Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

No sane person ever called this investigation a witch hunt. Only those who don’t want to know if Trump is a crook mouth’s this lame president’s words.
No one who has respect for the law ever called it a witch hunt.
How is Trump's acceptance of Stormy's performance under the terms of her contract with Cohen a FEC violation by Trump?

You're mixing laws.
Trump has to accept the benefits of the $130,000 in order to be able to enforce a thrid party contract.

As soon as Trump acceplts the $130,000, he violates the FEC law.

That's why Trump said he knew nothing about the NDA or the $130,000 payment. Otherwise he has a FEC violation.
Trump has to accept the benefits of the $130,000 in order to be able to enforce a thrid party contract.

As soon as Trump acceplts the $130,000, he violates the FEC law.

That's why Trump said he knew nothing about the NDA or the $130,000 payment. Otherwise he has a FEC violation.
Trump doesn't care about eh $130,000. Cohen's performance under the contract is irrelevant to Trump. He only wants the benefit of Storny's silence. He must accept the benefit of Stormy's silence to have standing.

And he can do so even if he didn't know about the contract at the time it was entered. He can do so after the fact. After the election is over, when FEC is no longer relevant
Trump accepted the benefit of Stormy's silence, even if he didn't know about the contract at the time it was entered. He can't break FEC after the election is over.

Actually it just started.

Trump Kicks Off Re-Election Campaign Earlier Than Any President
Feb 27, 2018 - He filed the paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run in 2020 just hours after he was inaugurated.

It's an election benefit for either 2016 or 2020. Depending when he accepted it.
No sane person ever called this investigation a witch hunt. Only those who don’t want to know if Trump is a crook mouth’s this lame president’s words.
No one who has respect for the law ever called it a witch hunt.

No offense Reasonable, but have you ever been institutionalized? Among the usual butthurt, crazy anti-Donald mentals, you seem like a special case. And although I respect that, I am just curious. ;) :p
It's an election benefit for either 2016 or 2020. Depending when he accepted it.
What if the contract was entered in 2008 and Trump doesn't accept the benefit of Stormy's silence until 2018? How does the FEC apply then? What's the limit on FEC 'benefits"?
The benefit is as of when it's accepted. It's like buying a car, everything starts when you take delivery.

Once again thanks for the third party contract post. As a third party contract, Trump violated the FEC either in 2016 or for 2020. Trump can pick whatever date he wants to calim when he accepted the benefit, but he can't escape the violation.
The FEC is going to be very busy. And we need more buses to throw Trump and his lawyer under.
All that shows is that Herr mewler is a fucking Nazi who wipes his ass on the Constitution. Have you ever heard of a thing called atorney-client privilegeprivilege? Of course, we know you don't care because you're a fucking Nazi just like Herr Mewler. Anything he obtains from this raid will be thrown out of court.

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Oh? On what grounds did they obtain their warrant?

I'm sure the grounds were incredibly flimsy, just like everything else Herr Obergruppenfuher Mewler does. However, that doesn't alter the fact that any communication between Trump and his lawyer are privileged. Anything Herr Obergruppenfuher Mewler learns will be thrown out of court.
Says no good lawyer.
If Mueller uncovers crimes due to this information the judge will say NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW.
But you think trump is.

The law says the government cannot have access to privileged attorney-client communications, you fucking dumbass. You keep spouting off about the law, but you don't even know what the law says.
Hilarious you keep talking about the LAW as Trump continues to violate the emolument clause of the constitution.

Conducting a perfectly legal business does not violate the emoluments clause. Your belief that it does only shows what a delusional snowflake you are.

Yes, it is helpful. It shows exactly why Obbergruppenfuhrer Mewler should be sacked.

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client," Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege."
The fact that Rosenstein approved it only shows why he is unfit to hold the office he occupies. Using it as an end run around to get the client is exactly what Mewler is doing. That's perfectly obvious. How could those conducting the case never see the material? They've already seen it.
Nope. Not even close. Warrants like that don't get handed down for nothing. This is pretty fucking serious.

There's enough here to send that Orange Ass to a Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison for 1000 years. What give? Why the delay?

That Orange Bitch is GUILTAAAAH!!!

No, it's just a motherfucking HUGE brick in the wall.

The case is still being built. Now how long did it take them to put Watergate together? If you need a rough idea.

Building an ironclad case takes time.
Yeah, this is another Watergate . . . . . . . NOT! This has to be the sleaziest witch hunt ever conducted by any government in a democracy, ever.
Nope. Not even close. Warrants like that don't get handed down for nothing. This is pretty fucking serious.

There's enough here to send that Orange Ass to a Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison for 1000 years. What give? Why the delay?

That Orange Bitch is GUILTAAAAH!!!

No, it's just a motherfucking HUGE brick in the wall.

The case is still being built. Now how long did it take them to put Watergate together? If you need a rough idea.

Building an ironclad case takes time.
Yeah, this is another Watergate . . . . . . . NOT! This has to be the sleaziest witch hunt ever conducted by any government in a democracy, ever.

Funnily enough, you’re quoting Nixon.

But I’m sure Michael is completely innocent of any wrongdoing and is sleeping with an untroubled conscience.

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