Michael Moore launches Trumpileaks website for leftist leakers

I've wished cancer on Moore ever since he held up the sign, "We Are All Muslims Now." Excuse the fuck out of me, but I am NOT aligned with the most 1st-cousin-inbreeding, praised-by-Hitler, mass-Jew-exterminating,mass beheading-fetish, mass child-fucking, daughter-stoning-to-death, child suicide bomber, woman-brutalizing, gay-defenestrating, acid-in-disobedient-wives-faces, perpetually rioting, pathologically lying, screeching victim-mentality crybabies who are always finding creative new ways to cause societal problems everywhere muslim filth infest.

And yet, in spite of this, I consider liberals even WORSE because they claim to be oh-so-enlightened, they should know better. Michael Moore and his fans are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms and that's an insult to worms.


Is that you jackin' off while looking at your computer screen date?
I've wished cancer on Moore ever since he held up the sign, "We Are All Muslims Now." Excuse the fuck out of me, but I am NOT aligned with the most 1st-cousin-inbreeding, praised-by-Hitler, mass-Jew-exterminating,mass beheading-fetish, mass child-fucking, daughter-stoning-to-death, child suicide bomber, woman-brutalizing, gay-defenestrating, acid-in-disobedient-wives-faces, perpetually rioting, pathologically lying, screeching victim-mentality crybabies who are always finding creative new ways to cause societal problems everywhere muslim filth infest.

And yet, in spite of this, I consider liberals even WORSE because they claim to be oh-so-enlightened, they should know better. Michael Moore and his fans are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms and that's an insult to worms.


Coming from one of the most arrogant reprobates on this board, you, that's really a compliment. I've noticed you couldn't address ONE SINGLE UNPLEASANT FACT about the muslim dick in your mouth.

No, YOU'RE the Neo-Nazi, you sick piece of shit. YOU'RE the one who supports the most Jew-slaughtering hate-religion in human history! Islam's PRIME DIRECTIVE is the extermination of Jews and world domination, just like the Nazis. But that's okay, I don't expect your Skittle-sized brain to comprehend with the simplest moral equations. Yes, you're very typical of a Michael Moore fan. You never read the Quran, which is a book of bloodthirst against Jews. Nazi bitch.

I've wished cancer on Moore ever since he held up the sign, "We Are All Muslims Now." Excuse the fuck out of me, but I am NOT aligned with the most 1st-cousin-inbreeding, praised-by-Hitler, mass-Jew-exterminating,mass beheading-fetish, mass child-fucking, daughter-stoning-to-death, child suicide bomber, woman-brutalizing, gay-defenestrating, acid-in-disobedient-wives-faces, perpetually rioting, pathologically lying, screeching victim-mentality crybabies who are always finding creative new ways to cause societal problems everywhere muslim filth infest.

And yet, in spite of this, I consider liberals even WORSE because they claim to be oh-so-enlightened, they should know better. Michael Moore and his fans are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms and that's an insult to worms.

But- we are all Muslims now.

ISIL kills innocent Muslims. They kill more Muslims than christians.

If you are on the side of innocent christans, why are you not on the side of innocent Muslims.

Why are RWNJs on the side of of the terrorists instead on the side of their victims?

Wow. There is truly something wrong with these rabid RWs.

What happened that set them against their own country?
The multi-millionaire socialist speaks and the majority doesn't give a shit. He's the typical rich Liberal everyone else should live on collective farms and stand in bread lines while his fat ass lives in luxury.

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