Michael Cohen’s Business Partner Agrees to Cooperate as Part of Plea Deal


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Michael Cohen’s Business Partner Agrees to Cooperate as Part of Plea Deal

The sound of dominoes falling:

A significant business partner of Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s personal lawyer, has quietly agreed to cooperate with the government as a potential witness, a development that could be used as leverage to pressure Mr. Cohen to work with the special counsel examining Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Under the agreement, the partner, Evgeny A. Freidman, a Russian immigrant who is known as the Taxi King, will avoid jail time, and will assist government prosecutors in state or federal investigations, according to a person briefed on the matter.

Mr. Cohen’s conduct was initially examined by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating the 2016 election that led to Mr. Trump’s victory, and then referred to the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan. Last month, federal agents carried out search warrants at Mr. Cohen’s home, his office and a hotel room where he was staying, seeking documents related to his business associates and accountants.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers have been resigned to the strong possibility that the investigation of Mr. Cohen’s businesses could lead him to cooperate with federal prosecutors.

That likelihood could become greater with a business partner of Mr. Cohen’s cooperating with law enforcement.
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OTOH..the possibility of a polonium cocktail, just got greater.
OTOH..the possibility of a polonium cocktail, just got greater.

Oh, i don't think mueller is desperate enough to commit murder...yet. Give him enough time though, and he will probably resort to anything to save his ass.
More from article:

Mr. Freidman has been Mr. Cohen’s partner in the taxi business for years, managing cabs for him even after New York City regulators barred Mr. Freidman last year from continuing to manage medallions.

Mr. Freidman, who was disbarred earlier this month, had been accused of failing to pay more than $5 million in taxes and faced four counts of criminal tax fraud and one of grand larceny — all B felonies. Each carries a maximum prison sentence of up to 25 years in prison.

Instead, he appeared in court in Albany on Tuesday and pleaded guilty to a single count of evading only $50,000 worth of taxes; he faces five years of probation if he fulfills the terms of his agreement, the judge, Patrick Lynch of Albany County court, said during the roughly 20-minute proceeding.

“Do you understand the nature of the benefit your attorneys have accomplished on your behalf?” the judge asked Mr. Freidman during the proceeding on Tuesday.

“I greatly understand that and appreciate it,” Mr. Freidman replied.

After Mr. Freidman’s guilty plea, his lawyer, Patrick J. Egan of Fox Rothschild, declined to comment. But earlier this year, he said his client “considers Michael a very good friend and a great client.”
OTOH..the possibility of a polonium cocktail, just got greater.

Oh, i don't think mueller is desperate enough to commit murder...yet. Give him enough time though, and he will probably resort to anything to save his ass.
LOL..way to miss the point..deliberate, I'm sure. After all, there's only one person whose known to use THAT method..and you know it's Putin.

But hey..as long as you think you're clever..that's all that really counts.
Who says threats and torture don't work. Send the man one of his grandchild's fingers, he'll say anything they want.
You do understand that none of this investigation has anything to do with Trump right? You know that the business partner was in a taxi business with no connection to Trump right?
Utterly freaking amazing for an so called witch hunt.

Sounds like there's an wild fire occurring and the crooks are attempting to spin like the blazes! lol
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You do understand that none of this investigation has anything to do with Trump right?
Of course, any idiot knows it has everything to do with Trump, as Mueller attempts to leverage COhen to give up incriminating evidence against Trump. The fact that it has gone this far indicates that Mueller not only knows this incriminating evidence exists, but probably also knows exactly what it is.
You do understand that none of this investigation has anything to do with Trump right? You know that the business partner was in a taxi business with no connection to Trump right?
Hmmm...if you want to know where the dirty places are..who do you ask?

Why..you ask the taxi driver, right?
Utterly freaking amazing for a so called witch hunt.

Sounds like there's a wild fire occurring and the crooks are attempting to spin like the blazes! lol

If it's such a "witch hunt", then why have there been several prosecutions, some have gone to jail, and numerous indictments have been done? This is only after a year.

You conservatives had several DECADES to get something on Hillary, and yet nothing has stuck. All the way back to Whitewater, and all the way up to Benghazi and the e-mails. None of those investigations yielded anything, yet you keep hoping it will.

The investigations on Trump and his people? Been very productive. Actual jail time has been served on this case.

Just a matter of time before it sticks to Trump.
This is a mob takedown. Mueller has to make sure to catch as many of the little fish as he can, then work his way up to the bigger ones.
You do understand that none of this investigation has anything to do with Trump right? You know that the business partner was in a taxi business with no connection to Trump right?

If there is nothing there, then why has he agreed to cooperate with prosecutors?
Yup..what did he give..to get such a sweetheart of a deal? Facing decades behind bars..and pleads guilty for 5 years probation???

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