Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

LOL @ all you cry baby bitches.

Here's a fact, if that was YOU who shot the rampaging Brown before he could reach you, you wouldn't be screaming about no indictment.

Oh, and also NO ONE believes that you whiny little bitches would have been okay with a not guilty verdict if he had been charged ether. You transparent fags wanted a conviction facts be damned.
One would have a better chance with a lynch mob than a cop doing his duty if that cop thinks you look shifty.
Moral of the story: Avoid cops, and when you see them, mind your ps & qs.
Something I taught all my children from the cradle.

Cops are your friends, but stay the hell out of their way when they're working or you might find yourself in a world of hurt.
I am glad that this thread is getting a lot of activity.

But there was a point under the surface that practically everyone has missed.

I am going to give it one more day to see who can figure it out.

Again, to recapitulate:

people went and measured the distance from the fire hydrant that was 17 feet away from an on about a 35 degree angle to the plain from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car from where officer Wilson claims to have shot. They measured from that point to the point where Michael Brown fell dead on the ground because of gunshot wounds. From that fire hydrant, with a walking machine that measures distance, they measured 131 feet. The distance from the fire hydrant to the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car is 17 feet, but at an angle. 131 + 17 = 148, minus probably 6-7 feet to account for the angle, makes very likely, 141 feet, somewhat short of half a football field. You can also google in the two addresses and a distance will also be shown that is decisively larger than 35 feet.

The Ferguson Police Department, in it's first major press conference over the shooting, said TWICE within six minutes that the distance between the police officer and the perpetrator (and I also wrote on this thread the Michael Brown was indeed a perpetrator, he was no angel) was 35 feet. And yet, officer Wilson claimed that he shot from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of that police care. This is the critical point to remember.

35 and 148 or 141 are, of course, not the same number.

It is simple math, folks.

One member mentioned the exact type of gun used and many mentioned that it is practically impossible to get off one perfect shot to the head, let alone two, with this kind of semi-automatic pistol. Though it is theoretically possibly, I don't disagree with those members about their claims. I too would find it statistically very hard to get in a perfect shot at 141 feet with a short range pistol.

So, what is the point I have been trying to make the entire time that so many people have missed over and over and over again?

Let's see who figures it out.
Wilson did not fire from his vehicle he gave chase and when Brown turned and charged him he backed up as well, as evidenced by where the shell casings were. I don't know where you got it in your head Wilson was standing at his vehicle but he was not.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.

Many that said that were shown to be incorrect, while others admitted they didn't actually see the incident, but heard about it.

The 18 I listed all have where they were at the time after their testimony and all are listed as being within eye contact.

If any of THESE witnesses were proven wrong in cross-examination, you need to prove THAT with a link and not just your say so.
Epilogue on this story is..........when you are moving forward and a cop says "Stop" and you don't.........you're gonna get your hat knocked off.:2up:

All the rest is drivel and whining.:coffee:

That is, however, not what the law says. Are you not for the rule of law?

fAiL s0n........Miz law allows the use of deadly force by any cop if a felony is being committed against him.:oops-28:

Shooting a perp in the back is not allowed. If he turns around to stop and is unarmed, he is therefore not rushing a cop. What part of common sense do you not understand, SON?

No one got shot in the back and his shell casings prove his claims. Further the autopsy established that Brown in fact did NOT have his hands up.
If Brown was shot at 49 yards, then Wilson is a world class shot with a handgun. Like seriously. Most people beyond 7 yards aren't going to hit crap, especially in a dynamic, stressful situation.
not to mention the head thump he claims he suffered.

still haven't bothered to watch the officer's interview, huh..?
No, and I'll tell you why. His chief of police said he didn't know about the robbery at the convenience store but he testified that he did.

Why would I trust him to tell the truth?
Retard alert we have tape recorded police radio that proves not only did Wilson know of the robbery but ask if he was needed to help with it.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.

