Michael Cohen: Just when Donald thought his week couldn’t get any worse, I am announcing my new book, Revenge, coming this October

Mike Cohen is a convicted and admitted liar and perjurer. Hopefully his victims attach any proceeds he gets from the book.
Mike Cohen lied at Trump's direction about Trump's business in Russia.

That's the really sad part about Trump. You fools still tell yourselves Trump has never lied to you.

Trump must have nothing but utter contempt for all of you. That's the only way he can lie right to your faces, and then when he is caught, he spits right in your faces and tells another lie.

And you cucks just sit there and take it.

That's why you hate the media and law enforcement now. Because they have caught Trump in his bullshit and have been holding him accountable. So he wants you to hate them.

Trump spent his entire professional life lying to and stealing from donors and banks and investors. He even stole from cancer kids.

And you sick dumb credulous rubes love him.

Christ, that's sad.

Your heroes!
The best way to get a book deal with a poorly written "expose" is to give it a provocative title regardless of whether it makes sense and pander to the TDS mentality. It's the usual inane junk MSNBC and CNN puts out every day but those lefties who still know how to read can curl up with it it at bed time.
Mike Cohen lied at Trump's direction about Trump's business in Russia.

That's the really sad part about Trump. You fools still tell yourselves Trump has never lied to you.

Trump must have nothing but utter contempt for all of you. That's the only way he can lie right to your faces, and then when he is caught, he spits right in your faces and tells another lie.

And you cucks just sit there and take it.

That's why you hate the media and law enforcement now. Because they have caught Trump in his bullshit and have been holding him accountable. So he wants you to hate them.

Trump spent his entire professional life lying to and stealing from donors and banks and investors. He even stole from cancer kids.

And you sick dumb credulous rubes love him.

Christ, that's sad.

Mike Cohen SAID he lied at Trump's "direction".

But where's the proof? Cohen is an admitted liar , his word can't be trusted.
Mike Cohen SAID he lied at Trump's "direction".

But where's the proof? Cohen is an admitted liar , his word can't be trusted.
Trump is a far greater and more prolific liar and yet you dumb rubes bleev everything he tells you.

Cohen lied about Trump having business in Russia. Meanwhile, Trump was lying about that, too. Right to your slack mouth breathing faces.

So how come I NEVER hear you call Trump a liar whose word can't be trusted?

Iron law: if you defend Trump, he will leave you looking like a jackass, or worse.
Trump should title the book he writes in prison: "Confessions Of A Traitor"!

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