Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

This is good example of the type of kids this generation of parents are raising...kids with no respect for anyone, including law enforcement. This time it got one of them killed.
Yeah he just needed to be taught to redirect his anger to politics.
"And I ordered him to stop and get on the ground again. He didn’t.
'I fired, a, multiple shots. After I fired the multiple shots I paused for a second, yelled at him to get on the ground again, he was still in the same state.

'Still charging hands, still in his waistband, still hadn’t slowed down. I fired another set of shots. Same thing, still running at me, hadn’t slowed down, hands still in his waistband.

'He gets about eight to ten feet away, he’s still coming at me in the same way. One of those, however many of them, hit him in the head, and he went down right there.

'When he went down his hand was still under his, his right hand was still under his body, looked like it was still in his waistband. I never touched him.'

Read more: Grand jury evidence reveals Michael Brown taunted Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson Daily Mail Online

Sounds like the world is a better place without the puke.
I disagree.

Yes, we need more burglars and violent assholes who attack cops in the world.

Can never have too many.
I'd rather deal with a Mike Brown type than an Harry Reid type. At least when Mike Brown goes to screw you over you have legal recourse.

Only if you survive.
"And I ordered him to stop and get on the ground again. He didn’t.
'I fired, a, multiple shots. After I fired the multiple shots I paused for a second, yelled at him to get on the ground again, he was still in the same state.

'Still charging hands, still in his waistband, still hadn’t slowed down. I fired another set of shots. Same thing, still running at me, hadn’t slowed down, hands still in his waistband.

'He gets about eight to ten feet away, he’s still coming at me in the same way. One of those, however many of them, hit him in the head, and he went down right there.

'When he went down his hand was still under his, his right hand was still under his body, looked like it was still in his waistband. I never touched him.'

Read more: Grand jury evidence reveals Michael Brown taunted Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson Daily Mail Online

Sounds like the world is a better place without the puke.
I disagree.

Yes, we need more burglars and violent assholes who attack cops in the world.

Can never have too many.
I'd rather deal with a Mike Brown type than an Harry Reid type. At least when Mike Brown goes to screw you over you have legal recourse.

Only if you survive.

Well the shop clerk lived.. right?
I don't think you're confused, I think youre simply being dishonest here Mike.

It's one thing to be a Luddly and just be stupid, but you're not stupid, you are WILLFULLY ignoring the facts here. As such, this will be my last response to you on the topic.
SmarterThanTheAverageBear, name one fact that I ignored. There are two stories at play here. One is that the kid was a POS that got what he deserved. The other is that we as a society have decided that gunning down POS kids in the street is an acceptable punishment.

This kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer.

THAT is what you are being dishonest about. Wilson didn't shoot him for committing a crime, he didn't shoot him for being a thug he didn't eve shoot him to prevent his escape (read the testimony Wilson says his initial goal was just keep site of him for 30 seconds while back up arrives) and by the way legally he could have jumped out and shot the kid in the back. He was a fleeing felon, that is unquestioned. But he didn't , instead he ONLY fired when the kid who frankly had already kicked his ass, charged at him. And he was yelling get down the whole time , stopped firing once when it seemed Brown was complying and then only resumed firing when Brown charged again.

Damn right, he fired until the kid stopped charging. Brown could have chosen to stop charging at any time but didn't until he was dead.

His intent was to kill Wilson, that is clear.
It's not clear to me from evidence provided that there were no shots fired after the initial shot and that the officer waited to shoot again until after the kid had turned back to charge the officer. I've not seen clear facts that lead to that conclusion. It's a part of the story that seems fuzzy even from the testimony that is on the cop's side.

Have you seen "clear facts" that lead you to believe this?

You say, "this kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer." I agree with that statement 100%. Then you follow with "THAT is what you are being dishonest about." Uhmmm I agree with you 100% Thus you are probably miss-reading something I said. My issue isn't with the first 10 shots, it's with the last two to the head.

Do you believe that the last two shots to the head were from 50 yards away? A head is a very small target from that distance.

Nobody said they were.

Title of the OP.

Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death
SmarterThanTheAverageBear, name one fact that I ignored. There are two stories at play here. One is that the kid was a POS that got what he deserved. The other is that we as a society have decided that gunning down POS kids in the street is an acceptable punishment.

This kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer.

THAT is what you are being dishonest about. Wilson didn't shoot him for committing a crime, he didn't shoot him for being a thug he didn't eve shoot him to prevent his escape (read the testimony Wilson says his initial goal was just keep site of him for 30 seconds while back up arrives) and by the way legally he could have jumped out and shot the kid in the back. He was a fleeing felon, that is unquestioned. But he didn't , instead he ONLY fired when the kid who frankly had already kicked his ass, charged at him. And he was yelling get down the whole time , stopped firing once when it seemed Brown was complying and then only resumed firing when Brown charged again.

