MIchael Flynn: Foreign Agent Man


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?

Moron.....Flynn was supposed to be working for the Russians.....please.....stick with the left wing talking points......
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?

Turkey is officially a US ally, dumbass.
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?

Turkey is officially a US ally, dumbass.

It doesn't matter... he wasn't registered as a foreign lobbyist which is a felony. He's lucky that the government is letting him register now after the fact and not get charged with it.
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?

Moron.....Flynn was supposed to be working for the Russians.....please.....stick with the left wing talking points......

Duh, why couldn't he do both?
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?

I can believe he didn't know it. Trump doesn't believe in vetting.

This is seriously damning of Flynn and of a general incompetence on Trump's part.
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?

Turkey is officially a US ally, dumbass.

The most damning thing about this... Trump has written an executive order that bans administrative officials from being foreign lobbyist. Oops!
Failing to register as a foreign lobbyist is a felony. When also considering Flynn's Russia ties to the Trump campaign - how could Flynn not be charged with a felony for failing to register? I don't see how him retroactively registering a couple days ago absolves him of a felony charge.
Flynn was paid $530,000 to lobby for Turkey from August - November of 2016. He was paid and he was meeting with Turkey officials in the same time period that he was on stage campaigning for Trump. He was then appointed as National Security Advisor without disclosing these actions.

Pence had no clue, Spicey doesn't know if Trump knew. This situation is astonishing. It was either a completely incompetent vetting of one of the most important government positions in the world or it was known and Trump went ahead with the appointment despite these facts. Horrible judge of character either way.

Flynn admits firm's pre-election lobbying for Turkey client

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It is certainly an astonishing revelation.
I believe it only created more questions over the competency, judgement and motives of Trump and his people.

The calls for further investigation will no doubt increase. Especially among members of the president's own party. The time is coming where the Republican leadership will not be able to remain silent.
Flynn was paid $530,000 to lobby for Turkey from August - November of 2016. He was paid and he was meeting with Turkey officials in the same time period that he was on stage campaigning for Trump. He was then appointed as National Security Advisor without disclosing these actions.

Pence had no clue, Spicey doesn't know if Trump knew. This situation is astonishing. It was either a completely incompetent vetting of one of the most important government positions in the world or it was known and Trump went ahead with the appointment despite these facts. Horrible judge of character either way.



Let me guess! This came from CNN, right?
The irony of his complaints of Hillary's influence peddling is awesome. In the larger scope of things it's more worrisome that Trump embraces alt R non-reality and has surrounded himself with fellow travelers. Flynn's stories of Arabic signs on the border, for instance. It's been the hope that Trump will become more rational as the saner people in the party assert themselves.

But Trump's not making it easier on Ryan and McConnell even on healthcare when he tells the Freedom caucus that maybe he's open to killing the Medicaid expansion, and that would kill off any chance of having enough gop votes to pass the damn thing. So, the best case is that Trump's distancing himself from crazy is a work in slow progress.
Flynn was paid $530,000 to lobby for Turkey from August - November of 2016. He was paid and he was meeting with Turkey officials in the same time period that he was on stage campaigning for Trump. He was then appointed as National Security Advisor without disclosing these actions.

Pence had no clue, Spicey doesn't know if Trump knew. This situation is astonishing. It was either a completely incompetent vetting of one of the most important government positions in the world or it was known and Trump went ahead with the appointment despite these facts. Horrible judge of character either way.



Let me guess! This came from CNN, right?
haha no. Here is a Fox link. Spicey was also asked about during yesterdays press conference and VP Pence was asked about it on Bret Baier show yesterday. Where you been?

Why is everything that is negative for Trump automatically Fake News to you all. Aren't you interested in reality at all?

Flynn admits firm's pre-election lobbying for Turkey client
Flynn was paid $530,000 to lobby for Turkey from August - November of 2016. He was paid and he was meeting with Turkey officials in the same time period that he was on stage campaigning for Trump. He was then appointed as National Security Advisor without disclosing these actions.

Pence had no clue, Spicey doesn't know if Trump knew. This situation is astonishing. It was either a completely incompetent vetting of one of the most important government positions in the world or it was known and Trump went ahead with the appointment despite these facts. Horrible judge of character either way.



Let me guess! This came from CNN, right?
O for gods sake. LOL. Pay attention.
3rd thread on this.... so this is bordering on Spam.
And I am an idiot for helping to bump it, but sometimes you have to bitch slap a Lying DemNazi Fascist.

1.) He does not work for The President.
2.) You should be pleased President Trump did the right thing and asked him to resign even before this came out.
3.) Flynn has not been charged nor will be charged with any crimes because he committed no crimes.
4.) Obama Bin Lying Wire Tapped Your Mother. How do you feel about that?

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