Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Delusional Witchit is on a roll...$73K! Let's get all the sordid details! Did they make a deal to sell the remaining Uranium to Russia?! Like Obama and Crooked Hillary, netting billions of dollars. Fucking 'tard. :p

Mueller was picked for the job because of his outstanding service to the country and everyone on Capital Hill respected him and his integrity.

"Reasonable," did you even google Mueller? :p Sure "Capital Hill" or The Swamp respects him, but the facts prove he is an unethical, corrupt, piece of shit who murdered innocent people in Massachusetts and who knows how many in Viet Nam.
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I think I'll stay right here and keep triggering you.

I love watching anti-Americans squirm.

My bank stocks have more than tripled and my 401k is going sky high.
We havent seen this level of American exceptionalism in decades.

And as you can see my life sucks....
Retired at 46 seven years ago and still have shitloads of disposable income.

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Nothing you morons can do to make me suffer in anyway.
Although I can get pissed at your attacks on my Country.

Dels laughing to keep from crying....

no, i'm laughing because you're clearly a fuckwit.

post some more photos

they're especially hilarious :thup:

This idiot hack got so mentally abused by today's news, that the fool started posting personal pics displaying his "wealth". For what purpose? I dunno.

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I'm just showing how much smarter I am than you rubes.
Keep preaching your bullshit,the rest of us know better.
What has been proven about those who insist on showing others how "smart they are?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Hilarious you keep talking about the LAW as Trump continues to violate the emolument clause of the constitution.
Trump is GUILTAAAHHH!!!!

Why have they taken so long to get that orange fucker out of office and promptly install Hillary? What the fuck is taking so goddamn long?
Stop trying so hard dude. Just slow down, take a deep breath and relax. Mmmmkay......?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
I see the board Fascists think that lawyers who are suspected of criminal conspiracy with their clients still can claim privilege- and that if Mueller is allowed to complete his investigation that even Trump's son will turn out to be guilty.
Funny how you used that word.

Suspicion does not justify the breach.
it's obvious at this very moment that the left doesn't care about our judicial system.

I care about our Judicial system and the rule of law much more than I care about a man who claims to be,” The Country!”

BTW, who is left to be Trump’s Attorney?
Mueller does not want to convict Trump of anything. What he wants to do is isolate him and make his life intolerable and his ability to govern impossible. NOT because of Trump. Oh no. Trump is just the one in the barrel. This is a lesson to be taught to every republican. Don't run for office or you will get the same.
Like they did Bill & Hillary Clinton??????????????????
I see the board Fascists think that lawyers who are suspected of criminal conspiracy with their clients still can claim privilege- and that if Mueller is allowed to complete his investigation that even Trump's son will turn out to be guilty.
Funny how you used that word.

Suspicion does not justify the breach.
it's obvious at this very moment that the left doesn't care about our judicial system.

I care about our Judicial system and the rule of law much more than I care about a man who claims to be,” The Country!”

BTW, who is left to be Trump’s Attorney?
Geoffry Berman could resign as a US Attorney and go to work directly for Trump. He has been a Trump supporter and even donated to his campaign.
I see the board Fascists think that lawyers who are suspected of criminal conspiracy with their clients still can claim privilege- and that if Mueller is allowed to complete his investigation that even Trump's son will turn out to be guilty.
Funny how you used that word.

Suspicion does not justify the breach.
it's obvious at this very moment that the left doesn't care about our judicial system.

I care about our Judicial system and the rule of law much more than I care about a man who claims to be,” The Country!”

BTW, who is left to be Trump’s Attorney?
Geoffry Berman could resign as a US Attorney and go to work directly for Trump. He has been a Trump supporter and even donated to his campaign.

U.S. Attorney Behind The Michael Cohen Raid Is A Trump Appointee | HuffPost
Nope. Not even close. Warrants like that don't get handed down for nothing. This is pretty fucking serious.

There's enough here to send that Orange Ass to a Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison for 1000 years. What give? Why the delay?

That Orange Bitch is GUILTAAAAH!!!

No, it's just a motherfucking HUGE brick in the wall.

The case is still being built. Now how long did it take them to put Watergate together? If you need a rough idea.

Building an ironclad case takes time.
Yeah, this is another Watergate . . . . . . . NOT! This has to be the sleaziest witch hunt ever conducted by any government in a democracy, ever.

Funnily enough, you’re quoting Nixon.

But I’m sure Michael is completely innocent of any wrongdoing and is sleeping with an untroubled conscience.
Nixon never said anything I posted, shit for brains. Perhaps one of these days you might post an actual fact in this forum instead of endless ad hominems, but I'm not holding my breath.
Beavis and Butthead Trump just spent $73,000 of tax payers money on a private trip to Dubai.
But it gets ignored with the daily trump freak show.
What "private trip" was that, douchebag?

This one, douchebag.

Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump's Dubai trip reportedly cost taxpayers $73,000

You said Trump, not his sons, BDBoop, shit for brains.

Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr's trip to the United Arab Emirates cost taxpayers a minimum of $73,000(£51,820) in Secret Service fees, according to a new report.

Are you saying they shouldn't have secret service protection?

You are a special kind of stupid. That's what I remember about BDBoop, always posting the dumbest claims imaginable.
How does one “talk it up the ass?”

Another excellent typo correction. Which is why it is so strange you are too embarrassed to discuss whether or not you attended high school and if so where? ;)
Why should a poster here give you personal information? And anyway, people can make up whatever they want and lie the way you do all the time. Plus, your spelling and grammar indicate you have a grade 5 education. Plus you are a nutjob.
Put simply, Your lawyer can't enter a contract that obligates you, without you agreeing to it. He can't buy you a vacation time-share, even if he pays for it.
But he can make you an intended third-party beneficiary, which would give you standing.

NOPE. That would be binding you to an agreement you had no part of. The NDA required DD to take specific actions under the NDA, which were binding.

Since Trump didn't sign it or pay for it, he can't be bound by the NDA, and he has no standing to enforce the NDA, the NDA is void.
You're such an idiot. Trump isn't suing Daniels. Cohen is, and he is a part to the NDA.

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