Michael Moore Grabs Mic from David Hogg When He Pushes for Foreign Meddling in Elections

The Left think children have all the wisdom.

Hogg was the critical of the idea of not allowing convicts to vote in elections.

As Hogg ranted about what he saw as an injustice, someone yelled, “Shame!”

“Turn that shame into your vote,” he responded, adding, “if you’re not Canadian.”

“Um,” he continued, turning to Moore, “I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the United States.”

Moore shook his head in disagreement.

“They can’t?” Hogg asked.

“Well, uh, vote here,” he said, causing the audience to laugh at his best attempt at covering his ignorance.

“Learn from us,” he lectured the audience. “Don’t let this happen here because we need to come to you guys if we stay on this track.”

Moore then took the mic away from him.

Michael Moore takes mic away after David Hogg urges foreign meddling in American elections - The American Mirror

Kid, you weren’t supposed to make that public yet.
Holy shit. If you are too stupid for Moore to support!
I find it interesting that the right can pick and make fun of an 18 year Olds foolish remarks, but are silent when the POTUS says the nonsense and lies he tells daily.

Interesting indeed.
I find it interesting that the right can pick and make fun of an 18 year Olds foolish remarks, but are silent when the POTUS says the nonsense and lies he tells daily.

Interesting indeed.
I’m making fun of you morons who use him to push Democrat propaganda.
The Left think children have all the wisdom.

Hogg was the critical of the idea of not allowing convicts to vote in elections.

As Hogg ranted about what he saw as an injustice, someone yelled, “Shame!”

“Turn that shame into your vote,” he responded, adding, “if you’re not Canadian.”

“Um,” he continued, turning to Moore, “I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the United States.”

Moore shook his head in disagreement.

“They can’t?” Hogg asked.

“Well, uh, vote here,” he said, causing the audience to laugh at his best attempt at covering his ignorance.

“Learn from us,” he lectured the audience. “Don’t let this happen here because we need to come to you guys if we stay on this track.”

Moore then took the mic away from him.

Michael Moore takes mic away after David Hogg urges foreign meddling in American elections - The American Mirror

Kid, you weren’t supposed to make that public yet.
Pick on someone your own size. He's a kid. I don't understand what he was doing in Canada on the stump, though.

He is not a kid. He is, however, a huge dumbass!
The Left think children have all the wisdom.

Hogg was the critical of the idea of not allowing convicts to vote in elections.

As Hogg ranted about what he saw as an injustice, someone yelled, “Shame!”

“Turn that shame into your vote,” he responded, adding, “if you’re not Canadian.”

“Um,” he continued, turning to Moore, “I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the United States.”

Moore shook his head in disagreement.

“They can’t?” Hogg asked.

“Well, uh, vote here,” he said, causing the audience to laugh at his best attempt at covering his ignorance.

“Learn from us,” he lectured the audience. “Don’t let this happen here because we need to come to you guys if we stay on this track.”

Moore then took the mic away from him.

Michael Moore takes mic away after David Hogg urges foreign meddling in American elections - The American Mirror

Kid, you weren’t supposed to make that public yet.

Sad thing is, if all govt officials were held to uphold Constitutional laws and principles,
then no amount of money could lobby for them to pass or enforce laws that violate equal protection of interests for all people.
No private interests could get away with paying for favors and biases
if we all followed the Code of Ethics for Govt Service and held Govt to uniform standards.

Instead we keep fighting over who's paying the Piper.
Well if the Piper is held to representing and protecting equal interests of all people,
then money shouldn't make a difference. The laws would reflect the
consent of the governed, not monied interests on any one side over another!

When are we going to teach Constitutional laws and ethics in schools?
That's what is going to liberate people from scrambling for scraps under the master's table.

Stick to what is Constitutionally sound and agreed upon by all the public,
govt will become limited, and these private interest dealings will be held in check, if not deterred altogether!

That’s why the left oppose homeschooling. Kids actually learn history and The Constitution.

