Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Sorry bout that,

1. It will be costly to Mueller.
2. He is a screw up.
3. Its better to just go ahead and fire his dumb ass!
4. And abuse of power charges should be brought against him in Federal Court.

For what?

Sorry bout that

1. First off he's overstepping the law, raid a sitting Presidents law office, he should of known thats a no no.
2. No bodies lawyers office should be raided, there is an attorney client privilege, which happens to be all over USA.
3. Thats why Mueller screwed up, and is a criminal, in the Supreme Courts eyes, if they understand the LAW.
4. Mueller needs firing, he's done.

Your head's too far up your ass to see the facts here. First, Mueller didn't raid anyone's office. He gave a REFERRAL to the Southern District of NY and THEY determined what they were going to do with it. THEY requested the warrant and a JUDGE approved it. Nothing to do with Mueller except that as he waded through the muck he found something (we don't know what) that happened in NYC concerning Cohen.
This will backfire on them, bigly.
Are you tired of whining yet?
Nope..I don't think they are--the whining has just started:

‘A bomb on Trump’s front porch’: FBI’s Cohen raids hit home for the president

"Trump “won’t like that Cohen is in the crosshairs, but you have to remember: He’d prefer the heat be on Cohen than on him,” said one of the president’s advisers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share a candid assessment. “His goal will be to figure out how much vulnerability he has.”

This was Trump’s first crisis without Hope Hicks, the recently departed White House communications director who knew her way around the broader Trump orbit, getting to the bottom of what was happening, counseling the president and intuiting how he would want the situation handled.

Trump also navigated Monday’s turn without a full slate of legal advisers. He has yet to replace John Dowd, who resigned last month as his personal attorney in the Russia matter. Reached briefly Monday afternoon, one White House official sighed when asked about Trump’s strategy, pointing to the “evident” limitations of the current legal team, as well as the absence so far of a public-relations plan to counter the hotly anticipated release next week of former FBI director James B. Comey’s memoir, “A Higher Loyalty.”

There was fear in Trump’s orbit that the president is liable to erupt in anger in coming days, escalating his attacks against Mueller at a time when his attorneys are negotiating a possible interview. And there was concern in some quarters that Trump, who has been shaking up his administration in recent weeks, may also seek to terminate Mueller.

Former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, a friend of Trump, called the Cohen raids “a little heavy-handed.”

“Is this surprising? Yes,” said Giuliani, also a former U.S. attorney. “Is it extraordinary? No. This is the way prosecutors get information — sometimes to convict and prosecute, sometimes to exculpate.”

Criticizing Mueller for veering into “highly personal issues,” such as the alleged Daniels encounter, Giuliani added, “The only thing that’s happening, perhaps, is that Mueller is trying to compel the president to testify.”

Cohen has long been a fixer for Trump, as well as his family and business, and associates said he was disappointed when he was not brought officially on board the campaign, and again when he was passed over for a coveted White House job.

“He’s done the dirty work that the president hasn’t wanted to do himself, and he’s been doing it for a decade,” O’Brien said.

In the early weeks of the administration, Cohen was spotted unshaven, roaming the lobby of the Trump International Hotel in Washington. He has stayed in touch with the president through late-night phone calls.

But now, Cohen is back squarely in Trump’s orbit — though perhaps not in the way he had hoped to be. Cohen himself has become the kind of distraction that he was usually tasked with handling for his boss.

“When it comes to Michael Cohen, anything is possible,” said Louise Sunshine, a former Trump Organization executive who knows Cohen. “Anything and everything is possible.”"

Except for the NDA with a porn star.
Which is not illegal for Trump to enter or pay.

It is however, illegal to not disclose it as a campaign expense. There is no question that the payment was made to benefit the campaign.
Bullshit. Benefitting Trump is not the same as benefitting the campaign. Even if he wasn't running for President, he wouldn't want a hooker running around claiming he slept for her.

That dog don't hunt.
Well, if that were the case, then the NDA would have been proposed back in 2006 when the one night stand was over or in 2011 when she had her magazine interview....The timing indicates it was for hiding it from constituents during the election...

But there is no way this was done simply for breaking campaign finance laws....it takes nearly an act of God to get a no knock warrant, let alone one on the president 's personal lawyer with attorney/client privilege!!!

