Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

That was my point. He was first shot in the car so this 148' and no threat thing is bullshit.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine. Same with that clerk. If he wanted to hurt the clerk he wouldn't barely touch the guy. Nor would he back off after the clerk stumbled. Wilson barely had a scratch on him. Brown was shot EIGHT TIMES.
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine. Same with that clerk. If he wanted to hurt the clerk he wouldn't barely touch the guy. Nor would he back off after the clerk stumbled. Wilson barely had a scratch on him. Brown was shot EIGHT TIMES.
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.

Do you really think killing that kid was "the easy way?" Only a friggin sociopath would preferred killing him to some other ending.
I can think of a hundred different solutions. So yes using a service revolver to execute an unarmed belligerent, that's the easy way. Preferred...? Well it's hard to argue that wasn't his choice since it's the one he made. Unless of course you are gonna tell me that was the cop's only choice. But remember I don't believe in the no -win and I don't mind getting in a scrap. Just having the gun seems to reduce one's options. Hmm.. maybe that's why the British pulled service revolvers from standard issue.
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.

Do you really think killing that kid was "the easy way?" Only a friggin sociopath would preferred killing him to some other ending.
I can think of a hundred different solutions. So yes using a service revolver to execute an unarmed belligerent, that's the easy way. Preferred...? Well it's hard to argue that wasn't his choice since it's the one he made. Unless of course you are gonna tell me that was the cop's only choice. But remember I don't believe in the no -win and I don't mind getting in a scrap. Just having the gun seems to reduce one's options. Hmm.. maybe that's why the British pulled service revolvers from standard issue.

But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine. Same with that clerk. If he wanted to hurt the clerk he wouldn't barely touch the guy. Nor would he back off after the clerk stumbled. Wilson barely had a scratch on him. Brown was shot EIGHT TIMES.
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.

Do you really think killing that kid was "the easy way?" Only a friggin sociopath would preferred killing him to some other ending.
I can think of a hundred different solutions. So yes using a service revolver to execute an unarmed belligerent, that's the easy way. Preferred...? Well it's hard to argue that wasn't his choice since it's the one he made. Unless of course you are gonna tell me that was the cop's only choice. But remember I don't believe in the no -win and I don't mind getting in a scrap. Just having the gun seems to reduce one's options. Hmm.. maybe that's why the British pulled service revolvers from standard issue.

But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?
What?! Wasn't this poor over sized baby Huey wandering the neighborhood looking for hugs kneeling with his hands up saying don't shoot? You people are so out of your minds you can't even remember the previous lie you used. Everything you just said shoots down the entire theory of a poor innocent kid getting shot.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.

Even if true, and it is only speculation, that doesn't rise to the level of a criminal act on Wilson's part. Again, I will remind you that Wilson actually would have been well within Missouri state law if he had shot Brown in the back after he committed the two felonies in Wilson's presence.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.

Do you really think killing that kid was "the easy way?" Only a friggin sociopath would preferred killing him to some other ending.
I can think of a hundred different solutions. So yes using a service revolver to execute an unarmed belligerent, that's the easy way. Preferred...? Well it's hard to argue that wasn't his choice since it's the one he made. Unless of course you are gonna tell me that was the cop's only choice. But remember I don't believe in the no -win and I don't mind getting in a scrap. Just having the gun seems to reduce one's options. Hmm.. maybe that's why the British pulled service revolvers from standard issue.

But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
Who said he was a poor innocent kid? Not me.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.

Even if true, and it is only speculation, that doesn't rise to the level of a criminal act on Wilson's part. Again, I will remind you that Wilson actually would have been well within Missouri state law if he had shot Brown in the back after he committed the two felonies in Wilson's presence.
Of course not. Wilson is 100% innocent. When someone isn't good enough to win a game of chess you don't arrest the person for sucking. They just are not good enough to win. But they can learn and get better, and maybe win a game or two without having to blow up the chess board.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.

Do you really think killing that kid was "the easy way?" Only a friggin sociopath would preferred killing him to some other ending.
I can think of a hundred different solutions. So yes using a service revolver to execute an unarmed belligerent, that's the easy way. Preferred...? Well it's hard to argue that wasn't his choice since it's the one he made. Unless of course you are gonna tell me that was the cop's only choice. But remember I don't believe in the no -win and I don't mind getting in a scrap. Just having the gun seems to reduce one's options. Hmm.. maybe that's why the British pulled service revolvers from standard issue.

But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
I find you can move faster if you run forwards.
Do you know what you're trying to say because at this point I don't. You seem to be equating the kid wasn't innocent yet somehow the cop is guilty for stopping him in his tracks. It can't go both ways.
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.

Even if true, and it is only speculation, that doesn't rise to the level of a criminal act on Wilson's part. Again, I will remind you that Wilson actually would have been well within Missouri state law if he had shot Brown in the back after he committed the two felonies in Wilson's presence.
Of course not. Wilson is 100% innocent. When someone isn't good enough to win a game of chess I don't blame that person. They just are not good enough to win.

On that point we agree.

This death is totally and completely on liberals who insist on lowering standards for jobs like police and fire rescue AND don't want cops using "mean" weapons like tasers and such.

Like I've said before , a broken fucking knee and a snout full of mace would have worked equally as well on Brown, but not all cops can do that.
Do you really think killing that kid was "the easy way?" Only a friggin sociopath would preferred killing him to some other ending.
I can think of a hundred different solutions. So yes using a service revolver to execute an unarmed belligerent, that's the easy way. Preferred...? Well it's hard to argue that wasn't his choice since it's the one he made. Unless of course you are gonna tell me that was the cop's only choice. But remember I don't believe in the no -win and I don't mind getting in a scrap. Just having the gun seems to reduce one's options. Hmm.. maybe that's why the British pulled service revolvers from standard issue.

