Michael Knappen visited the White House 3 times in the last few months

Wow, what a shocker. The leader of a Dem LGBTQ group, who was trying to meet up with a 14 year old to molest them, has been to the White House several times.

Biden sure does love those pedos and human traffickers. Is anyone surprised?

We need lots of pictures of Biden with this person.
He went to the white house 3 times and was probably congratulated, praised and consulted. I'm sure he probably felt bullet proof and reassured by the white house anything he does sexually is perfectly fine.

This is why fags are getting out of hand. The only thing that makes them even noteworthy is their sexual desires, that's is. It isn't even intelligence, it's all based around their sexual desires, one of most basic human compulsions we have based around our primitive inclinations and they are worshipped for it.

When you praise them, give them an entire month, tv specials, their own hulu channel, applaud them, invite them to the white house, kiss their ass, tell them how amazing and wonderful they are, tell them they are special and so on just the one and only thing of their sexual desires then that's what they will become. They will become just sex, that's what their entire persona will be is just sex.

The more they indulge in sex the further they have to push things to get a thrill out of it. They are in the end making more pedophiles because that is one of the most ultimate sexual taboos.
The White House does not have to be antiseptic. Many different people have lived there. Most likely many things have happened we will never know. The last 4 years though makes it seem it is a Den of Inequity. It's like a depraved night club. There is a place for this, and it is not there.

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