Michael Moore calls for nationwide Walgreens boycott, Newsom:CA will no longer do business with them(they stopped selling abortion pill in GOP states)

Just more passive aggressive bullshit from the retarded lefties.

They sit down on freeways too.
If all Democrats in America decided to instead shop at CVS, Walmart, Target, and Costco, Walgreens might just change their mind. And I don't want to hear any Republicans attacking me for "cancel culture." Walgreens literally just cancelled women's rights.

Moore…..another rich old white guy the leftist love.
Michael Moore is my moral compass ... he invariably points in the opposite direction of moral...

None of you wingnuts give two shits about abortion.
Fuck you, I would boycott Walgreens for selling weapons only used for murder.

I may still boycott them for still selling this shit in other states. They were intending to dispense this non-medication in California anyway.

Newsome is a monster and California is not an ally but an enemy.
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If all Democrats in America decided to instead shop at CVS, Walmart, Target, and Costco, Walgreens might just change their mind. And I don't want to hear any Republicans attacking me for "cancel culture." Walgreens literally just cancelled women's rights.

Does anyone actually need to point out the obvious, that no one has the right to demand that a store carry a particular product? I mean, if any simpleton actually thinks that, they deserve to remain ignorant, right?
None of you wingnuts give two shits about abortion.
My, my, oh what ever shall we do? An anonymous internet keyboard jockey is once again opining on the results of his latest mind reading excursion in which he has discovered that no one cares about the topic at hand. Last time it was girls playing sports and how no one cared about girls before they had to compete against boys. Now it's abortion no one cares about. Where, oh where will the long parade of things no one cares about ever end?

Tell us, which comic book cover did you order the foil helmets from?
So you're for the breakup of America.

I'm sure I won't be seeing you screaming about the Constitution in the future.
The differences are too distant from each other. I was always for people to not eing screwed with. I knew there would be questions at times on employment qualifications and promotions. However, lowering standards and people hired y everything in culture, gender, ethnic and more with abilities last and white people purposely denied and millions and millions impoverished now with males not eligible for many programs, it seems it makes sense. I figured the arguments would reduce.
If all Democrats in America decided to instead shop at CVS, Walmart, Target, and Costco, Walgreens might just change their mind. And I don't want to hear any Republicans attacking me for "cancel culture." Walgreens literally just cancelled women's rights.

San Francisco was just crying that it may of made a super progressive mistake by banning the city could do business with ......but I'm sure this will work out .....highly educated experts have a new 5 year plan
So you're for the breakup of America.

I'm sure I won't be seeing you screaming about the Constitution in the future.

Unless the left decides to embrace federalism again, we are heading that way.

That, and we need to figure out how to fix Morris vs. the Board of Estimates so non urban areas of States with large cities in them don't get bullied by their more left urban brethren.
Californians can still get these pills, why do they care so much about Alabama?
Just from observing their behavior, it would seem that the left bases its happiness on how much it can force other people to do what they don't want to do and prevent them from doing what they want to do. It's almost like a religious thing to them.
Just from observing their behavior, it would seem that the left bases its happiness on how much it can force other people to do what they don't want to do and prevent them from doing what they want to do. It's almost like a religious thing to them.

Almost like that religion is fascism.
If all Democrats in America decided to instead shop at CVS, Walmart, Target, and Costco, Walgreens might just change their mind. And I don't want to hear any Republicans attacking me for "cancel culture." Walgreens literally just cancelled women's rights.

When I first read this story I about bust a gut laughing. Walgreens has been closing stores in California because they can't do business there due to excessive crime and theft, including smash and grabs. I'm sure Walgreens is having a big laugh over it. It also kind of reminds me of when the left decided to boycott Chic Fil A because the owner donated to anti-gay causes. The lines then wrapped around their stores and several locations ran out of chicken. It's almost impossible to go to a Chic Fil A anymore where there aren't lines wrapped around the building.
Just from observing their behavior, it would seem that the left bases its happiness on how much it can force other people to do what they don't want to do and prevent them from doing what they want to do. It's almost like a religious thing to them.

And over things that don't directly impact them.

The only one the right has is abortion, and that argument involves another individual life.

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