But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
I find you can move faster if you run forwards.

Are you saying Wilson should have turned and ran when Brown charged him?
Sure it can. Killing someone is not the only way. It's just the easiest way.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.

Even if true, and it is only speculation, that doesn't rise to the level of a criminal act on Wilson's part. Again, I will remind you that Wilson actually would have been well within Missouri state law if he had shot Brown in the back after he committed the two felonies in Wilson's presence.
Of course not. Wilson is 100% innocent. When someone isn't good enough to win a game of chess I don't blame that person. They just are not good enough to win.

On that point we agree.

This death is totally and completely on liberals who insist on lowering standards for jobs like police and fire rescue AND don't want cops using "mean" weapons like tasers and such.

Like I've said before , a broken fucking knee and a snout full of mace would have worked equally as well on Brown, but not all cops can do that.
Eggzactly. Raise the bar. Test people in situations like this. If they can't handle it.. give em a desk job.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.

Even if true, and it is only speculation, that doesn't rise to the level of a criminal act on Wilson's part. Again, I will remind you that Wilson actually would have been well within Missouri state law if he had shot Brown in the back after he committed the two felonies in Wilson's presence.
Of course not. Wilson is 100% innocent. When someone isn't good enough to win a game of chess I don't blame that person. They just are not good enough to win.

On that point we agree.

This death is totally and completely on liberals who insist on lowering standards for jobs like police and fire rescue AND don't want cops using "mean" weapons like tasers and such.

Like I've said before , a broken fucking knee and a snout full of mace would have worked equally as well on Brown, but not all cops can do that.
Eggzactly. Raise the bar. Test people in situations like this. If they can't handle it.. give em a desk job.

I'd be fine with that.
I can think of a hundred different solutions. So yes using a service revolver to execute an unarmed belligerent, that's the easy way. Preferred...? Well it's hard to argue that wasn't his choice since it's the one he made. Unless of course you are gonna tell me that was the cop's only choice. But remember I don't believe in the no -win and I don't mind getting in a scrap. Just having the gun seems to reduce one's options. Hmm.. maybe that's why the British pulled service revolvers from standard issue.

But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
I find you can move faster if you run forwards.

Are you saying Wilson should have turned and ran when Brown charged him?
I'm saying if he was not able to arrest him, he should have placed a vehicle between him and brown. And talked the situation down. If that takes running a few feet to save the guys life then yes.
But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
I find you can move faster if you run forwards.

Are you saying Wilson should have turned and ran when Brown charged him?
I'm saying if he was not able to arrest him, he should have placed a vehicle between him and brown. And talked the situation down. If that takes running a few feet to save the guys life then yes.

Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
I find you can move faster if you run forwards.

Are you saying Wilson should have turned and ran when Brown charged him?
I'm saying if he was not able to arrest him, he should have placed a vehicle between him and brown. And talked the situation down. If that takes running a few feet to save the guys life then yes.

Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You're still putting all of the events on Wilson. The easiest way and the first of a series of bad decisions began with Brown. He could have not robbed the store, he could have not been in the middle of the street, he could not have attacked Wilson in the truck, he could not have ran, he could not have turned back to attack. The majority if not all of these decisions to make weren't up to Wilson they were up to Brown. Brown made all of the wrong decisions yet you think you can twist it to justify an entire string of his failure to think and put it on Wilson for making one decision, and the correct one with all the evidence and that was to shoot the bastard dead.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.

Even if true, and it is only speculation, that doesn't rise to the level of a criminal act on Wilson's part. Again, I will remind you that Wilson actually would have been well within Missouri state law if he had shot Brown in the back after he committed the two felonies in Wilson's presence.
Of course not. Wilson is 100% innocent. When someone isn't good enough to win a game of chess I don't blame that person. They just are not good enough to win.

On that point we agree.

This death is totally and completely on liberals who insist on lowering standards for jobs like police and fire rescue AND don't want cops using "mean" weapons like tasers and such.

Like I've said before , a broken fucking knee and a snout full of mace would have worked equally as well on Brown, but not all cops can do that.
Eggzactly. Raise the bar. Test people in situations like this. If they can't handle it.. give em a desk job.
Monday morning Armchair Quarterbacking, I'm afraid.
Not true. I just don't believe the only solution was to escalate the situation up to and including killing the guy. Brown's fault, yes. But swap out Wilson with a seasoned cop and that boy is sitting in jail, not the morgue.

Even if true, and it is only speculation, that doesn't rise to the level of a criminal act on Wilson's part. Again, I will remind you that Wilson actually would have been well within Missouri state law if he had shot Brown in the back after he committed the two felonies in Wilson's presence.
Of course not. Wilson is 100% innocent. When someone isn't good enough to win a game of chess I don't blame that person. They just are not good enough to win.

On that point we agree.

This death is totally and completely on liberals who insist on lowering standards for jobs like police and fire rescue AND don't want cops using "mean" weapons like tasers and such.

Like I've said before , a broken fucking knee and a snout full of mace would have worked equally as well on Brown, but not all cops can do that.
Eggzactly. Raise the bar. Test people in situations like this. If they can't handle it.. give em a desk job.
Monday morning Armchair Quarterbacking, I'm afraid.
Isn't that what this thread is for? If not where's that thread? Put another way if nothing is learned nothing is gained.

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