Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying to protect his client

Donald Trump, October 10, 2016: "This just came out. WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks!" pic.twitter.com/KWP7X2aLiN

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 21, 2017


...it was reported that the United States was preparing charges against Assange.

The Justice Department's investigation of WikiLeaks can be traced back to 2010, after thousands of U.S. government files stolen by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning appeared on the website.

“I love WikiLeaks,” Don the con said at the rally. “It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the Internet.”
Hey, Val, you can stop over-compensating for having NOTHING by using the huge font.

The only evidence that exists proving illegal collusion with Russians points to Hillary and the Democrats. It's over. The coup d'état has been exposed. It's time to stop throwing childish tantrums and put your big girl panties on. Time to accept the 2016 election results and the fact that there was never any evidence, never any crime committed by Trump.

keep dreaming. don the con is going down hard, it's only a matter of time.
traitor trump to the FBI:

'I don't care, I believe Putin'
Hmmm, I don't see an article........did you hear that from an anonymous CNN source....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

get your head out of your ass once in a while and learn something. :itsok:

'I believe Putin': Trump dismissed US advice

Former FBI chief says president believed Russian leader over US security agencies...

'I believe Putin': Trump dismissed US advice

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself
Val, the 'Intel' you claim President Trump ignored is the same Intel who participated in the exposed coup d'état, led by the same traitorous NSA Director Clapper who was caught Perjuring himself before Congress TWICE.

The FBI that you so ignorantly defend was proven with evidence to have begun an illegal investigation and a counter-intelligence operation against the President of the US over a dispute about his foreign policy and because he fired their criminal boss. Evidence shows the FBI, DOJ, NSA, and CIA illegally engaged in seditious conspiracy against the President of the United States.

The ONLY evidence of crimes in this investigation against the United States at the highest levels points to the exposed crimes committed by these people / agency directors.

Bruce Ohr's testimony before Congress was not the only evidence to all of this but was the final nail in the proverbial coffin.
all good patriots see don the con for what he really is, and we are way smarter than trump apologists...

we don't need meme echo chambers and russian trolls to own the constitutional high ground.
You have to give our righties a break. They listen to the lies that Fox state news puts out. Ya know like good old loud mouth Jennie when she tried by lying her ass off that the democrats wanting Syria law. What a load of shit. But seriously you on the right should take a serious look at where you get your news. If you are just going to right wing web sights then you are not getting accurate news. It as simple as that folks. You radical righties refuse to even except what comes out of the Donald mouth. The only thing you believe is what comes out his ass and fox sports his lies. We know that Hillary lost and that was primally because of Comey and the simple fact that she blew the election by not going back as she was sure that she would win in those areas that democrats usually win. She took things for granted and it did not pan out for her well.
Again she won the popular vote. The places that caused her to lose by less than 100,000 votes. Remember when you think everyone agrees with you who are on the right that Hillary did win the election from the people just not our representatives. In case you are mathematically inclined that means that more people are behind the democrats than behind the trump party. I sure miss the republican party.
What I do not understand is why they capitulate to a known liar, known crook, and known womanizer, How did you on the right ever pick a worthless pile of shit to be your candidate. Doesn't that say something about you and your ability to think.
Donald Trump, October 10, 2016: "This just came out. WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks!" pic.twitter.com/KWP7X2aLiN

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 21, 2017


...it was reported that the United States was preparing charges against Assange.

The Justice Department's investigation of WikiLeaks can be traced back to 2010, after thousands of U.S. government files stolen by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning appeared on the website.

“I love WikiLeaks,” Don the con said at the rally. “It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the Internet.”

That's funny, he didn't say they didn't try, he said they didn't succeed...........
so did Russia hack the 2018 elections?
what about before 2016?

2016 was the only time Russia tried to hack us in our history....hmmmmmmm how conviiiiiiient
You have to give our righties a break. They listen to the lies that Fox state news puts out. Ya know like good old loud mouth Jennie when she tried by lying her ass off that the democrats wanting Syria law. What a load of shit. But seriously you on the right should take a serious look at where you get your news. If you are just going to right wing web sights then you are not getting accurate news. It as simple as that folks. You radical righties refuse to even except what comes out of the Donald mouth. The only thing you believe is what comes out his ass and fox sports his lies. We know that Hillary lost and that was primally because of Comey and the simple fact that she blew the election by not going back as she was sure that she would win in those areas that democrats usually win. She took things for granted and it did not pan out for her well.
Again she won the popular vote. The places that caused her to lose by less than 100,000 votes. Remember when you think everyone agrees with you who are on the right that Hillary did win the election from the people just not our representatives. In case you are mathematically inclined that means that more people are behind the democrats than behind the trump party. I sure miss the republican party.
What I do not understand is why they capitulate to a known liar, known crook, and known womanizer, How did you on the right ever pick a worthless pile of shit to be your candidate. Doesn't that say something about you and your ability to think.
Well the lefties elect Talib and Omar....who are not moderate by any means........
Donald Trump, October 10, 2016: "This just came out. WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks!" pic.twitter.com/KWP7X2aLiN

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 21, 2017


...it was reported that the United States was preparing charges against Assange.

