Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

If Brown was shot at 49 yards, then Wilson is a world class shot with a handgun. Like seriously. Most people beyond 7 yards aren't going to hit crap, especially in a dynamic, stressful situation.
"What is so remarkable is they might as well have come out with a flying saucer attached to all of their heads in solidarity of Michael Brown being transported to Venus on a flying saucer, because that happened as much as [hands up] happened," he said, adding that claims made by Brown's friend, Dorian Johnson, alleging that Brown had his hands up at the time of the shooting conflicted with other witness testimony. "They are using his accomplice in the robbery that was with him at the time, who also claimed that Michael Brown was shot in the back. And for some reason the media attaches to these narratives that will stir up further protests."

Joe Scarborough Slams Coverage Of Michael Brown Shooting

Charles Barkley Calls Ferguson Looters 'Scumbags,' Talks Grand Jury Decision

"I'm not saying who's right or wrong, I'm just hearing the true story that came out of the grand jury investigation," he said. "We have to be really careful with the cops, man, because if it wasn't for the cops we'd be living in the Wild Wild West in our neighborhoods. I think we can't pick out certain incidents that don't go our way and act like the cops are all bad. I hate when we do that. Think about it: Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn't for the cops?"

The 51-year-old Alabama native also criticized the media for the way it presented the story.

"I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore ... that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media because they love this stuff," he said. "Controversy sells, unfortunately. It's just an awful situation. A young kid got killed. We shouldn't just jump to conclusions on cops ... [The media] shouldn't do that. They don't jump to conclusions when black people kill each other."

Barkley also called looters "scumbags" and said the action was pointless.

"It's no excuse for people to go out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars. That serves no purpose. That serves no purpose whatsoever."

Last year, Barkley made headlines after he said he agreed with the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial during an interview on CNBC. Zimmerman was acquitted for the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Barkley said Zimmerman was wrong to racially profile Martin, but he criticized the media for its handling of the issue.

"I don't like when race gets out in the media because ... I don't think the media has clean hands," he said.

Charles Barkley Calls Ferguson Looters Scumbags Talks Grand Jury Decision


Charles Barkley? We're supposed to take him seriously?

who is we? as opposed to taking your opinion seriously..?

God forbid you post something substantial in relation to what he said.. like which part you disagree with?

i agree with what he said there...

i certainly don't take seriously anyone who claims this incident was all about skin color or all about cigarellos.

anyone who still thinks that is just being lazy...
If Brown was shot at 49 yards, then Wilson is a world class shot with a handgun. Like seriously. Most people beyond 7 yards aren't going to hit crap, especially in a dynamic, stressful situation.
not to mention the head thump he claims he suffered.
If Brown was shot at 49 yards, then Wilson is a world class shot with a handgun. Like seriously. Most people beyond 7 yards aren't going to hit crap, especially in a dynamic, stressful situation.
not to mention the head thump he claims he suffered.

still haven't bothered to watch the officer's interview, huh..?
No, and I'll tell you why. His chief of police said he didn't know about the robbery at the convenience store but he testified that he did.

Why would I trust him to tell the truth?
I've been told that, and much worse by many people over the years. Generally by those who fail to comprehend the concepts of RIGHT and WRONG as the basis for all human existance.

I want you to say that if this had been YOUR 19yo white kid that stole some cigs and punched a cop, that you would be perfectly fine with him lying dead in the street. Shot 10 times by a black cop. Two to the head to make sure he was dead.

Come out and say how this would be perfectly understandable to you and that you would approve of the black cop killing YOUR kid for those reasons.

I mean you would have obviously failed as parent and your kid was a thug and deserved to die. Right or wrong?[/QUOTE]
If my White 19 year old had committed strong arm robbery and felony assault on a little store keeper a third my son's size and then he went for a walk in the middle of the fucking road and refused to move to the sidewalk and then he punched a Black cop and tried to take the cops gun and then turned and taunted the Black cop as he was going after the cop I would have shot my fucking thug kid myself.
And I DO mean that!
If Brown was shot at 49 yards, then Wilson is a world class shot with a handgun. Like seriously. Most people beyond 7 yards aren't going to hit crap, especially in a dynamic, stressful situation.
not to mention the head thump he claims he suffered.

still haven't bothered to watch the officer's interview, huh..?
No, and I'll tell you why. His chief of police said he didn't know about the robbery at the convenience store but he testified that he did.

Why would I trust him to tell the truth?

very disappointing, rav... i could explain it to you but i won't bother.
I've been told that, and much worse by many people over the years. Generally by those who fail to comprehend the concepts of RIGHT and WRONG as the basis for all human existance.

I want you to say that if this had been YOUR 19yo white kid that stole some cigs and punched a cop, that you would be perfectly fine with him lying dead in the street. Shot 10 times by a black cop. Two to the head to make sure he was dead.

Come out and say how this would be perfectly understandable to you and that you would approve of the black cop killing YOUR kid for those reasons.

