MIchael Flynn: Foreign Agent Man

For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
3rd thread on this.... so this is bordering on Spam.
And I am an idiot for helping to bump it, but sometimes you have to bitch slap a Lying DemNazi Fascist.

1.) He does not work for The President.
2.) You should be pleased President Trump did the right thing and asked him to resign even before this came out.
3.) Flynn has not been charged nor will be charged with any crimes because he committed no crimes.
4.) Obama Bin Lying Wire Tapped Your Mother. How do you feel about that?
1.) I checked the first page of the message board and didn't see anything about this before I posted.
2.) Where is the Lie DemNazi Fascism in my OP? I linked to a news article from Fox and am talking about a REAL situation.
3.) Trump asked him to resign after he was exposed. He didn't do shit when intel told him he lied to the VP. It wasn't until the lie was leaked to the media that he took action, and his response was a full on attack on the leakers and Flynn was a "good guy"
4.) Obama wiretapped? Really? Any proof? No... who's the liar now?
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Not a great walker? Are you seeing the results of his election? Jobs, stocks & most importantly to me, the largest growth in the construction industry in 10 years.

I'd say his walk is just fine!
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Flynn was pretty key in giving support to the Trumpian notion of Putin can help on ISIS, so let him reclaim the former soviet empire in Europe. Illegal? Maybe not. But Flynn may have been supporting letting Putin prop up Assad while letting Turkey have a free shot at the Kurds. That would be taking money from a foreign govt to use a position as a campaign advisor to influence a candidate to take a position harmful to US policy.
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Not a great walker? Are you seeing the results of his election? Jobs, stocks & most importantly to me, the largest growth in the construction industry in 10 years.

I'd say his walk is just fine!
That growth is excellent. Stock market up, illegal border cross apprehensions down all good stuff. But also all built upon speculation and rhetoric, not policy. These are short term bumps based on promises, we will see if they sustain or if they get backed up by solid policy.

On the flip side, his NSA lied and was fired in the first weeks of the administration, his AG had to recuse himself after not being forthright about discussions with Russians, 4 other surrogates including Trumps son-in-law come reveal meetings with the Russians after weeks of statements from Trump that nobody has spoken to the Russians. His Travel EO was a disaster and got shut down, his healthcare bill role out is a disorganized mess, he has lie after lie coming out from his tweets and press secretary, his top advisor is plugging his daughters clothing line on national TV, etc etc etc... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and the Circus continues
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol

Flynn was for sale and is a shady character with no reservations about lying, that's the quite relevant point here.

He got paid by Turkey and then went on cable news to spread falsehoods about people that were involved with the coup there. He then kept the whole thing under wraps by not disclosing that he was acting as a foreign agent.

He also lied about Russia, which begs the question if he was getting paid to peddle their bullshit too.

Watch this and tell me Putin got nothing for Flynn:

Last edited:
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Not a great walker? Are you seeing the results of his election? Jobs, stocks & most importantly to me, the largest growth in the construction industry in 10 years.

I'd say his walk is just fine!
That growth is excellent. Stock market up, illegal border cross apprehensions down all good stuff. But also all built upon speculation and rhetoric, not policy. These are short term bumps based on promises, we will see if they sustain or if they get backed up by solid policy.

On the flip side, his NSA lied and was fired in the first weeks of the administration, his AG had to recuse himself after not being forthright about discussions with Russians, 4 other surrogates including Trumps son-in-law come reveal meetings with the Russians after weeks of statements from Trump that nobody has spoken to the Russians. His Travel EO was a disaster and got shut down, his healthcare bill role out is a disorganized mess, he has lie after lie coming out from his tweets and press secretary, his top advisor is plugging his daughters clothing line on national TV, etc etc etc... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and the Circus continues
It's hard to see what really matters when you focus on so much superfluous bullshit.
Flynn was paid $530,000 to lobby for Turkey from August - November of 2016. He was paid and he was meeting with Turkey officials in the same time period that he was on stage campaigning for Trump. He was then appointed as National Security Advisor without disclosing these actions.

Pence had no clue, Spicey doesn't know if Trump knew. This situation is astonishing. It was either a completely incompetent vetting of one of the most important government positions in the world or it was known and Trump went ahead with the appointment despite these facts. Horrible judge of character either way.

