Michael Cohen will bury Trump in criminal liability

You liberals get stupider and moronic by the day. Stupid bastards lol.
dude, I still don't get how they get elected. really. shit like this is happening daily and they gain seats in the house? AOC destroys NYC, and they will still win. I call foul.
What about the fox conn deal in Wisconsin? Do you think that was a winner?
explain? not sure what you're asking.
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
why no charge?
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
And like clockwork, they will not argue that point with intelligent legal arguments. The willful stupidity and ignorance will soon follow. Set your watch.
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
And like clockwork, they will not argue that point with intelligent legal arguments. The willful stupidity and ignorance will soon follow. Set your watch.
there is no evidence of it. it's hearsay. prove it. you all have issues with facts. I tell you. need a tape of him telling him. they have cohen's tapes. why isn't there a charge? race baitor.
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
why no charge?
Waiting on all the rest of the charges, because Cohen is also involved with Russia as well, as it relates to Trump. Russia is a bigger fish, because it involves our national security. And with this illegal election of paying off porn stars, that too is a matter of national security by way of a compromised election. Mueller wants to tie the two together to make sure the case has a common denominator.
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
And like clockwork, they will not argue that point with intelligent legal arguments. The willful stupidity and ignorance will soon follow. Set your watch.
there is no evidence of it. it's hearsay. prove it. you all have issues with facts. I tell you. need a tape of him telling him. they have cohen's tapes. why isn't there a charge? race baitor.
You are always hiding behind stupidity. Scram idiot.
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
why no charge?
Waiting on all the rest of the charges, because Cohen is also involved with Russia as well, as it relates to Trump. Russia is a bigger fish, because it involves our national security. And with this illegal election of paying off porn stars, that too is a matter of national security by way of a compromised election. Mueller wants to tie the two together to make sure the case has a common denominator.
so you don't know it to be true. right? Jussie Smollett just faked an entire lynching skit in Chicago. half the country believed him. until the evidence came out. are you one of those? you don't believe waiting on evidence?
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
why no charge?
Waiting on all the rest of the charges, because Cohen is also involved with Russia as well, as it relates to Trump. Russia is a bigger fish, because it involves our national security. And with this illegal election of paying off porn stars, that too is a matter of national security by way of a compromised election. Mueller wants to tie the two together to make sure the case has a common denominator.
so you don't know it to be true. right? Jussie Smollett just faked an entire lynching skit in Chicago. half the country believed him. until the evidence came out. are you one of those?
Obfuscation to my answer is for idiots who have nothing to debate. Move along.
You liberals get stupider and moronic by the day. Stupid bastards lol.
dude, I still don't get how they get elected. really. shit like this is happening daily and they gain seats in the house? AOC destroys NYC, and they will still win. I call foul.
What about the fox conn deal in Wisconsin? Do you think that was a winner?
explain? not sure what you're asking.
I believe the single biggest reason that the governor of Wisconsin lost was because of the fox conn deal. They gave billions away to Fox con because fox conn said they were going to build a factory there they would have 15,000 people working there. Trump went on and on about it forever. I don’t see how anyone could not know about it, sorry.
Anyway, now that the deal is been signed and they’ve started work on it, fox conn admits that they will have less than 5000 people, they won’t be doing manufacturing, it will be high tech and will have to bring in workers, and it’s now estimated that if you go by the original deal Wisconsin won’t see a profit until 2040. And that’s the original deal.

Normally, this kind of story would be a tremendous scandal. Showing the country and the world the dupes that Republicans are. The problem is there’s so many scandals going on that this has been completely ignored.
Wisconsin has tied their money up in Fox con and not in education or healthcare or anything else that the state actually needs. And people in Wisconsin won’t be qualified for those 5000 jobs. It was all the business scan and the rubes have been taken advantage of by the ConMen.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
why no charge?
Waiting on all the rest of the charges, because Cohen is also involved with Russia as well, as it relates to Trump. Russia is a bigger fish, because it involves our national security. And with this illegal election of paying off porn stars, that too is a matter of national security by way of a compromised election. Mueller wants to tie the two together to make sure the case has a common denominator.
so you don't know it to be true. right? Jussie Smollett just faked an entire lynching skit in Chicago. half the country believed him. until the evidence came out. are you one of those?
Obfuscation to my answer is for idiots who have nothing to debate. Move along.
well first you have to have something to debate. I'm still waiting.
I’v heard Michael Cohen described as trump’s tour guide to his criminal activities.
Trump is already an unindicted co-conspirator into Felonies that are serious enough to send Cohen to prison for years.
now just prove it. where is the crime on trump?
Cohen said Trump ordered him to secretly pay off those women. The reason he wanted it secret was to keep that information from the American people. That’s called “a thing of value“. That’s a felony.
And like clockwork, they will not argue that point with intelligent legal arguments. The willful stupidity and ignorance will soon follow. Set your watch.
there is no evidence of it. it's hearsay. prove it. you all have issues with facts. I tell you. need a tape of him telling him. they have cohen's tapes. why isn't there a charge? race baitor.
You are always hiding behind stupidity. Scram idiot.
so post up the tape you've heard. you are the one making declarations without evidence. it's very simple to just tell you to take a seat. you got nothing. still nothing, will have nothing. just wasted space on a message board.
Again the OP getting duped by this loose association stuff!

Cohen is a bot... all these type investigations turn up people like Cohen, Flynn, Stone et. al......s0n, might as well put up a dart board the size of a dime on a wall 30 feet away and start launching darts @www.bestoflucktoyou.com


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