MIchael Flynn: Foreign Agent Man

BTW if Trump tried something like that today, citing that order, the supreme court would overrule it in a heart beat.

As I said, for Trump to do it, he would have to first get congress to make a declaration of war.

Listen carefully next time. You're forcing me to repeat myself.

Child, a use of force authorization from congress is the same thing. You can only declare war against a nation state. But we haven't used the words "declaration of war" since WWII, but we've fought several since.
Child, a use of force authorization from congress is the same thing. You can only declare war against a nation state. But we haven't used the words "declaration of war" since WWII, but we've fought several since.

That's what the Constitution requires when it comes to certain presidential powers.
Child, a use of force authorization from congress is the same thing. You can only declare war against a nation state. But we haven't used the words "declaration of war" since WWII, but we've fought several since.

That's what the Constitution requires when it comes to certain presidential powers.

You might want to read it a couple of times before you decide what is required.
Trump didn’t know his national security adviser was helping Turkey during the campaign, the White House says.

WASHINGTON ― Former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn was paid more than $500,000 last fall as a foreign lobbyist to help the Turkish government discredit the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen, according to lobbying disclosure forms that Flynn filed Tuesday with the Department of Justice.

The new documents reveal that Flynn was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to run an information campaign against Gülen while he was campaigning forDonald Trump by attacking his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as a corrupt stooge of foreign governments. Following Trump’s surprise victory in November, the president-elect rewarded Flynn’s loyalty by naming the retired lieutenant general as his national security adviser.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump was unaware of Flynn’s work on behalf of a foreign government when he decided to name Flynn his national security adviser. Spicer declined to say whether the president would have still hired Flynn if he had known.

More: Michael Flynn Concealed Foreign Lobbying Work From The Justice Department

Seriously, are we expected to believe that Trump didn't know this?

I think all of them have been working for foreign governments. Flynn Turkey--Trump Russia

Trump & the Russian ambassador writing foreign policy language in the RNC platform during the RNC convention in Cleveland.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

And all the "we're going to drain the swam rhetoric." "Lock her up"--20 million times.

Heck if any Democrat or anyone other than a Republican were doing even 1/2 the shit that this administration has managed to do within 2 months of being in office, Republicans would be looking for a tree to hang a few people.


And every day it's one lie after another.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia
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It sounds like the walls are slowly closing in on Trump's Russiagate. I consume news from several news sources - and in my opinion Rachel Maddow has done one of the best jobs of connecting the dots. She's long-winded, but she's connecting the hell out of the dots. I have been concerned that since Trump and his gestapo control the entire U.S. government that they would never be held accountable. I'm now feeling a little more optimistic that they will be held accountable - either by some honorable Republicans or out of fear that Trump will take them all down. We shall see...

I love how Hillary's minions keep peddling the vast Russian conspiracy narrative as if it's still the 1950's and the scary commies are trying to take over the world and want to take away your freedumbs

And honourable republicans......accountable.....seriously?

It sounds like the walls are slowly closing in on Trump's Russiagate. I consume news from several news sources - and in my opinion Rachel Maddow has done one of the best jobs of connecting the dots. She's long-winded, but she's connecting the hell out of the dots. I have been concerned that since Trump and his gestapo control the entire U.S. government that they would never be held accountable. I'm now feeling a little more optimistic that they will be held accountable - either by some honorable Republicans or out of fear that Trump will take them all down. We shall see...

I love how Hillary's minions keep peddling the vast Russian conspiracy narrative as if it's still the 1950's and the scary commies are trying to take over the world and want to take away your freedumbs

And honourable republicans......accountable.....seriously?

Very naive
You could inform yourself a great deal more about the threat that Russia still poses to liberal (in the traditional, not political sense) democracies everywhere - including ours.

If you cherish our Constitution, then you should not dismiss Russian influence within the current administration as no big deal. This is truly NOT a partisan issue, and it's sad that the blind allegiance to Trump is getting in the way of seeing that for so many people. There is a reason many of our most experienced Republican politicians and military and intelligence folks are seriously concerned about this.

Russia will not destroy us with their nuclear arsenal, because mutually assured destruction.

But Russia *could* destroy us from the inside out. And Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green or apathetic about politics - we should ALL be united against that.

Russia is NOT our friend. The Russian people are not your enemy, but their government is very dangerous indeed.
It sounds like the walls are slowly closing in on Trump's Russiagate. I consume news from several news sources - and in my opinion Rachel Maddow has done one of the best jobs of connecting the dots. She's long-winded, but she's connecting the hell out of the dots. I have been concerned that since Trump and his gestapo control the entire U.S. government that they would never be held accountable. I'm now feeling a little more optimistic that they will be held accountable - either by some honorable Republicans or out of fear that Trump will take them all down. We shall see...

I love how Hillary's minions keep peddling the vast Russian conspiracy narrative as if it's still the 1950's and the scary commies are trying to take over the world and want to take away your freedumbs

And honourable republicans......accountable.....seriously?

It's funny to see Dems so riled about Russia and equally amusing to see Republican trying to dismiss it. Both are being hypocrites working in their party's self interest... not in reality
Amazing the level of intense scrutiny Trump's staff gets. Media never reported on Obama's staff or their families. Funny how that works

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