Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Fuck off you apologist subversive Treasonous Parasitic Obama ass Licking Troll.

Fuck you and your Justice too. You don’t know shit about Justice.

This is Straight up Unlawful Search & Seizure.

Where is Due Process?
Right to Privacy?
Attorney Client Privilege.
Presumption of Innocence?

I am done with this shit and done debating any Russian Jihadi Illegal Ass Licking Leftist.

Zero Toleranxe for you pieces of Human Excrement.

so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.
it is standard procedure is cases like this, the judge makes certain it happens.....

it is not something new, created just for Cohen and Trump....

read up on it....justice is served by handling these matters in this manner....

contrary to what your god trump whines.... :rolleyes:
Unlawful search and seizure?
That a judge approved?
Ha ha ha haha ha

That a trump appointee and nominee approved! How can Donald be upset. I do think he will fire Sessions, though.
Fuck off you apologist subversive Treasonous Parasitic Obama Ass Licking Troll.

Fuck you and your Justice too. You don’t know shit about Justice.

This is Straight up Unlawful Search & Seizure.

Where is Due Process?
Right to Privacy?
Attorney Client Privilege.
Presumption of Innocence?

I am done with this shit and done debating any Russian Jihadi Illegal Ass Licking Leftist.

Zero Toleranxe for you pieces of Human Excrement.

Watch Gun Sales Go up another 20% as you pieces of human filth continue on With your COUP and wiping your ass with our Constitution.

so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.
it is standard procedure is cases like this, the judge makes certain it happens.....

it is not something new, created just for Cohen and Trump....

read up on it....justice is served by handling these matters in this manner....

contrary to what your god trump whines.... :rolleyes:
But...but...you're a Tree--you like shit--you grow in it--the more shit the better.

Dang..The Original Tree..by definition--has eaten the most shit.

Explains the smile..lol!
The establishment that craves another world war and wants no change in the way we do things in this country are set on over turning the last election....for their benefit not ours....it won't work this is their last grasp....next they will try and get Trump to go to war in Syria to bring his popularity down....just like they did to stupid ass George Bush by telling him that Hussein had chemical weapons....Bush is so stupid he still hasn't figured that one out yet....Our intelligence society is corrupt as hell....I had hopes that Sessions would correct that but he will not....Sessions and Rosenstein needs to be fired by the weeks end...
Yeah.. you actually believed the asshole when he said, “ I alone can fix it.”
Ha ha
Our intelligence agencies protect this country.
They’re now trying to protect us from this criminal president.
You’re a fucking traitor to the United States of America.
Fuck off you apologist subversive Treasonous Parasitic Obama Ass Licking Troll.

Fuck you and your Justice too. You don’t know shit about Justice.

This is Straight up Unlawful Search & Seizure.

Where is Due Process?
Right to Privacy?
Attorney Client Privilege.
Presumption of Innocence?

I am done with this shit and done debating any Russian Jihadi Illegal Ass Licking Leftist.

Zero Toleranxe for you pieces of Human Excrement.

Watch Gun Sales Go up another 20% as you pieces of human filth continue on With your COUP and wiping your ass with our Constitution.

so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.
it is standard procedure is cases like this, the judge makes certain it happens.....

it is not something new, created just for Cohen and Trump....

read up on it....justice is served by handling these matters in this manner....

contrary to what your god trump whines.... :rolleyes:
Do you think I quiver at what you think Comrade?

You would not know justice if it hit you in the head....!!!! :lol:
Fuck off you apologist subversive Treasonous Parasitic Obama ass Licking Troll.

Fuck you and your Justice too. You don’t know shit about Justice.

This is Straight up Unlawful Search & Seizure.

Where is Due Process?
Right to Privacy?
Attorney Client Privilege.
Presumption of Innocence?

I am done with this shit and done debating any Russian Jihadi Illegal Ass Licking Leftist.

Zero Toleranxe for you pieces of Human Excrement.

so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.
it is standard procedure is cases like this, the judge makes certain it happens.....

it is not something new, created just for Cohen and Trump....

read up on it....justice is served by handling these matters in this manner....

contrary to what your god trump whines.... :rolleyes:
Unlawful search and seizure?
That a judge approved?
Ha ha ha haha ha

That a trump appointee and nominee approved! How can Donald be upset. I do think he will fire Sessions, though.
The unstable one will lash out in all directions now that all the moderating forces in this WH are gone.
It will be quite a sight to see.
I must admit. His response on tape while sitting around all his military advisers is one of desperation. I think the shell hiding the flame from the smoking gun has been found. The man may start WW III to keep the truth from coming out. He is that desperate.
Fuck off you apologist subversive Treasonous Parasitic Obama ass Licking Troll.

Fuck you and your Justice too. You don’t know shit about Justice.

This is Straight up Unlawful Search & Seizure.

