Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

It seems like every two to three weeks something new comes out of this witch hunt. then the lefties here and in the media say; "That's it! We got trump now! He's going down! The dominoes are falling! He won't last after this! It's the end of the Trump presidency!" and then nothing happens. Two to three weeks later, the dupes hear about some other thing and they rejoice again. "We got him now!" and it's wash, rinse, repeat.

This is what happens when you start with a group of people who aren't very smart or mentally stable to begun with and force them to face reality. All that denial, hatred, and continual defeat sends then right over the edge. It's a quite amazing thing to watch.
Except for the NDA with a porn star.
Which is not illegal for Trump to enter or pay.

It is however, illegal to not disclose it as a campaign expense. There is no question that the payment was made to benefit the campaign.
Bullshit. Benefitting Trump is not the same as benefitting the campaign. Even if he wasn't running for President, he wouldn't want a hooker running around claiming he slept for her.

That dog don't hunt.
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Was there some point to posting this idiocy?
this is the point...GIMP...
More photoshop nonsense? Perhaps one of these days you could post some facts or logic.
More stupid eh Zombie Gimp

Thanks for warning us about the contents of your post, but it really wasn't necessary. They are all stupid.

You sound desperate....
You're a delusional snowflake.
No way Trump will be prosecuted for anything now.

Charging someone after you’ve raided their lawyer — especially someone whose millions of supporters already distrust the DOJ –is absolutely explosive.

Are you offhandedly suggesting that you are prepared to kill your fellow Americans over Trump?
Now that's quite a stretch even for you.

Yes, it is helpful. It shows exactly why Obbergruppenfuhrer Mewler should be sacked.

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client," Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege."
The fact that Rosenstein approved it only shows why he is unfit to hold the office he occupies. Using it as an end run around to get the client is exactly what Mewler is doing. That's perfectly obvious. How could those conducting the case never see the material? They've already seen it.
No, it shows the Special Counsel has proof of a crime. There’s no way they would have obtained a warrant for, not just an attorney, but an attorney to the POTUS.

Fucking moron, federal judges don’t just casually grant search warrants on personal attorneys to the President of the United States. Your hollow dismissal doesn’t alter that.
Leftwing judges make absurd decisions all the time. Conisder the decision that Trump's immigration restrictions were illegal. Tossed.
You’re spouting bullshit again. In reality, you know nothing about the judge who granted the warrant.
this is the point...GIMP...
More photoshop nonsense? Perhaps one of these days you could post some facts or logic.
More stupid eh Zombie Gimp
Thanks for warning us about the contents of your post, but it really wasn't necessary. They are all stupid.
You sound desperate....
You're a delusional snowflake.
Like Trump, his enablers, and supporters, Cohen thought his position as a Trump inner-circle member would protect him indefinitely. He believed, after so many years of getting away with every kind of shenanigan at Trump’s behest, that the facts would never matter, the music would never stop, and the party would never end. Again, he’s a perfect metaphor for this administration.
FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Is the Most Dangerous Day of Donald Trump’s Life
Trump just Underwent a Cohen-Noscopy ...Ouch LoL
Use of search warrant sends message on Michael Cohen probe

View attachment 187159▶ 4:57

Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about the legal particulars of the FBI raid ..

It’s all coming home to roost.

Keep in mind, Trump has no one but himself to blame for all of this. None of this would be happening had he not cheated on his wife.
MAGA: My Attorney Got Arrested
Quote of the Day
April 10, 2018
“We are in pretty treacherous territory here. It’s unprecedented to my knowledge to have the President’s personal attorney raided like this. They must have been able to present evidence that was hugely compelling to take a step like this.”

Former White House aide David Gergen, quoted by CNN.
Yes, it is helpful. It shows exactly why Obbergruppenfuhrer Mewler should be sacked.

"It’s very unusual for the Department of Justice to permit prosecutors to raid an attorney’s office and that’s because you want to be careful not to get privileged material," said Litman, who teaches at the UCLA School of Law and continues to practice at the law firm Constantine Cannon.

In order to get the OK to raid Cohen's office, prosecutors would have had to get approval from high up — in this case from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — and demonstrate to a federal magistrate both probable cause and the need for a warrant instead of a subpoena (such as a concern that Cohen might destroy evidence), Litman explained.

In addition, the probable cause would have to relate to a crime centered on Cohen. "You can’t use it as end run around to get to the client," Litman explained.