Damn right, he fired until the kid stopped charging. Brown could have chosen to stop charging at any time but didn't until he was dead.

His intent was to kill Wilson, that is clear.
It's not clear to me from evidence provided that there were no shots fired after the initial shot and that the officer waited to shoot again until after the kid had turned back to charge the officer. I've not seen clear facts that lead to that conclusion. It's a part of the story that seems fuzzy even from the testimony that is on the cop's side.

Have you seen "clear facts" that lead you to believe this?

You say, "this kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer." I agree with that statement 100%. Then you follow with "THAT is what you are being dishonest about." Uhmmm I agree with you 100% Thus you are probably miss-reading something I said. My issue isn't with the first 10 shots, it's with the last two to the head.

Do you believe that the last two shots to the head were from 50 yards away? A head is a very small target from that distance.

Nobody said they were.

Title of the OP.

Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

Oh I see, morons are claiming that.

Got it.
The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.

That's not what forensics found.

Forensics did not conclude he was charging as this proves he wasn't.

No it doesn't.

And the witnesses confirmed the account.

Grand jury found there was no wrong doing on the part of the cop.

There are many times more witnesses who say he was only walking or staggering or make no mention of charging. Which group should have greater importance to justify a trial?

Witness testimony Michael Brown s last moments Reading Eagle - AP

- -"I didn't get the impression of a charge because it wasn't fast enough to be a charge." -Witness traveling through the complex in van with his family

"I mean, he turned around, and I'm assuming that he was just stunned, that's how it appeared to me. That he looked down at his hands and he saw blood. He turned around and he just started walking back towards the officer." -Witness on exterior stairs of apartment complex

"And the police just kept firing and saying something to the boy, and kept firing. The boy kept saying, I got, my hands is up, I don't have anything, what do you want. And next thing I know, I don't know where it hit, but when the boy fell, there was blood shot everywhere." -Witness stopped in her vehicle on Canfield

"He was casually walking as if he had got shot and he started feeling the pain or something like that, where like he couldn't you know, pick up his pace because of the shot." -Witness on patio of her apartment

"Um, I guess it was like he stopped and he turned around like this, and then he started moving towards the officer and kind of looked like he picked up a little bit of speed, and then he started going down." -Witness sitting in van with her family

"Q: So when the officer, when Michael Brown turned around and was staggering as you said, moving toward the officer, did it appear to you that he was charging the officer?
A: No, it appears to me that he was just catching his balance
. That's when I thought, where I assumed again that he had been hit with the second shot, which I don't know." -Witness doing maintenance work at the complex

"Mike Brown started walking back at him okay, okay, okay, hands up and he just started shooting at him." -Witness doing maintenance work at the complex

"And that's when I proceeded to look out my rear view mirror, he was running, shots was fired, I saw Mike Brown turn around facing the officer at this time. Hands was up probably about like this, they weren't all the way up, but they was probably just like this. And that's when I looked at the review mirror, heard about two or three more gunshots, Michael Brown fell to the ground." -Witness stopped in her Monte Carlo along Canfield

"And then whenever the officer is walking up on him shooting, he was turned around with his hands up and he just went all the way down as the shots hit him." -Witness sitting in a car parked in the complex

"A: Okay. I saw him turn to his right, turned around, but as he was turning, I'm sorry, he was like this. What I was saying was that I didn't see like a big all the way up there kind of thing, I just saw a turned around kind of right here. (indicating)
Q: Kind of shoulder high, hands up?
A: Yes.
Q: But his palms were like facing the officer?
A: Yes." -Witness looking out window of her apartment

". . . I was still in shock and now I'm just watching the officer, you know, pace towards Big Mike. I see him fire the second shot, I see Big Mike turn around and face the officer." -Dorian Johnson, crouching along stopped vehicles on Canfield

"Q: When he turned around and raised his hands up shoulder length, did he charge at the officer?
A: No, no.
Q: Did he move in a threatening way towards the officer?
A: Not that I could see, no.
Q: As if he was coming to do him harm?
A: No, the officer wasn't that close, he was not close at all to him." -Witness sitting in Monte Carlo stopped along Canfield

"I guess he was walking in a demeanor as I give up." -Witness standing on porch outside of 2nd-floor apartment

"Whenever he stopped and turned around at, that's where he fell dead at." -Witness standing in the grass about 20 feet away

"Yeah, I remember him like taking two small steps like he was stumbling and like I said, the officer lets out some more shots and that's when he hit the ground." -Witness in 2nd-floor apartment, from window and balcony

"He just turned around like, you know, he put his arms about shoulder length and just stopped, like looking at him. And then, um, that's when I heard the rest of the shots." -Witness walking along sidewalk on Canfield

"Q: So when you saw Mike Brown with his arms up coming towards the officer, he did not appear to be rushing the officer to you?
A: Not at all, not at all.
Q: Did he appear to be charging the officer?
A: Not at all, not at all." -Witness on apartment porch

"A: When he left from here and he was walking toward him, I believe he was giving up.
Q: Why?
A: Because his hands was up, he was walking toward him. Where was he going to go. The officer was standing there with a gun dead aimed on him." -Witness standing on porch of her apartment
The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.

