Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying to protect his client


The mob analogy got a whole lot stronger

Smearing Cohen doesn’t get Trump or Republicans very far when there is a mound of evidence stacked behind him.

It was telling, however, that just like mob lawyers defending their client, Republicans only attack the cooperating witness. They have nothing to say about the substance of Cohen’s testimony. None other than former prosecutor and New Jersey governor Chris Christie observed, “The interesting thing is that there hasn’t been one Republican yet who has tried to defend the president on the substance, and I think that’s something that should be concerning to the White House. Why are no Republicans standing up and defending the president on the substance?” I think the question was rhetorical.
As in the movies, the organization breaks down when someone becomes a “rat,” a cooperating witness. You have to find someone deep in the organization to provide insight into the day-to-day operation, to break the code, as Cohen said. These people are criminals, which is why they have access to even bigger criminals. Saying Cohen is a convicted perjurer is like saying Sammy “The Bull” Gravano was a felon. Well, duh. How else were the feds going to catch up to John Gotti and dozens of other mobsters?

Furthermore, Cohen brought documents with him, no doubt a fraction of what prosecutors have, and put other witnesses, especially Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, in the center of activities. (Weisselberg is cooperating with prosecutors under a grant of immunity.) Smearing Cohen doesn’t get Trump or Republicans very far when there is a mound of evidence stacked behind him.
Trump supporters know why Cohen lied - to protect Trump.

Nah. He's a known liar. He told more lies to protect himself.

You sure are one stupid lefty loon.
Joe Valachi was a "known liar" and thief and murderer...and yet his testimony exposed the Mafia and put dozens of Mob figures in jail

Apples and oranges and of course you wouldn't know the difference.

so tell us CLAWD...

WHEN was the last time an innocent person attacked a witness against them as a RAT?

RAT is a common term.....no need to leftsplain it to us. People don't like traitors.....even the side that benefits them. Benedict Arnold was seen as a loser by the British and he died broke.
People don't like traitors.....even the side that benefits them.

yet you defend the traitor who gives aid and comfort to enemy spies.
Nope, I'm for America First people
Youre the side that hired Britsh spies and used Russians to influence a campaign....
.and that whole open borders thing you got going...
oh and the fact you want people from crazy countries like Syria coming here
and I bet you want the ISIS bride to return, don't you.....I mean she only encouraged people to shoot random people on the streets or run them over.

yeah lets play this game.......you WILL get your ass kicked
Why isn't his client going to prison?
Perhaps because your whole thread is based on a LIE...

Cohen is going to prison for Felony Perjury, lying to Congress under oath. he is probably going to be going to prison for an even longer time now as Democrats convinced him to go back before Congress to testify under oath again. During that 2nd testimony he destroyed all od the Democrats' talking points, false narratives, and false accusation...even after 10 hours of coaching by admitted criminal classified leaker D-Adam Schiff. Cohen also committed Felony Perjury again by lying to Congress again.

You two have a lot in common - you are both liars, but he is going to jail. You aren't.

Donald Trump, October 10, 2016: "This just came out. WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks!" pic.twitter.com/KWP7X2aLiN

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 21, 2017


...it was reported that the United States was preparing charges against Assange.

The Justice Department's investigation of WikiLeaks can be traced back to 2010, after thousands of U.S. government files stolen by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning appeared on the website.

“I love WikiLeaks,” Don the con said at the rally. “It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the Internet.”
Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying to protect his client

Yes, that is exactly why Cohen is going to prison. NaziCons loved him when he was lying to protect Trump - but not when he's telling the Truth about Trump. Gee, I wonder why? Probably for the same reason that no Republicans tried to defend Trump during the hearings - instead they attacked Cohen.

Nice meme.....the only thing you could muster in defense of the lie this thread is based upon. Cohen is going to jail for perjury...he perjured himself in front of Congress TWICE. The last time, though, he destroyed every Dem talking point / false narrative they have thrown out.

Need a tissue, bi@tch?

traitor trump to the FBI:

'I don't care, I believe Putin'
Hmmm, I don't see an article........did you hear that from an anonymous CNN source....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

get your head out of your ass once in a while and learn something. :itsok:

'I don't care, I believe Putin': Trump dismissed US advice

Former FBI chief says president believed Russian leader over US security agencies...

'I believe Putin': Trump dismissed US advice

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself
Donald Trump, October 10, 2016: "This just came out. WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks!" pic.twitter.com/KWP7X2aLiN

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 21, 2017


...it was reported that the United States was preparing charges against Assange.

The Justice Department's investigation of WikiLeaks can be traced back to 2010, after thousands of U.S. government files stolen by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning appeared on the website.

“I love WikiLeaks,” Don the con said at the rally. “It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the Internet.”
Hey, Val, you can stop over-compensating for having NOTHING by using the huge font.

The only evidence that exists proving illegal collusion with Russians points to Hillary and the Democrats. It's over. The coup d'état has been exposed. It's time to stop throwing childish tantrums and put your big girl panties on. Time to accept the 2016 election results and the fact that there was never any evidence, never any crime committed by Trump.
traitor trump to the FBI:

'I don't care, I believe Putin'
Hmmm, I don't see an article........did you hear that from an anonymous CNN source....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

get your head out of your ass once in a while and learn something. :itsok:

'I don't care, I believe Putin': Trump dismissed US advice

Former FBI chief says president believed Russian leader over US security agencies...

'I believe Putin': Trump dismissed US advice

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

That tough.

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