Michael Moore Calls for Trump to be Impeached


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
Yes, the man who predicted Trump's victory, and whom many Trump supporters have wrongly insisted that he is a Trump supporter himself, is now calling for Trump's impeachment:

I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
Its a duopoly thing. I remember in 2012 Reid saying if Romney won, he wouldn't get shit done..
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
Just hate it when those conservatives fight, loot and set fire to business while watching others vandalize cars! Don't you ? :rolleyes:
I don't like his message, either. Fight, resist and obstruct is a conservative thing. No sense in the libs getting caught up in it.
Just hate it when those conservatives fight, loot and set fire to business while watching others vandalize cars! Don't you ? :rolleyes:

They were bragging on this site about all the guns they had and their ammo, dumbass. So you're right. They don't need to fight, loot or use matches.
Only a fool listens to the Fat Bastard, Moore
Yes, presciousss, fat bastard Trump much better because FB Trump weighs more.

Don't call me precious you befuddled ape. You start a thread on some fat leftist moron and then are shocked someone calls him a fat leftist moron and use BBBuuuttt TRUMP!!!

You're worthless
You're so PC, libtard.

See? You have no idea what you're even blabbering about or to who? I'm so far right and conservative I'm about to fall off the planet.

Take your nonsense and try to snow someone else you daffy loon. Good grief this forum needs some intelligent people....you ain't it, Sparky
Impeached? LOL So know we're impeaching presidents simply because liberals are butt hurt and angry? Hmmm... That sets quite a precedent.

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