Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying to protect his client

Why isn't his client going to prison?

If he did something that wrong hopefully he gets there. I am not sure I want Pence as President though.

Phonies like you are just as bad as the President. We have a President who is a criminal and a traitor to our country, but you're willing to tolerate it because you don't like Pence's political views. Of course when someone says they voted for Donald in spite of his awful character because they didn't like Hillary, you probably can't fathom why someone would do that.
Why isn't his client going to prison?
They has dropped all of the rest of his charges of crimes that he has done in the past that he could of have been sentenced for 50 years. But if he pleads guilty to covering up for the president. That they will reduce his charges down to 2-3 years and which he will not do more than a year, like the way they has done to Anthony Wiener. Anthony could of had done about 5-8 years for his offense. But since he had files that was marked Life Insurance. He only had done 15 months having his own prison cell with Angola cable network. But if Cohen didn't made the plead bargain with them? They would of have put him with the general population of Bubbas. Doing his full sentence. Where he would of been buying all of the inmates cigarettes and having his wife send them all nude pictures of her, just to keep them all from taking turns sodomizing him constantly.

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He called his (former) client a racist and a con artist. Tell me again how he was trying to protect his client.
Why isn't his client going to prison?
Trump needs to be voted out of office in 2020 first.

Even if Trump were indicted today, the legal/judicial process likely wouldn’t concluded until late next year anyway.

Innocent until proven guilty, an indicted Trump can remain in office until convicted – perhaps longer pending appeal.

Once a private citizen in 2021, there’s nothing preventing Trump from going to prison where he belongs.
We have a situation right now where a sitting POTUS has to run for reelection & pray that he wins to avoid going off to the slammer. :hands:

Makes ya proud don't it, Trumptards?
This TDS thread should be reclassed to the Rubber Room since the opening statement indicate extremely low information and dishonesty. Cohen has been found guilty of personal financial crimes such as tax fraud and loan application fraud. Nothing to do with President Trump.
I guess the check that Cohen produced was a mirage? :th_spinspin:
He a true weasel piece of shit.

And Trump employed him. What does that make Trump?
The number of people that have left Trump's service and then turned on him is phenomenal. Trump is the common theme in all these things. That suggests to me that he is the problem.
Why isn't his client going to prison?

If he did something that wrong hopefully he gets there. I am not sure I want Pence as President though.

Phonies like you are just as bad as the President. We have a President who is a criminal and a traitor to our country, but you're willing to tolerate it because you don't like Pence's political views. Of course when someone says they voted for Donald in spite of his awful character because they didn't like Hillary, you probably can't fathom why someone would do that.

Yeah, In the interest of a better world I'd side with Stalin against Hitler to.

In this crazy age where ppl pretending to be conservatives (aka Mindwars and others on here) would give dictator like power to nuts like Pence I am scared tobtake the risk.

Trump may be a con man, Trump is a borderline criminal and for sure out of inexperience and hubris has broken some campaign laws. He is a magnet for homeohobes and racists also. Still, the pig obviously isn"t going to try to end Western Civilization in favor of some misguided moral compass.
Why isn't his client going to prison?

If he did something that wrong hopefully he gets there. I am not sure I want Pence as President though.

Phonies like you are just as bad as the President. We have a President who is a criminal and a traitor to our country, but you're willing to tolerate it because you don't like Pence's political views. Of course when someone says they voted for Donald in spite of his awful character because they didn't like Hillary, you probably can't fathom why someone would do that.

Yeah, In the interest of a better world I'd side with Stalin against Hitler to.

In this crazy age where ppl pretending to be conservatives (aka Mindwars and others on here) would give dictator like power to nuts like Pence I am scared tobtake the risk.

Trump may be a con man, Trump is a borderline criminal and for sure out of inexperience and hubris has broken some campaign laws. He is a magnet for homeohobes and racists also. Still, the pig obviously isn"t going to try to end Western Civilization in favor of some misguided moral compass.
Jesus Christ...even Trump's supporters admit he's a fucking criminal...
Why isn't his client going to prison?

If he did something that wrong hopefully he gets there. I am not sure I want Pence as President though.

Phonies like you are just as bad as the President. We have a President who is a criminal and a traitor to our country, but you're willing to tolerate it because you don't like Pence's political views. Of course when someone says they voted for Donald in spite of his awful character because they didn't like Hillary, you probably can't fathom why someone would do that.

If only HIllary made a last run through the blue wall...that must make you so mad.
Why isn't his client going to prison?

If he did something that wrong hopefully he gets there. I am not sure I want Pence as President though.

Phonies like you are just as bad as the President. We have a President who is a criminal and a traitor to our country, but you're willing to tolerate it because you don't like Pence's political views. Of course when someone says they voted for Donald in spite of his awful character because they didn't like Hillary, you probably can't fathom why someone would do that.

If only HIllary made a last run through the blue wall...that must make you so mad.

Only Donald's cult has the special kind of stupid it takes to rebut a criticism of a hypocritical liberal with a "but Hillary" line.
Why isn't his client going to prison?

If he did something that wrong hopefully he gets there. I am not sure I want Pence as President though.

Phonies like you are just as bad as the President. We have a President who is a criminal and a traitor to our country, but you're willing to tolerate it because you don't like Pence's political views. Of course when someone says they voted for Donald in spite of his awful character because they didn't like Hillary, you probably can't fathom why someone would do that.

If only HIllary made a last run through the blue wall...that must make you so mad.

Only Donald's cult has the special kind of stupid it takes to rebut a criticism of a hypocritical liberal with a "but Hillary" line.

That was the alternative. So but HIllary retorts are very appropriate.

If Trump was not POTUS, it would be HIllary, right?

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