Flynn admits firm's pre-election lobbying for Turkey client


Turkey never 'hacked the election', though - Podesta's, Hillary's Campaign Manager, bosses DID.

Podesta received $170k for working for the 'KGB Bank', who has extremely close ties to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Spy Agency. Podesta also failed to register as a 'Foreign Agent'.

Interesting how the snowflakes did not create a thread exposing how the Campaign manager for the Democratic Party's Presidential Candidate was illegally working as a 'Foreign Agent' for the 'KGB Bank' while managing Hillary's campaign.

If you recall, as well, Podesta's e-mails were hacked...the Democrats claimed 'the Russians hacked the election over this and more...and it was reported that the ones who did the hacking was the Russian Spy agency...who Podesta loosely worked for (since he was working for the KGB Bank and they are connected to the Russian Spy Agency).

Now THAT is a pretty big deal, but the news media stayed quiet about it. So did the Democrats and the Snowflakes.

Did the Russians USE Podesta, or did Podesta have a hand in helping ther Russians hack the DNC? The FBI should thoroughly investigate Hillary's ex-campaign manager and his connections to Putin and the Russian Spy agency.

How much did Hillary know? When she was e-mailing Podesta on her un-authorized, un-secure server using her un-secured e-mail, did she know Podesta was working for the KGB Bank (and Russian Spy Agency)? Did he tell her? (I wonder if THAT discussion / revelation was in any of the 'personal' e-mails she deleted AFTER her e-mails were subpoenaed...)
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Flynn was pretty key in giving support to the Trumpian notion of Putin can help on ISIS, so let him reclaim the former soviet empire in Europe. Illegal? Maybe not. But Flynn may have been supporting letting Putin prop up Assad while letting Turkey have a free shot at the Kurds. That would be taking money from a foreign govt to use a position as a campaign advisor to influence a candidate to take a position harmful to US policy.
There should definately be a look at his actions as NSA in relation to the items that you just laid out and there could very well be possible problems. I'm speaking to the consulting job while campaigning... He wasn't NSA during the campaign so he wasn't doing anything illegal. The line was crossed when he was named NSA and didn't disclose this relationship,not to mention his lying to the VP about discussion sanctions with Russia... Who knows what else will get uncovered. I knew Flynn was a snake the first time I heard him speak. Even his son was tweeting conspiracy theories during his short time with the transition team... I couldn't believe he was named NSA... horrible judgement by Trump
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Not a great walker? Are you seeing the results of his election? Jobs, stocks & most importantly to me, the largest growth in the construction industry in 10 years.

I'd say his walk is just fine!
That growth is excellent. Stock market up, illegal border cross apprehensions down all good stuff. But also all built upon speculation and rhetoric, not policy. These are short term bumps based on promises, we will see if they sustain or if they get backed up by solid policy.

On the flip side, his NSA lied and was fired in the first weeks of the administration, his AG had to recuse himself after not being forthright about discussions with Russians, 4 other surrogates including Trumps son-in-law come reveal meetings with the Russians after weeks of statements from Trump that nobody has spoken to the Russians. His Travel EO was a disaster and got shut down, his healthcare bill role out is a disorganized mess, he has lie after lie coming out from his tweets and press secretary, his top advisor is plugging his daughters clothing line on national TV, etc etc etc... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and the Circus continues
It's hard to see what really matters when you focus on so much superfluous bullshit.
Thats kind of the point... Why is there so much superluous bullshit flowing out of our White House? Laced in there is real stuff. Like people with visas being detained at airports, families getting broken up by deportations, the future of our health care, tax reform, jobs, trade, foreign relations etc etc etc. I'd much rather be focusing on those things, but the circus is in town and they've set up their tent in our White House.
Flynn was paid $530,000 to lobby for Turkey from August - November of 2016. He was paid and he was meeting with Turkey officials in the same time period that he was on stage campaigning for Trump. He was then appointed as National Security Advisor without disclosing these actions.