Also, this does not involve trump imo, or they would not have sent it outside the beltway to do.

please tell us how this relates to Russian influence in our 2016 election.
The southern district of NY's prosecutor is Giuliani's ex law partner and donated big for Trump.
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.

So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

How do you know it's not a crime? Do you know all the details?

None of us know what Mueller has. They can hide in a cave, pretend nothing is there, but this criminal suit, plus 2 Grand Juries, indictments, Convictions.

But this raid is a Criminal Case.
It seems like every two to three weeks something new comes out of this witch hunt. then the lefties here and in the media say; "That's it! We got trump now! He's going down! The dominoes are falling! He won't last after this! It's the end of the Trump presidency!" and then nothing happens. Two to three weeks later, the dupes hear about some other thing and they rejoice again. "We got him now!" and it's wash, rinse, repeat.

This is what happens when you start with a group of people who aren't very smart or mentally stable to begun with and force them to face reality. All that denial, hatred, and continual defeat sends then right over the edge. It's a quite amazing thing to watch.
You have to know ,if you have a brain in your head Mueller is no AH yokel like the guys Trump picks out He and his group are experts in digging up the dirt but just because they don't reveal it yet you shouldn't feel good about it
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?
Except for the NDA with a porn star.
Which is not illegal for Trump to enter or pay.

It is however, illegal to not disclose it as a campaign expense. There is no question that the payment was made to benefit the campaign.
Bullshit. Benefitting Trump is not the same as benefitting the campaign. Even if he wasn't running for President, he wouldn't want a hooker running around claiming he slept for her.

That dog don't hunt.
Well, if that were the case, then the NDA would have been proposed back in 2006 when the one night stand was over or in 2011 when she had her magazine interview....The timing indicates it was for hiding it from constituents during the election...

But there is no way this was done simply for breaking campaign finance laws....it takes nearly an act of God to get a no knock warrant, let alone one on the president 's personal lawyer with attorney/client privilege!!!

Also, this does not involve trump imo, or they would not have sent it outside the beltway to do.

please tell us how this relates to Russian influence in our 2016 election.
It doesn't as far as I know....but that doesn't matter since Mueller's mandate does not allow him to ignore any crimes he comes across NOT related.
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was? It was under subpeona and she failed to produce it.
Except for the NDA with a porn star.
Which is not illegal for Trump to enter or pay.

It is however, illegal to not disclose it as a campaign expense. There is no question that the payment was made to benefit the campaign.
Bullshit. Benefitting Trump is not the same as benefitting the campaign. Even if he wasn't running for President, he wouldn't want a hooker running around claiming he slept for her.

That dog don't hunt.
Well, if that were the case, then the NDA would have been proposed back in 2006 when the one night stand was over or in 2011 when she had her magazine interview....The timing indicates it was for hiding it from constituents during the election...

But there is no way this was done simply for breaking campaign finance laws....it takes nearly an act of God to get a no knock warrant, let alone one on the president 's personal lawyer with attorney/client privilege!!!

Also, this does not involve trump imo, or they would not have sent it outside the beltway to do.
But there is no way this was done simply for breaking campaign finance laws....it takes nearly an act of God to get a no knock warrant, let alone one on the president 's personal lawyer with attorney/client privilege!!!
Nothing to do with Trump? Did Cohen do anything that wasn't somehow related to Trump?
No way Trump will be prosecuted for anything now.

Charging someone after you’ve raided their lawyer — especially someone whose millions of supporters already distrust the DOJ –is absolutely explosive.

Are you offhandedly suggesting that you are prepared to kill your fellow Americans over Trump?
Now that's quite a stretch even for you.

A stretch?

What do you take it to mean?
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was?
Get over it.
Except for the NDA with a porn star.
Which is not illegal for Trump to enter or pay.

It is however, illegal to not disclose it as a campaign expense. There is no question that the payment was made to benefit the campaign.
Bullshit. Benefitting Trump is not the same as benefitting the campaign. Even if he wasn't running for President, he wouldn't want a hooker running around claiming he slept for her.