The Justice Department's investigation of WikiLeaks can be traced back to 2010, after thousands of U.S. government files stolen by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning appeared on the website.

“I love WikiLeaks,” Don the con said at the rally. “It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the Internet.”
Hey, Val, you can stop over-compensating for having NOTHING by using the huge font.

The only evidence that exists proving illegal collusion with Russians points to Hillary and the Democrats. It's over. The coup d'état has been exposed. It's time to stop throwing childish tantrums and put your big girl panties on. Time to accept the 2016 election results and the fact that there was never any evidence, never any crime committed by Trump.

keep dreaming. don the con is going down hard, it's only a matter of time.

Oh I haven't heard that one in a while..........it's so cute you cling to that hope.......are you ready to scream at the sky in Nov 2020 yet?
all good patriots see don the con for what he really is, and we are way smarter than trump apologists...

we don't need meme echo chambers and russian trolls to own the constitutional high ground.
Most people are smarter than you, and we answer posts...because we have correct answers
You have to give our righties a break. They listen to the lies that Fox state news puts out. Ya know like good old loud mouth Jennie when she tried by lying her ass off that the democrats wanting Syria law. What a load of shit. But seriously you on the right should take a serious look at where you get your news. If you are just going to right wing web sights then you are not getting accurate news. It as simple as that folks. You radical righties refuse to even except what comes out of the Donald mouth. The only thing you believe is what comes out his ass and fox sports his lies. We know that Hillary lost and that was primally because of Comey and the simple fact that she blew the election by not going back as she was sure that she would win in those areas that democrats usually win. She took things for granted and it did not pan out for her well.
Again she won the popular vote. The places that caused her to lose by less than 100,000 votes. Remember when you think everyone agrees with you who are on the right that Hillary did win the election from the people just not our representatives. In case you are mathematically inclined that means that more people are behind the democrats than behind the trump party. I sure miss the republican party.
What I do not understand is why they capitulate to a known liar, known crook, and known womanizer, How did you on the right ever pick a worthless pile of shit to be your candidate. Doesn't that say something about you and your ability to think.
Well the lefties elect Talib and Omar....who are not moderate by any means........
YOU fuckers elected Steve King and a couple of criminals. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter
Apples and oranges and of course you wouldn't know the difference.

Oh really?

explain to me how that is?

How is Joe Valachi credible even though HE was a liar and a thief and murderer..and Cohen is not credible...because he was a liar...
You have to give our righties a break. They listen to the lies that Fox state news puts out. Ya know like good old loud mouth Jennie when she tried by lying her ass off that the democrats wanting Syria law. What a load of shit. But seriously you on the right should take a serious look at where you get your news. If you are just going to right wing web sights then you are not getting accurate news. It as simple as that folks. You radical righties refuse to even except what comes out of the Donald mouth. The only thing you believe is what comes out his ass and fox sports his lies. We know that Hillary lost and that was primally because of Comey and the simple fact that she blew the election by not going back as she was sure that she would win in those areas that democrats usually win. She took things for granted and it did not pan out for her well.
Again she won the popular vote. The places that caused her to lose by less than 100,000 votes. Remember when you think everyone agrees with you who are on the right that Hillary did win the election from the people just not our representatives. In case you are mathematically inclined that means that more people are behind the democrats than behind the trump party. I sure miss the republican party.
What I do not understand is why they capitulate to a known liar, known crook, and known womanizer, How did you on the right ever pick a worthless pile of shit to be your candidate. Doesn't that say something about you and your ability to think.
Well the lefties elect Talib and Omar....who are not moderate by any means........
YOU fuckers elected Steve King and a couple of criminals. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter
you guys elected Jesse Jackson Jr, Dan Rostenkowski, Alcee Hastings, William Jeffereson.....that one is a good one, even your criminals are stupid
Ex-congressman William Jefferson, of Louisiana, gets 13 years in $90K freezer cash case

Oh and don't get me started on Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Ralph Northam, Bill Clinton, Robert Byrd, if you want to play this game, you will lose......I promise you that.

but saying that means nothing man, some politicians are shit........learn that, and you'll learn why we don't want these people to control every aspect of our lives, but guess who does..........lefties!!!!
Apples and oranges and of course you wouldn't know the difference.