Pence had no clue, Spicey doesn't know if Trump knew. This situation is astonishing. It was either a completely incompetent vetting of one of the most important government positions in the world or it was known and Trump went ahead with the appointment despite these facts. Horrible judge of character either way.

Flynn admits firm's pre-election lobbying for Turkey client


Turkey never 'hacked the election', though - Podesta's, Hillary's Campaign Manager, bosses DID.

Podesta received $170k for working for the 'KGB Bank', who has extremely close ties to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Spy Agency. Podesta also failed to register as a 'Foreign Agent'.

Interesting how the snowflakes did not create a thread exposing how the Campaign manager for the Democratic Party's Presidential Candidate was illegally working as a 'Foreign Agent' for the 'KGB Bank' while managing Hillary's campaign.

If you recall, as well, Podesta's e-mails were hacked...the Democrats claimed 'the Russians hacked the election over this and more...and it was reported that the ones who did the hacking was the Russian Spy agency...who Podesta loosely worked for (since he was working for the KGB Bank and they are connected to the Russian Spy Agency).

Now THAT is a pretty big deal, but the news media stayed quiet about it. So did the Democrats and the Snowflakes.

Did the Russians USE Podesta, or did Podesta have a hand in helping ther Russians hack the DNC? The FBI should thoroughly investigate Hillary's ex-campaign manager and his connections to Putin and the Russian Spy agency.

How much did Hillary know? When she was e-mailing Podesta on her un-authorized, un-secure server using her un-secured e-mail, did she know Podesta was working for the KGB Bank (and Russian Spy Agency)? Did he tell her? (I wonder if THAT discussion / revelation was in any of the 'personal' e-mails she deleted AFTER her e-mails were subpoenaed...)
If it was President Clinton and NSA Podesta i would definitely take issue if he was a foreign agent for Russia. But that isn't reality, this is reality, so lets stick to reality.
For Turkey NOT RUSSIA.

Kind of a narrative busting revelation lol
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Not a great walker? Are you seeing the results of his election? Jobs, stocks & most importantly to me, the largest growth in the construction industry in 10 years.

I'd say his walk is just fine!
That growth is excellent. Stock market up, illegal border cross apprehensions down all good stuff. But also all built upon speculation and rhetoric, not policy. These are short term bumps based on promises, we will see if they sustain or if they get backed up by solid policy.

On the flip side, his NSA lied and was fired in the first weeks of the administration, his AG had to recuse himself after not being forthright about discussions with Russians, 4 other surrogates including Trumps son-in-law come reveal meetings with the Russians after weeks of statements from Trump that nobody has spoken to the Russians. His Travel EO was a disaster and got shut down, his healthcare bill role out is a disorganized mess, he has lie after lie coming out from his tweets and press secretary, his top advisor is plugging his daughters clothing line on national TV, etc etc etc... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and the Circus continues
It's hard to see what really matters when you focus on so much superfluous bullshit.
Thats kind of the point... Why is there so much superluous bullshit flowing out of our White House? Laced in there is real stuff. Like people with visas being detained at airports, families getting broken up by deportations, the future of our health care, tax reform, jobs, trade, foreign relations etc etc etc. I'd much rather be focusing on those things, but the circus is in town and they've set up their tent in our White House.
90% of your concerns should be with congress not the president. He doesn't write, pass & then enact the legislation you seem to be concerned about.
Like I said, you can't see the forest for the trees.
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Not a great walker? Are you seeing the results of his election? Jobs, stocks & most importantly to me, the largest growth in the construction industry in 10 years.

I'd say his walk is just fine!
That growth is excellent. Stock market up, illegal border cross apprehensions down all good stuff. But also all built upon speculation and rhetoric, not policy. These are short term bumps based on promises, we will see if they sustain or if they get backed up by solid policy.