Many that said that were shown to be incorrect, while others admitted they didn't actually see the incident, but heard about it.

The 18 I listed all have where they were at the time after their testimony and all are listed as being within eye contact.

If any of THESE witnesses were proven wrong in cross-examination, you need to prove THAT with a link and not just your say so.

First, provide your list of witnesses

18 people watching and this cop murdered a black kid? Yeah right.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.

Many that said that were shown to be incorrect, while others admitted they didn't actually see the incident, but heard about it.

The 18 I listed all have where they were at the time after their testimony and all are listed as being within eye contact.

If any of THESE witnesses were proven wrong in cross-examination, you need to prove THAT with a link and not just your say so.

First, provide your list of witnesses

18 people watching and this cop murdered a black kid? Yeah right.
Well he sure as hell didn't save him.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.

Many that said that were shown to be incorrect, while others admitted they didn't actually see the incident, but heard about it.

The 18 I listed all have where they were at the time after their testimony and all are listed as being within eye contact.

If any of THESE witnesses were proven wrong in cross-examination, you need to prove THAT with a link and not just your say so.

First, provide your list of witnesses

18 people watching and this cop murdered a black kid? Yeah right.

Witness testimony Michael Brown s last moments Reading Eagle - AP

I did about 50 posts ago.
I am glad that this thread is getting a lot of activity.

But there was a point under the surface that practically everyone has missed.

I am going to give it one more day to see who can figure it out.

Again, to recapitulate:

people went and measured the distance from the fire hydrant that was 17 feet away from an on about a 35 degree angle to the plain from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car from where officer Wilson claims to have shot. They measured from that point to the point where Michael Brown fell dead on the ground because of gunshot wounds. From that fire hydrant, with a walking machine that measures distance, they measured 131 feet. The distance from the fire hydrant to the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car is 17 feet, but at an angle. 131 + 17 = 148, minus probably 6-7 feet to account for the angle, makes very likely, 141 feet, somewhat short of half a football field. You can also google in the two addresses and a distance will also be shown that is decisively larger than 35 feet.

The Ferguson Police Department, in it's first major press conference over the shooting, said TWICE within six minutes that the distance between the police officer and the perpetrator (and I also wrote on this thread the Michael Brown was indeed a perpetrator, he was no angel) was 35 feet. And yet, officer Wilson claimed that he shot from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of that police care. This is the critical point to remember.

35 and 148 or 141 are, of course, not the same number.

It is simple math, folks.

One member mentioned the exact type of gun used and many mentioned that it is practically impossible to get off one perfect shot to the head, let alone two, with this kind of semi-automatic pistol. Though it is theoretically possibly, I don't disagree with those members about their claims. I too would find it statistically very hard to get in a perfect shot at 141 feet with a short range pistol.

So, what is the point I have been trying to make the entire time that so many people have missed over and over and over again?

Let's see who figures it out.
Wilson did not fire from his vehicle he gave chase and when Brown turned and charged him he backed up as well, as evidenced by where the shell casings were. I don't know where you got it in your head Wilson was standing at his vehicle but he was not.

He didn't fire from his vehicle, even when the punk grabbed him and tried to drag him out.
Other eyewitnesses said he was NOT surrendering. Obviously, the grand jury found them to be the more credible.

How can 3 witnesses be found more credible than 18? Impossible that it would not be enough to secure a trial, unless the agenda is protect the cop out of sympathy.

Witness testimony Michael Brown s last moments Reading Eagle - AP

For the umpteenth time retard, the PHYSICAL evidence says he did NOT have his hands up when he was shot.

Let's say just for fun that he did at some point have his hands up, big fucking deal. You don't get to pretend to surrender and then charge the cop .

And there is NO physical evidence, let me repeat, NO physical evidence, that he EVER had his hands up.

There are a few eyewitnesses that have testified that he did, BUT eyewitness testimony is next to worthless when it doesn't jive with you know ACTUAL evidence.

