do if they have to shoot.
Ok... thx for the link... so plausibly the cop was closing the distance... the kid got a stomach crap "hand reaching to side" and his pants were falling down so he tries to pull his pants up so he can make his victory charge at the officer... (commit suicide). <note see photo of Brown on ground with his pants falling off.> The cop see's hands go to pants and think's he's maybe grabbing a gun... cop's tunnel vision indicates restricted blood flow due to "panic." Ok... sounds plausible. Sounds like the kid got really really close to touching the officer. Those last shots must have been almost point blank. Ok. Nothing else to see here. Cop probably could have not made the last two shots and just pushed him down or smacked him over the head.. but he's got "tunnel vision" and scared out of his wits... makes sense. Thx. for the link.

I don't think Wilson thought he might pull a gun of his own. I mean he already would have by that point , if he had had one .

But I DO believe he was scared at that point. Frankly, who wouldn't be, He already got his ass kicked by the kid, and what SIX rounds hadn't stopped him by then. I'm sure Wilson was thinking "My God, when will he stop coming?"

Real life isn't a Sly movie. We don't expect our police not to be scared .
Dunno... just wish the cop had decided to play ring around the SUV with the guy till help showed up.. I mean he did his job to get Brown to come back, and the guy's got a cramp and his pants are falling down for christ sakes. Put the gun back in the holster and play cat & mouse with the fat ass. :)

I don't believe in the "no-win" scenario. Never have.

Look, I'm clearly not in the 'ha ha the kid got what he had coming" camp, those idiots are as foolish as the people like Luddly who flat out deny actual facts.

BUT, our police are under no obligation to wait for back up AND Wilson stated that that was his intent until Brown charged him, he simply wanted to keep sight of him , for 30 seconds he said, until back up arrived.

By the way, due to a radio malfunction that backup wasn't on the way anyway, not that Wilson knew that at the time.
My money is the kid stopped at the light pole to pull his pants up.

My money is on between the fight at the SUV and the 150 or so feet run his fat ass was gassed and so he stopped , caught a quick breath and decided to make another attempt to get away.
Yeah but he also has his pants down around his knees. If your gonna be a bad ass why do it with pants falling down?
Why don't we just wait for Eric Holder to finish his investigation right? He'll get to the bottom of this! Just like he did in the Zimmerman/Martin case. In fact he'll be bringing civil rights charges against George Zimmerman any second now. That's what the lefties here said was going to happen.

Yeah, still waiting for him to get to the bottom the fast and furious scandal like he promised.
How did Brown get powder residue on him if he was 50 yards away?
When the first shot went off they were both in the car.
That was my point. He was first shot in the car so this 148' and no threat thing is bullshit.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine. Same with that clerk. If he wanted to hurt the clerk he wouldn't barely touch the guy. Nor would he back off after the clerk stumbled. Wilson barely had a scratch on him. Brown was shot EIGHT TIMES.
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
When the first shot went off they were both in the car.
That was my point. He was first shot in the car so this 148' and no threat thing is bullshit.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine. Same with that clerk. If he wanted to hurt the clerk he wouldn't barely touch the guy. Nor would he back off after the clerk stumbled. Wilson barely had a scratch on him. Brown was shot EIGHT TIMES.
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.
That was my point. He was first shot in the car so this 148' and no threat thing is bullshit.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine. Same with that clerk. If he wanted to hurt the clerk he wouldn't barely touch the guy. Nor would he back off after the clerk stumbled. Wilson barely had a scratch on him. Brown was shot EIGHT TIMES.
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.

Do you really think killing that kid was "the easy way?" Only a friggin sociopath would preferred killing him to some other ending.

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