Where is Due Process?
Right to Privacy?
Attorney Client Privilege.
Presumption of Innocence?

I am done with this shit and done debating any Russian Jihadi Illegal Ass Licking Leftist.

Zero Toleranxe for you pieces of Human Excrement.

it is standard procedure is cases like this, the judge makes certain it happens.....

it is not something new, created just for Cohen and Trump....

read up on it....justice is served by handling these matters in this manner....

contrary to what your god trump whines.... :rolleyes:
Unlawful search and seizure?
That a judge approved?
Ha ha ha haha ha

That a trump appointee and nominee approved! How can Donald be upset. I do think he will fire Sessions, though.
The unstable one will lash out in all directions now that all the moderating forces in this WH are gone.
It will be quite a sight to see.

He may beat the life out of Melania tonight....of wait. She locks her bedroom door...
The only thing that makes you smile is to watch Obama sucking Putin’s Dick while you Crimea River about how you hate our Constitution as you repeatedly shove a Hillary Clinton i’m with This Bitch Bobble Head up your ass.

You Subversive Fucks can just go meet Jim Jones for some poison KKK cool-aide for all I care about you & your American Hating Cult!

Saul Alinsky awaits your maggot eaten ass in Hell. Don’t make him wait too long.

Fuck off you apologist subversive Treasonous Parasitic Obama Ass Licking Troll.

Fuck you and your Justice too. You don’t know shit about Justice.

This is Straight up Unlawful Search & Seizure.

Where is Due Process?
Right to Privacy?
Attorney Client Privilege.
Presumption of Innocence?

I am done with this shit and done debating any Russian Jihadi Illegal Ass Licking Leftist.

Zero Toleranxe for you pieces of Human Excrement.

Watch Gun Sales Go up another 20% as you pieces of human filth continue on With your COUP and wiping your ass with our Constitution.

so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.
it is standard procedure is cases like this, the judge makes certain it happens.....

it is not something new, created just for Cohen and Trump....

read up on it....justice is served by handling these matters in this manner....

contrary to what your god trump whines.... :rolleyes:
But...but...you're a Tree--you like shit--you grow in it--the more shit the better.

Dang..The Original Tree..by definition--has eaten the most shit.

Explains the smile..lol!
I must admit. His response on tape while sitting around all his military advisers is one of desperation. I think the shell hiding the flame from the smoking gun has been found. The man may start WW III to keep the truth from coming out. He is that desperate.
The military-industrial complex sure as hell hopes he does that. Maybe that's the big motive here.

World Police and shit.

The establishment that craves another world war and wants no change in the way we do things in this country are set on over turning the last election....for their benefit not ours....it won't work this is their last grasp....next they will try and get Trump to go to war in Syria to bring his popularity down....just like they did to stupid ass George Bush by telling him that Hussein had chemical weapons....Bush is so stupid he still hasn't figured that one out yet....Our intelligence society is corrupt as hell....I had hopes that Sessions would correct that but he will not....Sessions and Rosenstein needs to be fired by the weeks end...
no one can over turn the last election, even if it is PROVEN some day that Trump -n- team cheated.... the worst that can happen is impeachment and Pence takes over...
What is Trump so afraid of investigators finding out? What crimes has Trump committed to want the investigation shut down?

he is just screaming GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY from the roof tops....

I'd like to know why?
The cleaners will not clean........and they will use a microscope to look at everything for decades looking for a missing dot on an I..........a t not crossed and you know it...............

Pardon me when I say BS..............
Michael Cohen is Trump’s fixer just like Ray Donovan.
Now the feds have all the evidence of all of Trump’s fuck ups Cohen had to fix.
I must admit. His response on tape while sitting around all his military advisers is one of desperation. I think the shell hiding the flame from the smoking gun has been found. The man may start WW III to keep the truth from coming out. He is that desperate.
The military-industrial complex sure as hell hopes he does that. Maybe that's the big motive here.

World Police and shit.


Halliburton is hiring now....
I must admit. His response on tape while sitting around all his military advisers is one of desperation. I think the shell hiding the flame from the smoking gun has been found. The man may start WW III to keep the truth from coming out. He is that desperate.
Nothing is beneath this lunatic when he’s cornered like a rat.
It’s obvious how unstable he is
You had to pretend that we were persecuting you, by preventing you from posting - because you need to feel like a victim.

That's how you justify being so anti-American - you pretend that you've been forced into it by your imaginary persecutors.

Ya stupid fuck.
I've already acknowledged that I could be wrong.


You ARE wrong, fuckwit. But that's not the point.

Go play on the freeway....


I think I'll stay right here and keep triggering you.

I love watching anti-Americans squirm.

My bank stocks have more than tripled and my 401k is going sky high.
We havent seen this level of American exceptionalism in decades.

And as you can see my life sucks....
Retired at 46 seven years ago and still have shitloads of disposable income.