Especially homeschoolers learning from from their Moms who never graduated from high school themselves because they got pregnant their sophomore year and had to drop out!
The Left think children have all the wisdom.

Hogg was the critical of the idea of not allowing convicts to vote in elections.

As Hogg ranted about what he saw as an injustice, someone yelled, “Shame!”

“Turn that shame into your vote,” he responded, adding, “if you’re not Canadian.”

“Um,” he continued, turning to Moore, “I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the United States.”

Moore shook his head in disagreement.

“They can’t?” Hogg asked.

“Well, uh, vote here,” he said, causing the audience to laugh at his best attempt at covering his ignorance.

“Learn from us,” he lectured the audience. “Don’t let this happen here because we need to come to you guys if we stay on this track.”

Moore then took the mic away from him.

Michael Moore takes mic away after David Hogg urges foreign meddling in American elections - The American Mirror

Kid, you weren’t supposed to make that public yet.

Sad thing is, if all govt officials were held to uphold Constitutional laws and principles,
then no amount of money could lobby for them to pass or enforce laws that violate equal protection of interests for all people.
No private interests could get away with paying for favors and biases
if we all followed the Code of Ethics for Govt Service and held Govt to uniform standards.

Instead we keep fighting over who's paying the Piper.
Well if the Piper is held to representing and protecting equal interests of all people,
then money shouldn't make a difference. The laws would reflect the
consent of the governed, not monied interests on any one side over another!

When are we going to teach Constitutional laws and ethics in schools?
That's what is going to liberate people from scrambling for scraps under the master's table.

Stick to what is Constitutionally sound and agreed upon by all the public,
govt will become limited, and these private interest dealings will be held in check, if not deterred altogether!

That’s why the left oppose homeschooling. Kids actually learn history and The Constitution.

Especially homeschoolers learning from from their Moms who never graduated from high school themselves because they got pregnant their sophomore year and had to drop out!

But she knows the Bible from cover to cover. That's ultimately the most important thing. Graduating high school isn't necessary.
The Left think children have all the wisdom.

Hogg was the critical of the idea of not allowing convicts to vote in elections.

As Hogg ranted about what he saw as an injustice, someone yelled, “Shame!”

“Turn that shame into your vote,” he responded, adding, “if you’re not Canadian.”

“Um,” he continued, turning to Moore, “I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the United States.”

Moore shook his head in disagreement.

“They can’t?” Hogg asked.

“Well, uh, vote here,” he said, causing the audience to laugh at his best attempt at covering his ignorance.

“Learn from us,” he lectured the audience. “Don’t let this happen here because we need to come to you guys if we stay on this track.”

Moore then took the mic away from him.

Michael Moore takes mic away after David Hogg urges foreign meddling in American elections - The American Mirror

Kid, you weren’t supposed to make that public yet.

Sad thing is, if all govt officials were held to uphold Constitutional laws and principles,
then no amount of money could lobby for them to pass or enforce laws that violate equal protection of interests for all people.
No private interests could get away with paying for favors and biases
if we all followed the Code of Ethics for Govt Service and held Govt to uniform standards.

Instead we keep fighting over who's paying the Piper.
Well if the Piper is held to representing and protecting equal interests of all people,
then money shouldn't make a difference. The laws would reflect the
consent of the governed, not monied interests on any one side over another!

When are we going to teach Constitutional laws and ethics in schools?
That's what is going to liberate people from scrambling for scraps under the master's table.

Stick to what is Constitutionally sound and agreed upon by all the public,
govt will become limited, and these private interest dealings will be held in check, if not deterred altogether!

That’s why the left oppose homeschooling. Kids actually learn history and The Constitution.

Especially homeschoolers learning from from their Moms who never graduated from high school themselves because they got pregnant their sophomore year and had to drop out!

But she knows the Bible from cover to cover. That's ultimately the most important thing. Graduating high school isn't necessary.

Yeah, and who needs Algebra anyway!
I find it interesting that the right can pick and make fun of an 18 year Olds foolish remarks, but are silent when the POTUS says the nonsense and lies he tells daily.

Interesting indeed.

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