Take his person for example. (From your link)

"And that's when I proceeded to look out my rear view mirror, he was running, shots was fired, I saw Mike Brown turn around facing the officer at this time. Hands was up probably about like this, they weren't all the way up, but they was probably just like this. And that's when I looked at the review mirror, heard about two or three more gunshots, Michael Brown fell to the ground."

_ Witness stopped in her Monte Carlo along Canfield

- See more at: Witness testimony Michael Brown s last moments Reading Eagle - AP

How much do you REALLY think this woman saw or heard from her vehicle which was pointed AWAY from the scene?

Use your fucking head for something besides a hat rack.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.

Many that said that were shown to be incorrect, while others admitted they didn't actually see the incident, but heard about it.

The 18 I listed all have where they were at the time after their testimony and all are listed as being within eye contact.

If any of THESE witnesses were proven wrong in cross-examination, you need to prove THAT with a link and not just your say so.

First, provide your list of witnesses

18 people watching and this cop murdered a black kid? Yeah right.
Well he sure as hell didn't save him.

That kid was beyond saving Mike. Sorry, but that is the truth. At 18 years old his life was over long before he met D Wilson.
18 witnesses who as much said Brown was surrendering and a shooting in broad daylight. Only the police can get away with that.

Many that said that were shown to be incorrect, while others admitted they didn't actually see the incident, but heard about it.

The 18 I listed all have where they were at the time after their testimony and all are listed as being within eye contact.

If any of THESE witnesses were proven wrong in cross-examination, you need to prove THAT with a link and not just your say so.

First, provide your list of witnesses

18 people watching and this cop murdered a black kid? Yeah right.
Well he sure as hell didn't save him.

That kid was beyond saving Mike. Sorry, but that is the truth. At 18 years old his life was over long before he met D Wilson.
You talk like the kid was a mass murderer. That's total bullshit and you know it. Not worth saving my ass.
For the umpteenth time retard, the PHYSICAL evidence says he did NOT have his hands up when he was shot.

The only physical evidence that could prove that is a photo or a video. Just because a bullet wound is on the other side of his arm does not mean it did not hit his arm when he dropped them from being hit with the first bullet.
Other eyewitnesses said he was NOT surrendering. Obviously, the grand jury found them to be the more credible.

How can 3 witnesses be found more credible than 18? Impossible that it would not be enough to secure a trial, unless the agenda is protect the cop out of sympathy.

Witness testimony Michael Brown s last moments Reading Eagle - AP

Let's say just for fun that he did at some point have his hands up, big fucking deal. You don't get to pretend to surrender and then charge the cop .

And there is NO physical evidence, let me repeat, NO physical evidence, that he EVER had his hands up.

There are a few eyewitnesses that have testified that he did, BUT eyewitness testimony is next to worthless when it doesn't jive with you know ACTUAL evidence.

Take his person for example. (From your link)

"And that's when I proceeded to look out my rear view mirror, he was running, shots was fired, I saw Mike Brown turn around facing the officer at this time. Hands was up probably about like this, they weren't all the way up, but they was probably just like this. And that's when I looked at the review mirror, heard about two or three more gunshots, Michael Brown fell to the ground."

_ Witness stopped in her Monte Carlo along Canfield

- See more at: Witness testimony Michael Brown s last moments Reading Eagle - AP

How much do you REALLY think this woman saw or heard from her vehicle which was pointed AWAY from the scene?

Because she did not have time to turn around and get a good look at what was going on. LOL
For the umpteenth time retard, the PHYSICAL evidence says he did NOT have his hands up when he was shot.

The only physical evidence that could prove that is a photo or a video. Just because a bullet wound is on the other side of his arm does not mean it did not hit his arm when he dropped them from being hit with the first bullet.

Only proves that you know NOTHING about forensic science moron.
Educate yourself.

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