Michael Moore: in November, patriotic Americans will descend upon the polls & remove every last stinkin' traitor to our democracy


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"I want to thank the Supreme Court for reminding women they're second-class citizens" in time for the midterms, Michael Moore quipped sarcastically.

Like most ideologues, Moore is not looking at the bigger picture. He's assuming that abortion is the top motivating factor for enough voters to get what he wants.

No doubt more people are now motivated to vote Dem because of this, but we'll see how many of those are new and specific to that issue.
Michael Moore is new school of Democrat Party uber alles. The rest of us don't think so. We think there should only be truth at the voting booth, not the way the Deep State Democrats insist is their exclusive right to cancel their political enemies using the FBI and Clinton-picked jurists. Republicans think the Constitution with its tenet of all people are equals, with each person having one vote, same as other people have one vote. The Democrats think hauling in boxes of votes written by one or two people per box of thousands of votes gives them better than one-man-one-vote. Republicans draw the line in the sand of one person, one vote. And that is all that needs be said. And if we have to line up the violators of all that is right and just for spankings, if that's what it takes, bend over for justice denied in E2020, and give us back president Trump. NOW.

And I get to administer Michael Moore's spanking with my pincushion paddle. :muahaha:

Michael Moore has literally become a big fat joke in American culture. He needs to stay in the basement. He'll be okay as long as Pizza Hut keeps delivering.

"Michael Moore: in November, patriotic Americans will descend upon the polls & remove every last stinkin' traitor to our nation"

Fixed the thread title for ya, but didn't have time to edit the photograph to make the wave the right color.

40 days. It'll be fun.
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Dear Michael Moore:

Quit sucking up to women. No woman would ever have you, ya fat slob.

Signed: JGalt

PS: Help yourself to a bag of rotten dicks. Hope you choke on them. If a bag of rotten dicks is not available, the poster above me would gladly furnish you with some cherries.
Michael Moore? How is that walking cardiac arrest still alive?

Is Diabetes just being lazy?
"I want to thank the Supreme Court for reminding women they're second-class citizens" in time for the midterms, Michael Moore quipped sarcastically.

So take a look at the source here.

Micheal Moore has been making predictions about every presdidential election, midterm election, state election, and referendum since the 1980s.

He is consistently WRONG. In fact he is a moron. He was correct once when he got all scared thinking Trump would win in 2016. He is correct and accurate in his election analysis the way a broken clock is correct twice a day.

If you want to place bets on how an election will turn out identify who or what Micheal Moore endorses or what he predicts and bet the opposite way.
And who is concerned about Moore? Not Dems
Or anyone else.

Some people are concerned that he might shut up. Those people are the hundreds of entrepreneurs who have made a successful cottage industry out of correcting the endless lies and deceptions that this guy utters and puts in his crockumentary films.
Like most ideologues, Moore is not looking at the bigger picture. He's assuming that abortion is the top motivating factor for enough voters to get what he wants.

No doubt more people are now motivated to vote Dem because of this, but we'll see how many of those are new and specific to that issue.
But look!?!? ( whether they actually vote, will be seen)

According to data compiled by Democratic political data and data services firm TargetSmart, women have made up the vast majority of newly registered voters in battleground states in the months since Roe was overturned, with the numbers weighing heavily in favor of Democrats.

In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, women have accounted for more than 56 percent of newly registered voters since the June 24 decision, with nearly two-thirds registering as Democrats and more than half under the age of 25

In other battleground states like Michigan and Ohio, the number of women registering to vote outpaced the number of men by double-digit percentages while Kansas—where voters recently rejected efforts to overturn abortion protections in the state constitution —saw a similar surge.

"This decision came at a point in the election cycle where running for office was essentially off the table," executive director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University Debbie Walsh told Newsweek. "Filing deadlines have largely passed. But voting is still a powerful way for women to exercise their voice and this issue is energizing women, and they're registering as Democrats."

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