I mean you would have obviously failed as parent and your kid was a thug and deserved to die. Right or wrong?
If my White 19 year old had committed strong arm robbery and felony assault on a little store keeper a third my son's size and then he went for a walk in the middle of the fucking road and refused to move to the sidewalk and then he punched a Black cop and tried to take the cops gun and then turned and taunted the Black cop as he was going after the cop I would have shot my fucking thug kid myself.
And I DO mean that![/QUOTE]

Responsible parents would have intervened in any way they could before allowing that to happen. I've seen Brown's parents, and I am not surprised they didn't
If my White 19 year old had committed strong arm robbery and felony assault on a little store keeper a third my son's size and then he went for a walk in the middle of the fucking road and refused to move to the sidewalk and then he punched a Black cop and tried to take the cops gun and then turned and taunted the Black cop as he was going after the cop I would have shot my fucking thug kid myself.
And I DO mean that!
wow.... I've heard of parents that believe in harsh punishments... but shooting their kids 8 times including two to the chest and two to the brain... wow I can just imagine what you would do to your kids if they did something really bad.
The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.
It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and called for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.
It is obvious you have no clue what happened. I am thankful the Grand Jury saw ALL the evidence, heard ALL the testimony and people that just make crap up were not weighed heavily.
And you have a degree in law enforcement and have been a police officer for how long?

Why would you need a degree in law enforcement or had to be in law enforcement to take the Grand Jury's word over yours? The Grand Jury saw all the evidence, they heard all the testimony and you know nothing, I'm going by what people with information have, not someone who has no real connection with the case.

You don't need a degree, you need common sense, that is what I am going by.

Thanks for being your snarky self.
It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and called for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.

A police officer doesn't let someone who has assaulted him go....someone that has proven himself to be aggressive, dangerous and has been wounded...that doesn't happen in the real world...

This incident has proven one thing to me , a great deal of people are too stupid to allow to breed.

I mean seriously "He should have just let him go?"
Let's say it was your 19 year old brother. Should he just let him go? Or should he chase after you brother then kill him in the street?

When are officers ever trained to "let someone go" after they have assaulted a police officer?
They are not trained to allow people to live. That was my point.

How can you maintain that when they are trained to only use their weapons in specific circumstances? Every cop that shoots someone goes on administrative leave until an investigation clears them, thus giving them great incentive to NOT shoot, much less kill, anyone. If you observe them for any period of time, you will realize that they are doing everything possible to end every potential confrontation peacefully.
The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.

LOL , you dumb shit EVERY and I do mean EVERY eyewitness stated that Brown was not stationary., and no that is not what the shots suggest anyway.
The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.

That's not what forensics found.
A police officer doesn't let someone who has assaulted him go....someone that has proven himself to be aggressive, dangerous and has been wounded...that doesn't happen in the real world...

This incident has proven one thing to me , a great deal of people are too stupid to allow to breed.

I mean seriously "He should have just let him go?"
Let's say it was your 19 year old brother. Should he just let him go? Or should he chase after you brother then kill him in the street?

When are officers ever trained to "let someone go" after they have assaulted a police officer?
They are not trained to allow people to live. That was my point.

How can you maintain that when they are trained to only use their weapons in specific circumstances? Every cop that shoots someone goes on administrative leave until an investigation clears them, thus giving them great incentive to NOT shoot, much less kill, anyone. If you observe them for any period of time, you will realize that they are doing everything possible to end every potential confrontation peacefully.
That was not the case in this incident, now was it?

When a citizen is not "obedient" he's a dead man if the cop(s) can't easily handle him, that about cover it?
This incident has proven one thing to me , a great deal of people are too stupid to allow to breed.

I mean seriously "He should have just let him go?"
Let's say it was your 19 year old brother. Should he just let him go? Or should he chase after you brother then kill him in the street?

When are officers ever trained to "let someone go" after they have assaulted a police officer?
They are not trained to allow people to live. That was my point.

How can you maintain that when they are trained to only use their weapons in specific circumstances? Every cop that shoots someone goes on administrative leave until an investigation clears them, thus giving them great incentive to NOT shoot, much less kill, anyone. If you observe them for any period of time, you will realize that they are doing everything possible to end every potential confrontation peacefully.
That was not the case in this incident, now was it?

When a citizen is not "obedient" he's a dead man if the cop(s) can't easily handle him, that about cover it?

Mike wasn't shot for not being obedient , come on. You yourself have admitted you can see why he was shot.
The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.

Horseshit. When someone is coming towards you, they are coming in a direct line, and they are getting closer with each step, so the bullets will hit consecutively and be VERY well aligned along the same line.
This incident has proven one thing to me , a great deal of people are too stupid to allow to breed.

I mean seriously "He should have just let him go?"
Let's say it was your 19 year old brother. Should he just let him go? Or should he chase after you brother then kill him in the street?

When are officers ever trained to "let someone go" after they have assaulted a police officer?
They are not trained to allow people to live. That was my point.

How can you maintain that when they are trained to only use their weapons in specific circumstances? Every cop that shoots someone goes on administrative leave until an investigation clears them, thus giving them great incentive to NOT shoot, much less kill, anyone. If you observe them for any period of time, you will realize that they are doing everything possible to end every potential confrontation peacefully.
That was not the case in this incident, now was it?

When a citizen is not "obedient" he's a dead man if the cop(s) can't easily handle him, that about cover it?

Well, what were the circumstances? A robbery suspect assaults a police officer, tries to steal (and presumably use) his weapon, then turns and charges the officer a second time. I can see how that set of circumstances could be ruled an acceptable time to use a firearm. Apparently the grand jury agreed.

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