Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying to protect his client

I mean Pelosi and Schiff both said we need a WHOLE lot more before impeachment.....aka....2 years of harassment producing nothing....

The evidence will take us where it takes us...like it did with the four yeARS
Well the lefties elect Talib and Omar....who are not moderate by any means........
YOU fuckers elected Steve King and a couple of criminals. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter
you guys elected Jesse Jackson Jr, Dan Rostenkowski, Alcee Hastings, William Jeffereson.....that one is a good one, even your criminals are stupid
Ex-congressman William Jefferson, of Louisiana, gets 13 years in $90K freezer cash case

Oh and don't get me started on Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Ralph Northam, Bill Clinton, Robert Byrd, if you want to play this game, you will lose......I promise you that.

but saying that means nothing man, some politicians are shit........learn that, and you'll learn why we don't want these people to control every aspect of our lives, but guess who does..........lefties!!!!
Don't EVEN play tit for tat..You'd lose based on Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff and their cohorts alone...

The POINT is you elected King and those two criminals three months ago
Wait is Duke Cunningham in congress?
And Northam is still there, so is Justin "Good Time" Fairfax....cant wait for his hearings...... and your VA AG..... all 3 still in office......don't see you trying to change that.

sorry, I will shit all over you on this subject.....just a friendly warning

oh and nice watering down a hate resolution.....to a general thing that no one opposes nor does anything...........

Cant wait for the republicans to bring up a USA is a great country.....lets see if the democrats show their true colors.
Your ignorance notwithstanding..yes Duke Cunningham WAS a member of Congress ya stupid fuck

Duke Cunningham - Wikipedia

And I'm waiting to hear about these crimes Northam committed?
Yes he was, and he's in jail....but fucktard read what you wrote

The POINT is you elected King and those two criminals three months ago

I caught you and I am going to be a dick about it......you're a moron, that cant even follow your own lies. He hasn't been in Congress in over 10 years.......how does that = 3 months ago?

About Northam, I don't think he should resign over the blackface......it's not a crime nor should it be...but you would if he was a republican....because politics are all that matter to you.....now his abortion stance is abominable.....

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