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Nothing you morons can do to make me suffer in anyway.
Although I can get pissed at your attacks on my Country.

Dels laughing to keep from crying....
The only thing that makes you smile is to watch Obama sucking Putin’s Dick while you Crimea River about how you hate our Constitution as you repeatedly shove a Hillary Clinton i’m with This Bitch Bobble Head up your ass.

You Subversive Fucks can just go meet Jim Jones for some poison KKK cool-aide for all I care about you & your American Hating Cult!

Saul Alinsky awaits your maggot eaten ass in Hell. Don’t make him wait too long.

Fuck off you apologist subversive Treasonous Parasitic Obama Ass Licking Troll.

Fuck you and your Justice too. You don’t know shit about Justice.

This is Straight up Unlawful Search & Seizure.

Where is Due Process?
Right to Privacy?
Attorney Client Privilege.
Presumption of Innocence?

I am done with this shit and done debating any Russian Jihadi Illegal Ass Licking Leftist.

Zero Toleranxe for you pieces of Human Excrement.

Watch Gun Sales Go up another 20% as you pieces of human filth continue on With your COUP and wiping your ass with our Constitution.

so, the news is saying there is a clean team.... no one investigating the crime can see any of the fruits from the raid, until after the ''clean team'' removes anything that involves attorney client privilege and separates the stuff involved in the search warrant.... and then a supervisor double checks it all before the prosecutor gets the evidence he requested.

It also is being reported that this has to be a concern with Cohen alone, and not the President or other clients of Cohen's.
it is standard procedure is cases like this, the judge makes certain it happens.....

it is not something new, created just for Cohen and Trump....

read up on it....justice is served by handling these matters in this manner....

contrary to what your god trump whines.... :rolleyes:
But...but...you're a Tree--you like shit--you grow in it--the more shit the better.

Dang..The Original Tree..by definition--has eaten the most shit.

Explains the smile..lol!
Jim Jones is the exact analogy I have used with you Kool Aid drinking DEPLORABLES.
They aren't privileged if that canon of law is being used to shield criminal acts, hotshot! Stupid, stupid rabbit!

The Judge determined there was PROBABLE CAUSE for the warrants! Insipidly, stupid, stupid rabbit!

we don't know what they are yet. I'm sure they will assert privilege as to some of it. and other aspects won't be subject to privilege whether for ongoing criminal activity, breaking of privilege by other people being privy to the information, etc.

CNN reported that a "clean team" will review all the information to determine what is and is not privileged.
Actually, the final decision of what is and is not privileged rests with a judge, not a "clean team."

As noted before, attorney-client privilege when one is the attorney isn't relevant when one's own actions are the one's considered to be criminal. It also isn't enforceable when the communications/actions of the client makes them pursuant to committing a crime.
Insofar as it appears that Cohen, not Trump, is the subject of the search, whatever attorney-client privilege that would be applicable would be content held at Cohen's lawyers' offices.

Paul Manafort is an attorney. Attorney-client privilege played no role in limiting what the FBI could use to build a case against him because he, not his client(s), was the target of the search of his home. The raid of Cohen's offices is much the same.
Manafort communications with his attorneys would if appropriate be covered by attorney/client privilege. I don’t believe he’s asserted any such privilege though
I think people are missing the point of A-C privilege. It's about not forcing an attorney to disclose information about his/her client. That's it. It's not about preventing anyone from providing documentary evidence that they themselves possess and that pertains to themselves.
That’s only partially true — subject to the other things discussed.
Ya stupid fuck.
I've already acknowledged that I could be wrong.


You ARE wrong, fuckwit. But that's not the point.

Go play on the freeway....


I think I'll stay right here and keep triggering you.

I love watching anti-Americans squirm.

My bank stocks have more than tripled and my 401k is going sky high.
We havent seen this level of American exceptionalism in decades.

And as you can see my life sucks....
Retired at 46 seven years ago and still have shitloads of disposable income.

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View attachment 187096

Nothing you morons can do to make me suffer in anyway.
Although I can get pissed at your attacks on my Country.

Dels laughing to keep from crying....
Idiot doesn’t realize how much trouble Cohen and Trump is in now.
What is Trump so afraid of investigators finding out? What crimes has Trump committed to want the investigation shut down?

he is just screaming GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY from the roof tops....

I'd like to know why?
The cleaners will not clean........and they will use a microscope to look at everything for decades looking for a missing dot on an I..........a t not crossed and you know it...............

Pardon me when I say BS..............
Michael Cohen is Trump’s fixer just like Ray Donovan.
Now the feds have all the evidence of all of Trump’s fuck ups Cohen had to fix.
no, not really.... the prosecutors will only receive the evidence from this kind of raid that the search warrant covered.....all other attorney client privilege stuff will be kept from the prosecutors....

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