On the flip side, his NSA lied and was fired in the first weeks of the administration, his AG had to recuse himself after not being forthright about discussions with Russians, 4 other surrogates including Trumps son-in-law come reveal meetings with the Russians after weeks of statements from Trump that nobody has spoken to the Russians. His Travel EO was a disaster and got shut down, his healthcare bill role out is a disorganized mess, he has lie after lie coming out from his tweets and press secretary, his top advisor is plugging his daughters clothing line on national TV, etc etc etc... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and the Circus continues
It's hard to see what really matters when you focus on so much superfluous bullshit.
Thats kind of the point... Why is there so much superluous bullshit flowing out of our White House? Laced in there is real stuff. Like people with visas being detained at airports, families getting broken up by deportations, the future of our health care, tax reform, jobs, trade, foreign relations etc etc etc. I'd much rather be focusing on those things, but the circus is in town and they've set up their tent in our White House.
90% of your concerns should be with congress not the president. He doesn't write, pass & then enact the legislation you seem to be concerned about.
Like I said, you can't see the forest for the trees.
If congress ran for policy, I'd be less concerned
Not really... Turkey and the US haven't exactly had smooth relations over the years. This is why they paid Flynn half a million dollars because they wanted his services to help smooth relations and help advance their interests. I'm not claiming there is anything illegal about Flynn taking a lobby/consulting job, but it was another shady and secretive move to not be upfront about it and it shows more incompetence and controversy in the Trump admin. He is a good talker but apparently not a very good walker.
Not a great walker? Are you seeing the results of his election? Jobs, stocks & most importantly to me, the largest growth in the construction industry in 10 years.

I'd say his walk is just fine!
That growth is excellent. Stock market up, illegal border cross apprehensions down all good stuff. But also all built upon speculation and rhetoric, not policy. These are short term bumps based on promises, we will see if they sustain or if they get backed up by solid policy.

On the flip side, his NSA lied and was fired in the first weeks of the administration, his AG had to recuse himself after not being forthright about discussions with Russians, 4 other surrogates including Trumps son-in-law come reveal meetings with the Russians after weeks of statements from Trump that nobody has spoken to the Russians. His Travel EO was a disaster and got shut down, his healthcare bill role out is a disorganized mess, he has lie after lie coming out from his tweets and press secretary, his top advisor is plugging his daughters clothing line on national TV, etc etc etc... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and the Circus continues
It's hard to see what really matters when you focus on so much superfluous bullshit.
Thats kind of the point... Why is there so much superluous bullshit flowing out of our White House? Laced in there is real stuff. Like people with visas being detained at airports, families getting broken up by deportations, the future of our health care, tax reform, jobs, trade, foreign relations etc etc etc. I'd much rather be focusing on those things, but the circus is in town and they've set up their tent in our White House.
90% of your concerns should be with congress not the president. He doesn't write, pass & then enact the legislation you seem to be concerned about.
Like I said, you can't see the forest for the trees.
I am continually disappointed by the childlike emotional outbursts that our commander and chief has on an almost daily basis. I thought that he really had good potential to change things in Washington if he could act like a respectable human being but now I see him resorting to his old ways and it is extremely damaging. It is further dividing our nation and fueling the ugly partisanship that has help our congress in gridlock. Something needs to change and he is our leader. Right now it is just plain embarrassing.
If it was President Clinton and NSA Podesta i would definitely take issue if he was a foreign agent for Russia. But that isn't reality, this is reality, so lets stick to reality.
So, again, you want to simply dismiss the fact that the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee's Campaign Advisor/Manager was working illegally as a Foreign Agent for the 'KGB Bank' during the election...and that the Russian Spy Agency closely tied to that bank is the ones who supposedly 'hacked the election' - hacked the DNC's and Podesta's e-mails?!

The bosses Podesta was working for while running Hillary's campaign 'hacked the election' and snowflakes want to blame TRUMP for colluding with Russians...




  • upload_2017-3-10_13-5-1.jpeg
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If it was President Clinton and NSA Podesta i would definitely take issue if he was a foreign agent for Russia. But that isn't reality, this is reality, so lets stick to reality.
So, again, you want to simply dismiss the fact that the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee's Campaign Advisor/Manager was working illegally as a Foreign Agent for the 'KGB Bank' during the election...and that the Russian Spy Agency closely tied to that bank are the ones who supposedly 'hacked the election' - hacked the DNC's and Podesta's e-mails?!

The bosses Podesta was working for while running Hillary's campaign 'hacked the election' and snowflakes want to blame TRUMP for colluding with Russians...

View attachment 116262


Idiot, as you were already corrected elsewhere, you got the wrong Podesta.