That's not what forensics found.

Forensics did not conclude he was charging as this proves he wasn't.

Wrong dummy. Ballistics prove that the distance between Brown and Wilson as closing as rounds hit him. You really don't understand science do you?

Not only that stupid, but they can tell that it was BROWN who advancing as Wilson was stepping back while firing.

Hey rdean I thought liberals loved science?
Liberals like to use the term "scientific", but they can't wrap their heads around the reality of science. Because they don't work in reality.
This kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer.

THAT is what you are being dishonest about. Wilson didn't shoot him for committing a crime, he didn't shoot him for being a thug he didn't eve shoot him to prevent his escape (read the testimony Wilson says his initial goal was just keep site of him for 30 seconds while back up arrives) and by the way legally he could have jumped out and shot the kid in the back. He was a fleeing felon, that is unquestioned. But he didn't , instead he ONLY fired when the kid who frankly had already kicked his ass, charged at him. And he was yelling get down the whole time , stopped firing once when it seemed Brown was complying and then only resumed firing when Brown charged again.

Damn right, he fired until the kid stopped charging. Brown could have chosen to stop charging at any time but didn't until he was dead.

His intent was to kill Wilson, that is clear.
It's not clear to me from evidence provided that there were no shots fired after the initial shot and that the officer waited to shoot again until after the kid had turned back to charge the officer. I've not seen clear facts that lead to that conclusion. It's a part of the story that seems fuzzy even from the testimony that is on the cop's side.

Have you seen "clear facts" that lead you to believe this?

You say, "this kid was not shot as punishment. He was shot to prevent a second assault on a police officer." I agree with that statement 100%. Then you follow with "THAT is what you are being dishonest about." Uhmmm I agree with you 100% Thus you are probably miss-reading something I said. My issue isn't with the first 10 shots, it's with the last two to the head.

Do you believe that the last two shots to the head were from 50 yards away? A head is a very small target from that distance.

Nobody said they were.

Title of the OP.

Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

Oh I see, morons are claiming that.

Got it.

The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.

That's not what forensics found.

Forensics did not conclude he was charging as this proves he wasn't.

Wrong dummy. Ballistics prove that the distance between Brown and Wilson as closing as rounds hit him. You really don't understand science do you?

Not only that stupid, but they can tell that it was BROWN who advancing as Wilson was stepping back while firing.

Hey rdean I thought liberals loved science?

He may have been advancing. I believe he was staggering from getting hit, but that is not charging. Provide a link to any proof he was charging.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.
The Stupidly Simple Science That Contradicts Darren Wilson's Testimony

(@ :05) If you look at the autopsy photos, you can see that he was shot at least 6 times, and they don't say exactly 6 times, they say at least, 6 times. This is important, because if you look at it, the sequence of the shots are very well aligned. That's hard to do if someone is charging at you.

Excellent point. The bullet wounds being aligned like that means he was practically stationary when he was shot, maybe staggering a little forward if anything.

That's not what forensics found.

Forensics did not conclude he was charging as this proves he wasn't.

Actually, it does not prove that at all. If it did, the grand jury would certainly have taken note of it. In fact, if someone is running straight at you, bullets that hit him would be lined up.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.

Many that said that were shown to be incorrect, while others admitted they didn't actually see the incident, but heard about it. Other eyewitnesses said he was NOT surrendering. Obviously, the grand jury found them to be the more credible.
I am glad that this thread is getting a lot of activity.

But there was a point under the surface that practically everyone has missed.

I am going to give it one more day to see who can figure it out.

Again, to recapitulate:

people went and measured the distance from the fire hydrant that was 17 feet away from an on about a 35 degree angle to the plain from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car from where officer Wilson claims to have shot. They measured from that point to the point where Michael Brown fell dead on the ground because of gunshot wounds. From that fire hydrant, with a walking machine that measures distance, they measured 131 feet. The distance from the fire hydrant to the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car is 17 feet, but at an angle. 131 + 17 = 148, minus probably 6-7 feet to account for the angle, makes very likely, 141 feet, somewhat short of half a football field. You can also google in the two addresses and a distance will also be shown that is decisively larger than 35 feet.