There will also be a "taint team" to examine everything before it is handed over to prosecutors to make sure that those conducting the case never see any material that might be "tainted" by attorney-client privilege."
The fact that Rosenstein approved it only shows why he is unfit to hold the office he occupies. Using it as an end run around to get the client is exactly what Mewler is doing. That's perfectly obvious. How could those conducting the case never see the material? They've already seen it.
No, it shows the Special Counsel has proof of a crime. There’s no way they would have obtained a warrant for, not just an attorney, but an attorney to the POTUS.

Fucking moron, federal judges don’t just casually grant search warrants on personal attorneys to the President of the United States. Your hollow dismissal doesn’t alter that.
Leftwing judges make absurd decisions all the time. Conisder the decision that Trump's immigration restrictions were illegal. Tossed.
You’re spouting bullshit again. In reality, you know nothing about the judge who granted the warrant.

You are spouting bullshit again.

Federal Agents have been known to lie like rugs to get warrants



It seems like every two to three weeks something new comes out of this witch hunt. then the lefties here and in the media say; "That's it! We got trump now! He's going down! The dominoes are falling! He won't last after this! It's the end of the Trump presidency!" and then nothing happens. Two to three weeks later, the dupes hear about some other thing and they rejoice again. "We got him now!" and it's wash, rinse, repeat.

This is what happens when you start with a group of people who aren't very smart or mentally stable to begun with and force them to face reality. All that denial, hatred, and continual defeat sends then right over the edge. It's a quite amazing thing to watch.
and just think you might have 61/2 more years of all that hatred AND with a Dem congress I pity you schmucks supporting that grifter
The politically motivated FBI could act on raiding a lawyers office for documents related to an adult film star but they couldn't act on stopping the shooter that murdered my sister and 16 others even though he was reported to them multiple times! Fix It!

Hunter Pollack (@PollackHunter) April 10, 2018
It seems like every two to three weeks something new comes out of this witch hunt. then the lefties here and in the media say; "That's it! We got trump now! He's going down! The dominoes are falling! He won't last after this! It's the end of the Trump presidency!" and then nothing happens. Two to three weeks later, the dupes hear about some other thing and they rejoice again. "We got him now!" and it's wash, rinse, repeat.

This is what happens when you start with a group of people who aren't very smart or mentally stable to begun with and force them to face reality. All that denial, hatred, and continual defeat sends then right over the edge. It's a quite amazing thing to watch.
and just think you might have 61/2 more years of all that hatred AND with a Dem congress I pity you schmucks supporting that grifter

White House sources say Cohen raid ignited Trump’s ‘untethered’ rage: ‘I’ve never seen him like this before’
President Donald Trump is having an outright meltdown in the West Wing of the White House in real time and sources are completely freaked out.
We have a child throwing a temper tantrum as president.
The politically motivated FBI could act on raiding a lawyers office for documents related to an adult film star but they couldn't act on stopping the shooter that murdered my sister and 16 others even though he was reported to them multiple times! Fix It!

Hunter Pollack (@PollackHunter) April 10, 2018

That right there says it all. Smash those organizations to bits and rebuild them from the ground up, taking only the good, and what worked from the previous iteration.
No, it shows the Special Counsel has proof of a crime. There’s no way they would have obtained a warrant for, not just an attorney, but an attorney to the POTUS.

Fucking moron, federal judges don’t just casually grant search warrants on personal attorneys to the President of the United States. Your hollow dismissal doesn’t alter that.
Leftwing judges make absurd decisions all the time. Conisder the decision that Trump's immigration restrictions were illegal. Tossed.
You’re spouting bullshit again. In reality, you know nothing about the judge who granted the warrant.

You are spouting bullshit again.

Federal Agents have been known to lie like rugs to get warrants




And presidents have been known to have been impeached before. Your point is...?
Sorry bout that,

1. It will be costly to Mueller.
2. He is a screw up.
3. Its better to just go ahead and fire his dumb ass!
4. And abuse of power charges should be brought against him in Federal Court.

For what?

Sorry bout that

1. First off he's overstepping the law, raid a sitting Presidents law office, he should of known thats a no no.
2. No bodies lawyers office should be raided, there is an attorney client privilege, which happens to be all over USA.
3. Thats why Mueller screwed up, and is a criminal, in the Supreme Courts eyes, if they understand the LAW.
4. Mueller needs firing, he's done.

The politically motivated FBI could act on raiding a lawyers office for documents related to an adult film star but they couldn't act on stopping the shooter that murdered my sister and 16 others even though he was reported to them multiple times! Fix It!

Hunter Pollack (@PollackHunter) April 10, 2018
Hey, look at who’s finally warming up to the Parkland kids.
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.

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