That dog don't hunt.
Well, if that were the case, then the NDA would have been proposed back in 2006 when the one night stand was over or in 2011 when she had her magazine interview....The timing indicates it was for hiding it from constituents during the election...

But there is no way this was done simply for breaking campaign finance laws....it takes nearly an act of God to get a no knock warrant, let alone one on the president 's personal lawyer with attorney/client privilege!!!

Also, this does not involve trump imo, or they would not have sent it outside the beltway to do.

please tell us how this relates to Russian influence in our 2016 election.
Why must it? Mueller found something--we don't know what--that appeared suspicious..and he referred the matter to the appropriate authorities. As he is required to do.

For all we know..it has nothing to do with Trump.
This will backfire on them, bigly.
Are you tired of whining yet?
Nope..I don't think they are--the whining has just started:

‘A bomb on Trump’s front porch’: FBI’s Cohen raids hit home for the president

"Trump “won’t like that Cohen is in the crosshairs, but you have to remember: He’d prefer the heat be on Cohen than on him,” said one of the president’s advisers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share a candid assessment. “His goal will be to figure out how much vulnerability he has.”

This was Trump’s first crisis without Hope Hicks, the recently departed White House communications director who knew her way around the broader Trump orbit, getting to the bottom of what was happening, counseling the president and intuiting how he would want the situation handled.

Trump also navigated Monday’s turn without a full slate of legal advisers. He has yet to replace John Dowd, who resigned last month as his personal attorney in the Russia matter. Reached briefly Monday afternoon, one White House official sighed when asked about Trump’s strategy, pointing to the “evident” limitations of the current legal team, as well as the absence so far of a public-relations plan to counter the hotly anticipated release next week of former FBI director James B. Comey’s memoir, “A Higher Loyalty.”

There was fear in Trump’s orbit that the president is liable to erupt in anger in coming days, escalating his attacks against Mueller at a time when his attorneys are negotiating a possible interview. And there was concern in some quarters that Trump, who has been shaking up his administration in recent weeks, may also seek to terminate Mueller.

Former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, a friend of Trump, called the Cohen raids “a little heavy-handed.”

“Is this surprising? Yes,” said Giuliani, also a former U.S. attorney. “Is it extraordinary? No. This is the way prosecutors get information — sometimes to convict and prosecute, sometimes to exculpate.”

Criticizing Mueller for veering into “highly personal issues,” such as the alleged Daniels encounter, Giuliani added, “The only thing that’s happening, perhaps, is that Mueller is trying to compel the president to testify.”

Cohen has long been a fixer for Trump, as well as his family and business, and associates said he was disappointed when he was not brought officially on board the campaign, and again when he was passed over for a coveted White House job.

“He’s done the dirty work that the president hasn’t wanted to do himself, and he’s been doing it for a decade,” O’Brien said.

In the early weeks of the administration, Cohen was spotted unshaven, roaming the lobby of the Trump International Hotel in Washington. He has stayed in touch with the president through late-night phone calls.

But now, Cohen is back squarely in Trump’s orbit — though perhaps not in the way he had hoped to be. Cohen himself has become the kind of distraction that he was usually tasked with handling for his boss.

“When it comes to Michael Cohen, anything is possible,” said Louise Sunshine, a former Trump Organization executive who knows Cohen. “Anything and everything is possible.”"
Wasn’t Trump just boasting about how every lawyer wants to be his lawyer?

I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was?
Get over it.

Clearly the FBI and DOJ have been politicized.
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was? It was under subpeona and she failed to produce it.
Why are you talking about Clinton? What does she have to do with this topic?
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was? It was under subpeona and she failed to produce it.

I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was? It was under subpeona and she failed to produce it.
Why are you talking about Clinton? What does she have to do with this topic?

Simpleton, I was responding to a post.
The southern district of NY's prosecutor is Giuliani's ex law partner and donated big for Trump.

Yep, and Geoffrey S. Berman is yet another Trump appointee - which is hilarious.

So we have four Trump appointees all complicit in this "attack on America".

Maybe he should have kept Preet Bharara? :D
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was?
Get over it.

Clearly the FBI and DOJ have been politicized.
I don't see it that way. You folks are just wearing politicized glasses. It's your view, not the FBI and DOJ, that is skewed.

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