The Ferguson Police Department, in it's first major press conference over the shooting, said TWICE within six minutes that the distance between the police officer and the perpetrator (and I also wrote on this thread the Michael Brown was indeed a perpetrator, he was no angel) was 35 feet. And yet, officer Wilson claimed that he shot from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of that police care. This is the critical point to remember.

35 and 148 or 141 are, of course, not the same number.

It is simple math, folks.

One member mentioned the exact type of gun used and many mentioned that it is practically impossible to get off one perfect shot to the head, let alone two, with this kind of semi-automatic pistol. Though it is theoretically possibly, I don't disagree with those members about their claims. I too would find it statistically very hard to get in a perfect shot at 141 feet with a short range pistol.

So, what is the point I have been trying to make the entire time that so many people have missed over and over and over again?

Let's see who figures it out.

Here you go Witness #10..

He [Mike Brown] stopped. He did turn, he did some sort of body gesture, I’m not sure what it was, but I know it was a body gesture. And I could say for sure he never put his hands up after he did his body gesture, he ran towards the officer full charge.The officer fired several shots at him and to give an estimate, I would say roughly around five to six shots was fired at Mike Brown. Mike Brown was still coming towards the officer and at this point I’m thinking, wow, is this officer missing Mike Brown at this close of a range. Mike Brown continuously came forward in the charging motion and at some point, at one point he started to slow down and he came to a stop. And when he stopped, that’s when the officer ceased fire and when he ceased fired, Mike Brown started to charge once more at him. When he charged once more, the officer returned fire with, I would say, give an estimate of three to four shots. And that’s when Mike Brown finally collapsed…. (166:21-167:18).

Witness 10 proves Darren Wilson had a reasonable belief he needed to shoot Michael Brown - The Washington Post
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

140 feet - 46 yards, pretty damned good shooting with a hand gun.
I am glad that this thread is getting a lot of activity.

But there was a point under the surface that practically everyone has missed.

I am going to give it one more day to see who can figure it out.

Again, to recapitulate:

people went and measured the distance from the fire hydrant that was 17 feet away from an on about a 35 degree angle to the plain from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car from where officer Wilson claims to have shot. They measured from that point to the point where Michael Brown fell dead on the ground because of gunshot wounds. From that fire hydrant, with a walking machine that measures distance, they measured 131 feet. The distance from the fire hydrant to the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car is 17 feet, but at an angle. 131 + 17 = 148, minus probably 6-7 feet to account for the angle, makes very likely, 141 feet, somewhat short of half a football field. You can also google in the two addresses and a distance will also be shown that is decisively larger than 35 feet.

The Ferguson Police Department, in it's first major press conference over the shooting, said TWICE within six minutes that the distance between the police officer and the perpetrator (and I also wrote on this thread the Michael Brown was indeed a perpetrator, he was no angel) was 35 feet. And yet, officer Wilson claimed that he shot from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of that police care. This is the critical point to remember.

35 and 148 or 141 are, of course, not the same number.

It is simple math, folks.

One member mentioned the exact type of gun used and many mentioned that it is practically impossible to get off one perfect shot to the head, let alone two, with this kind of semi-automatic pistol. Though it is theoretically possibly, I don't disagree with those members about their claims. I too would find it statistically very hard to get in a perfect shot at 141 feet with a short range pistol.

So, what is the point I have been trying to make the entire time that so many people have missed over and over and over again?

Let's see who figures it out.

Here you go Witness #10..

He [Mike Brown] stopped. He did turn, he did some sort of body gesture, I’m not sure what it was, but I know it was a body gesture. And I could say for sure he never put his hands up after he did his body gesture, he ran towards the officer full charge.The officer fired several shots at him and to give an estimate, I would say roughly around five to six shots was fired at Mike Brown. Mike Brown was still coming towards the officer and at this point I’m thinking, wow, is this officer missing Mike Brown at this close of a range. Mike Brown continuously came forward in the charging motion and at some point, at one point he started to slow down and he came to a stop. And when he stopped, that’s when the officer ceased fire and when he ceased fired, Mike Brown started to charge once more at him. When he charged once more, the officer returned fire with, I would say, give an estimate of three to four shots. And that’s when Mike Brown finally collapsed…. (166:21-167:18).

Witness 10 proves Darren Wilson had a reasonable belief he needed to shoot Michael Brown - The Washington Post

And that is exactly what Wilson said happened as well.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

140 feet - 46 yards, pretty damned good shooting with a hand gun.

Statist is an idiot.

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