Stop posting obvious bullshit.

If it was President Clinton and NSA Podesta i would definitely take issue if he was a foreign agent for Russia. But that isn't reality, this is reality, so lets stick to reality.
So, again, you want to simply dismiss the fact that the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee's Campaign Advisor/Manager was working illegally as a Foreign Agent for the 'KGB Bank' during the election...and that the Russian Spy Agency closely tied to that bank is the ones who supposedly 'hacked the election' - hacked the DNC's and Podesta's e-mails?!

The bosses Podesta was working for while running Hillary's campaign 'hacked the election' and snowflakes want to blame TRUMP for colluding with Russians...

View attachment 116262

The Russians obviously hurt Clintons campaign so what exactly are you trying to claim through this diversion from the topic? Are you saying that Podesta was secretly working with the Russians to undermine Clinton through leaking his private emails to Wikileaks... Is that really what you are trying to sell?
If it was President Clinton and NSA Podesta i would definitely take issue if he was a foreign agent for Russia. But that isn't reality, this is reality, so lets stick to reality.
So, again, you want to simply dismiss the fact that the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee's Campaign Advisor/Manager was working illegally as a Foreign Agent for the 'KGB Bank' during the election...and that the Russian Spy Agency closely tied to that bank are the ones who supposedly 'hacked the election' - hacked the DNC's and Podesta's e-mails?!

The bosses Podesta was working for while running Hillary's campaign 'hacked the election' and snowflakes want to blame TRUMP for colluding with Russians...

View attachment 116262


Idiot, as you were already corrected elsewhere, you got the wrong Podesta.

Stop posting obvious bullshit.
Oh, you're right - it was Tony Podesta, the Brother of the Hillary's Campaign Manager. I'm sure they never talked about his illegal lobbying for the KGB bank, that he never shared his brother's e-mails...or had anything to do with how HIS bosses 'hacked the election'.

Keepin' the corruption 'all in the family'... :p
If it was President Clinton and NSA Podesta i would definitely take issue if he was a foreign agent for Russia. But that isn't reality, this is reality, so lets stick to reality.
So, again, you want to simply dismiss the fact that the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee's Campaign Advisor/Manager was working illegally as a Foreign Agent for the 'KGB Bank' during the election...and that the Russian Spy Agency closely tied to that bank is the ones who supposedly 'hacked the election' - hacked the DNC's and Podesta's e-mails?!

The bosses Podesta was working for while running Hillary's campaign 'hacked the election' and snowflakes want to blame TRUMP for colluding with Russians...

View attachment 116262

The Russians obviously hurt Clintons campaign so what exactly are you trying to claim through this diversion from the topic? Are you saying that Podesta was secretly working with the Russians to undermine Clinton through leaking his private emails to Wikileaks... Is that really what you are trying to sell?
He's trying to deflect is what he's doing. LOL
If it was President Clinton and NSA Podesta i would definitely take issue if he was a foreign agent for Russia. But that isn't reality, this is reality, so lets stick to reality.
So, again, you want to simply dismiss the fact that the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee's Campaign Advisor/Manager was working illegally as a Foreign Agent for the 'KGB Bank' during the election...and that the Russian Spy Agency closely tied to that bank are the ones who supposedly 'hacked the election' - hacked the DNC's and Podesta's e-mails?!

The bosses Podesta was working for while running Hillary's campaign 'hacked the election' and snowflakes want to blame TRUMP for colluding with Russians...

View attachment 116262


Idiot, as you were already corrected elsewhere, you got the wrong Podesta.

Stop posting obvious bullshit.
Oh, you're right - it was Tony Podesta, the Brother of the Hillary's Campaign Manager. I'm sure they never talked about his illegal lobbying for the KGB bank, that he never shared his brother's e-mails...or had anything to do with how HIS bosses 'hacked the election'.

Keepin' the corruption 'all in the family'... :p
Ok, now that we got to the bottom of this and agree that the Podesta situation is no bueno and he should be shamed from the basement in which he now resides, can we get back to the people who are actually in charge of our government? Flynn was no bueno as well, agree? Trump showed poor judgement by appointing him NSA, agree?

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