Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

The "Fixer" has been fixed....
Highlighted in yellow below ...M Cohen

Was there some point to posting this idiocy?
this is the point...GIMP...
More photoshop nonsense? Perhaps one of these days you could post some facts or logic.
More stupid eh Zombie Gimp

Thanks for warning us about the contents of your post, but it really wasn't necessary. They are all stupid.
They didn't need proof of a crime to create the special council.
What makes you think a simple thing like not having probable-cause is going to stop these criminals from abusing the president's constitutional rights?

Hillary knowingly destroyed evidence and obstructed justice, but Trump has been fully cooperating with this investigation, and yet you feel he's guilty because nothing has been found yet and he says that it's a witch hunt.
Obviously you don't know or care what is real and what is imaginary.
Old......just plain old....and lame.
Hillary's emails are simply proof of obstruction.
Still waiting on Mueller sending the FBI to raid her home and offices.
I won't hold my breath.
Omg let hillary go!
They can’t. Then they’ll have nothing.
Nothing other than clear obstruction.

18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
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Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

(Added Pub. L. 107–204, title VIII, § 802(a), July 30, 2002, 116 Stat. 800.)
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....

Geoffrey Berman even donated to Trump’s campaign.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Berman to the job in January. Berman has a reputation among his friends and co-workers as a sharp, hard-working lawyer. And he’s certainly not part of any Democratic cabal out to get Trump: He donated $5,400 to Trump’s presidential campaign.

Berman also met personally with Trump when he was up for the job, according to CNN.

More: U.S. Attorney Behind The Michael Cohen Raid Is A Trump Appointee

Some have speculated that Berman may have recused himself.
Highlighted in yellow below ...M Cohen

Was there some point to posting this idiocy?
this is the point...GIMP...
More photoshop nonsense? Perhaps one of these days you could post some facts or logic.
More stupid eh Zombie Gimp

Thanks for warning us about the contents of your post, but it really wasn't necessary. They are all stupid.

You sound desperate....
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman just filed his 100th action against the Trump administration or congressional Republicans since the president's election victory last fall.
At what point does that become harassment? Holy fuck.

At what point does that become harassment? Holy fuck.

More like, at what point do you start to think that there may actually be something to all of this?

I mean, how far do you believe this conspiracy against Trump goes?
Why did the FBI raid the office of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen?

...federal agents seized “records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress,” presumably referring to the $130,000 payments Cohen made to Stephanie Clifford—who is known professionally as Stormy Daniels—during the 2016 campaign. According to the Times, the search warrants were obtained by the federal prosecutor in Manhattan after receiving a referral from special counsel Robert Mueller.

Executing a search warrant against any attorney’s office, let alone a personal lawyer for the president of the United States, is no small matter.

Attorney and legal blogger Ken White noted that the federal guidelines require prosecutors to seek approval from the Justice Department’s upper echelons before applying for a warrant targeting a lawyer’s office.

That DOJ officials approved the raid suggests that the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan had an extremely good reason to search Cohen’s workplace.

This is the first public indication that Cohen is involved in a federal investigation that’s unrelated to Mueller’s inquiry into Russian election meddling.
And yet we still have no clue as to what crime they are investigating.
And yet we still have no clue as to what crime they are investigating.

You meant to say "you" have no clue.
Wow, we are truly blessed to be in the presence of so many talented clairvoyants.
You cannot have it both ways. Trump did not commit a campaign finance violation or ANY violation, if he paid off Stormy with his own money. Cohen may have committed such a violation, but it's on him, not Trump.

Tell me where Trump may be implicated?

Trump did not commit a campaign finance violation or ANY violation, if he paid off Stormy with his own money.

Not true. Anything of value to a campaign is considered a campaign contribution and must be reported as such regardless of it's source. There is no denying that a hush money payment was beneficial and had value for the campaign. Otherwise, why do it at all?
When Mueller gets fired, will you nimrods PLEASE put it in Breaking News where it belongs?
Mueller Gets Closer and Closer to Trump
April 10, 2018 at 7:08 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard
New York Times: “The searches open a new front for the Justice Department in its scrutiny of Mr. Trump and his associates: His longtime lawyer is being investigated in Manhattan; his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is facing scrutiny by prosecutors in Brooklyn; his former campaign chairman is under indictment; his former national security adviser has pleaded guilty to lying; and a pair of former campaign aides are cooperating with Mr. Mueller. Mr. Mueller, meanwhile, wants to interview Mr. Trump about possible obstruction of justice.”

One source close to Trump tells Mike Allen: “Mueller’s investigation has been drip, drip. This was a giant leap forward… a personal hit… They were moving in inches. Today, they moved a mile.”
A lot of radical Leftists are wetting their panties over this. lol.

I have a feeling their jubilation will be short lived.

In their quest to get their "witch", they've made mistakes that "fair" courts are gonna have a field day with.

Sorry Lefties...the fat lady hasn't sung yet :abgg2q.jpg:
You have a feeling.
Mueller has a mountain of evidence and even more tonight.
Compare and contrast
trumps ass is grass and Mueller is the lawnmower

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