Oh really?

explain to me how that is?

How is Joe Valachi credible even though HE was a liar and a thief and murderer..and Cohen is not credible...because he was a liar...
Well they had other evidence to back up Valachi......it's not like they took his word for it.......like you're doing for Cohen......that's the difference.....man you guys really don't know how to think......or fucking use Google.....why do you guys never check facts or stories.....you cant rely on the media do that for you.......when will you learn.
Apples and oranges and of course you wouldn't know the difference.

Oh really?

explain to me how that is?

How is Joe Valachi credible even though HE was a liar and a thief and murderer..and Cohen is not credible...because he was a liar...
Well they had other evidence to back up Valachi......it's not like they took his word for it.......like you're doing for Cohen......that's the difference.....man you guys really don't know how to think......or fucking use Google.....why do you guys never check facts or stories.....you cant rely on the media do that for you.......when will you learn.
Bullshit. Cohen's word by itself has little worth. It's the evidence he has provided and others have provided) that makes him credible
Apples and oranges and of course you wouldn't know the difference.

Oh really?

explain to me how that is?

How is Joe Valachi credible even though HE was a liar and a thief and murderer..and Cohen is not credible...because he was a liar...
Well they had other evidence to back up Valachi......it's not like they took his word for it.......like you're doing for Cohen......that's the difference.....man you guys really don't know how to think......or fucking use Google.....why do you guys never check facts or stories.....you cant rely on the media do that for you.......when will you learn.
Bullshit. Cohen's word by itself has little worth. It's the evidence he has provided and others have provided) that makes him credible
Which is?????

I mean Pelosi and Schiff both said we need a WHOLE lot more before impeachment.....aka....2 years of harassment producing nothing....
You have to give our righties a break. They listen to the lies that Fox state news puts out. Ya know like good old loud mouth Jennie when she tried by lying her ass off that the democrats wanting Syria law. What a load of shit. But seriously you on the right should take a serious look at where you get your news. If you are just going to right wing web sights then you are not getting accurate news. It as simple as that folks. You radical righties refuse to even except what comes out of the Donald mouth. The only thing you believe is what comes out his ass and fox sports his lies. We know that Hillary lost and that was primally because of Comey and the simple fact that she blew the election by not going back as she was sure that she would win in those areas that democrats usually win. She took things for granted and it did not pan out for her well.
Again she won the popular vote. The places that caused her to lose by less than 100,000 votes. Remember when you think everyone agrees with you who are on the right that Hillary did win the election from the people just not our representatives. In case you are mathematically inclined that means that more people are behind the democrats than behind the trump party. I sure miss the republican party.
What I do not understand is why they capitulate to a known liar, known crook, and known womanizer, How did you on the right ever pick a worthless pile of shit to be your candidate. Doesn't that say something about you and your ability to think.
Well the lefties elect Talib and Omar....who are not moderate by any means........
YOU fuckers elected Steve King and a couple of criminals. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter
you guys elected Jesse Jackson Jr, Dan Rostenkowski, Alcee Hastings, William Jeffereson.....that one is a good one, even your criminals are stupid
Ex-congressman William Jefferson, of Louisiana, gets 13 years in $90K freezer cash case

Oh and don't get me started on Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Ralph Northam, Bill Clinton, Robert Byrd, if you want to play this game, you will lose......I promise you that.

but saying that means nothing man, some politicians are shit........learn that, and you'll learn why we don't want these people to control every aspect of our lives, but guess who does..........lefties!!!!
Don't EVEN play tit for tat..You'd lose based on Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff and their cohorts alone...

The POINT is you elected King and those two criminals three months ago
You have to give our righties a break. They listen to the lies that Fox state news puts out. Ya know like good old loud mouth Jennie when she tried by lying her ass off that the democrats wanting Syria law. What a load of shit. But seriously you on the right should take a serious look at where you get your news. If you are just going to right wing web sights then you are not getting accurate news. It as simple as that folks. You radical righties refuse to even except what comes out of the Donald mouth. The only thing you believe is what comes out his ass and fox sports his lies. We know that Hillary lost and that was primally because of Comey and the simple fact that she blew the election by not going back as she was sure that she would win in those areas that democrats usually win. She took things for granted and it did not pan out for her well.
Again she won the popular vote. The places that caused her to lose by less than 100,000 votes. Remember when you think everyone agrees with you who are on the right that Hillary did win the election from the people just not our representatives. In case you are mathematically inclined that means that more people are behind the democrats than behind the trump party. I sure miss the republican party.
What I do not understand is why they capitulate to a known liar, known crook, and known womanizer, How did you on the right ever pick a worthless pile of shit to be your candidate. Doesn't that say something about you and your ability to think.
Well the lefties elect Talib and Omar....who are not moderate by any means........
YOU fuckers elected Steve King and a couple of criminals. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter
you guys elected Jesse Jackson Jr, Dan Rostenkowski, Alcee Hastings, William Jeffereson.....that one is a good one, even your criminals are stupid
Ex-congressman William Jefferson, of Louisiana, gets 13 years in $90K freezer cash case

Oh and don't get me started on Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Ralph Northam, Bill Clinton, Robert Byrd, if you want to play this game, you will lose......I promise you that.

but saying that means nothing man, some politicians are shit........learn that, and you'll learn why we don't want these people to control every aspect of our lives, but guess who does..........lefties!!!!
Don't EVEN play tit for tat..You'd lose based on Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff and their cohorts alone...

The POINT is you elected King and those two criminals three months ago
Wait is Duke Cunningham in congress?
And Northam is still there, so is Justin "Good Time" Fairfax....cant wait for his hearings...... and your VA AG..... all 3 still in office......don't see you trying to change that.

sorry, I will shit all over you on this subject.....just a friendly warning

oh and nice watering down a hate resolution.....to a general thing that no one opposes nor does anything...........

Cant wait for the republicans to bring up a USA is a great country.....lets see if the democrats show their true colors.
I mean Pelosi and Schiff both said we need a WHOLE lot more before impeachment.....aka....2 years of harassment producing nothing....

The evidence will take us where it takes us...like it did with the four yeARS
You have to give our righties a break. They listen to the lies that Fox state news puts out. Ya know like good old loud mouth Jennie when she tried by lying her ass off that the democrats wanting Syria law. What a load of shit. But seriously you on the right should take a serious look at where you get your news. If you are just going to right wing web sights then you are not getting accurate news. It as simple as that folks. You radical righties refuse to even except what comes out of the Donald mouth. The only thing you believe is what comes out his ass and fox sports his lies. We know that Hillary lost and that was primally because of Comey and the simple fact that she blew the election by not going back as she was sure that she would win in those areas that democrats usually win. She took things for granted and it did not pan out for her well.
Again she won the popular vote. The places that caused her to lose by less than 100,000 votes. Remember when you think everyone agrees with you who are on the right that Hillary did win the election from the people just not our representatives. In case you are mathematically inclined that means that more people are behind the democrats than behind the trump party. I sure miss the republican party.
What I do not understand is why they capitulate to a known liar, known crook, and known womanizer, How did you on the right ever pick a worthless pile of shit to be your candidate. Doesn't that say something about you and your ability to think.
Well the lefties elect Talib and Omar....who are not moderate by any means........
YOU fuckers elected Steve King and a couple of criminals. Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter
you guys elected Jesse Jackson Jr, Dan Rostenkowski, Alcee Hastings, William Jeffereson.....that one is a good one, even your criminals are stupid
Ex-congressman William Jefferson, of Louisiana, gets 13 years in $90K freezer cash case

Oh and don't get me started on Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Ralph Northam, Bill Clinton, Robert Byrd, if you want to play this game, you will lose......I promise you that.

but saying that means nothing man, some politicians are shit........learn that, and you'll learn why we don't want these people to control every aspect of our lives, but guess who does..........lefties!!!!
Don't EVEN play tit for tat..You'd lose based on Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff and their cohorts alone...

The POINT is you elected King and those two criminals three months ago
Wait is Duke Cunningham in congress?
And Northam is still there, so is Justin "Good Time" Fairfax....cant wait for his hearings...... and your VA AG..... all 3 still in office......don't see you trying to change that.

sorry, I will shit all over you on this subject.....just a friendly warning

oh and nice watering down a hate resolution.....to a general thing that no one opposes nor does anything...........

Cant wait for the republicans to bring up a USA is a great country.....lets see if the democrats show their true colors.
Your ignorance notwithstanding..yes Duke Cunningham WAS a member of Congress ya stupid fuck

Duke Cunningham - Wikipedia

And I'm waiting to hear about these crimes Northam committed?

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